

Like a flower in a vase, An exquisite jewelry, others says that his face is his only value. He was married to the most handsome Rich man in the kingdom. In a world where magic exist,miracle's are normal happenings. A person from other world came,it was said that he was sent by the heavens for an upcoming hardships of our world. The person he married fell for the out world'er they called saint The husband showed his love for the saint for everyone to see not carrying about the person he married. His husband didn't know that the person he loves,that everyone's calling a saint, Banged his wife and go him pregnant three times.

Random_Person_2424 · Outros
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8 Chs


Cloudy here!: Please give advice 🙏 even if you're not an expert and not sure. it is good to have learning👍

Note: no pressure if don't want to☺️

~~~(@. @)~~~~~


At a rainy dark noon, He heard a light tap at the door, weak and eerie at a mansion with only one person living in it.

Milo was feeding his fifth child, and two months old baby, when another tap chimed.

Not higher than an adult waist who could knock so at such heights, he picked up a vase and held the baby in his other arm.

Quietly and fast as he opened the door and was ready to strike he saw his third child Maki, covered with dirt and leaves with a bleeding arm and slowly dropping forward.

Milo had never held a sword, not an intelligent person who could remember hundreds of books.

His intelligence is enough to not be called an idiot.

never once did he see what a wound was like much less an injury caused by a blade.

Milo did not know that an assassination was happening at the Head Manor, and his son Maki escaped and came to warn him.

All he thought was disobedient son Maki was missing him and coming to visit, but came upon an accident from walking in the harsh rain and wind.

That night he went to the Head manor after checking on his third son and giving milk to his baby.

Milo raced with his feet, and until he reached the manor he still ran and ran calling"Mako!.... Mako!.."

He ran almost the whole floor yet no one came, he stopped, his breathing getting faster and quicker...

He remembered Maki calling him before he left.

"Ma. Ma... "

"Mama... "


Cloudy here!: ayshee!..my brain can rock no more!!!

Is it just my feeling or is the Chappy more boring than the other chappys?

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