
Me and My Farm in Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan is a very dangerous world. Not just because of the Titans who roamed outside the walls but the humans instead. Anyone who have watched till the 3rd season of the anime will know this for sure. Much more for those who are updated to the latest manga. There's also too much corruption and lack of food and shelter inside the walls. Nobles can kill anyone they like silently if they feel like it. So who would ever wish to go to this kind of world? Who was insane enough to seek death? Who was tired enough to jump into this kind of hell? None right?!! But what if you'll be able to have a few wishes if you come to these world? OP powers, Knowledge, Skills, anything you can wish for! Are you willing to go there now? Are you willing to jump into this kind of hell like world now? This is the story of a man from a modern world whom got a chance to reincarnate in the world of Attack on Titan with a few wish but instead of asking for overpowered abilities and blood lines, he choose to be a farmer. Yes! A fucking farmer! Is he an idiot? Is he dumb? Is he a super weakass that can be killed easily? No! He's so OP!!!

Xen_120598 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 1 : Tortured Goblins.


" Still no updates? As in.... Seriously?! Even now?!! It's already been 2 weeks since the last one right? How come there's still no new chapters yet?! Is it perhaps.... dropped already? No, that's unlikely as the author has not mention anything about dropping this story yet... " murmured the young man sitting in front of his computer.

This young man was Xen, a 21 years old college student. He used to watch animes like crazy before. It can be said that he had already watched almost all of the good anime available and those whom he has not watched yet are of course those that have genres he didn't like, like Yaoi, Yuri, Tragedy, drama..... especially drama! Xen hates watching those kind of genres the most!

Due to continuously watching too much anime, he soon became fed up of it. It comes to the point where Xen didn't feel like watching anime anymore! He then tried reading mangas to get rid of his boredom and he surprisingly liked it somehow!

Reading mangas then became his new hobby for awhile until he finally got pissed off by super slow updates and translation issues which lead him to also stopped reading.

After dropping his hobby of reading manga, Xen once again felt bored and ended up playing new online games instead to entertain himself, at least.

One day, while Xen was browsing his facebook account, a game ads suddenly popped out and he saw that it's called.... " Rise of Kingdom ".

It's a good strategic game if not for the fact that this game is just like the other online games where a F2P ( free to play) player like him can't win against a P2W( Pay to win) players. But over all, it's a good game. Xen managed to get to know new people while he is playing this game. Most of them are has different nationalities.

You might have been wondering why there's too much bullshit here right?

Well, the point is that, one of his clan members in that game with a character name, 'Patch Zero' told Xen to try reading a certain novel in webnovel so he tried it.

Xen didn't like it at first because there's no fucking pictures or sounds coming from it but only letters!! But due to his boredom, he persevered.

Xen then created an account and signed in. After doing that, he look for the book that was specifically recommended to him by that friend of his. That's the start of his addiction in reading novels.

Xen didn't noticed that he already got hooked up in reading novels. Tales of Demons and Gods, Reincarnation of the strongest sword God, Rebirth of the thief who roamed the world, etc. Those novels are his favorite novels!

From time to time, Xen was also making reviews, commenting on chapters, bashing some authors whom writing a novel where the MC got cucked by someone else, etc.

Then one day, because there's still no new translations available in the novels he was reading, Xen tried scrolling among the fan fictions available in that website he is using. There he found many types like one piece fan fiction, naruto fan fiction, bleach etc but there's only few that managed to get his attention but it's unfortunate because most of them are in hiatus state or worst..... dropped. This made him frustrated.

One of the fanfic he like the most was the one that is about Attack on Titan. The reason why Xen likes it was because unlike in the canon, the MC here isn't stupid . Added by the fact that the mc is also OP which he likes the most so he tried reading it and got hooked up to it quickly. The only problem is that, there's too few chapters available. Damn it!! Is this a curse?!

Xen waited and waited and waited for a week a month, a year (Just kidding) then two weeks has passed by but there's still no updates!

This made him pissed off and frustrated. Xen wanted to blame and curse the author for not writing more chapters but he chose not to do so because he knows that the author of that fanfic isn't receiving anything in exchange for writing. He/she is doing it for free! Unlike the other authors, he/she didn't have a p.a.t.r.e.o.n or anything to receive donations from his readers.

Power Stones? What the heck was that?! Aside from bringing your book into the rankings, what else was it used for? Can you sell those motherfucking stones for money to feed yourself? Can those stones cure you if ever you become sick because of so many sleepless nights writing new chapters? Will those stones bring back the time you wasted/used on writing instead of being with your family or socializing outside? Hell no!!

That's the reason why Xen stopped himself from bashing that author. Well, at least he didn't put it in the reviews but instead just shouted his curses inside his room in front of his computer. 🤐

Unknown to that youth or should I say..... Xen, was that there's someone from an extremely faraway place that has been observing him for quite some time now.

This being was a very powerful one to the point where he knows everything and can do anything, he's the very example of an omnipotent being. But it's also because of this that he became bored to death.

The powerful being didn't know what to do anymore so he tried looking at his creations hoping to at least find something that will entertain himself. By doing this, the powerful being got interested in one of his creations and that person was Xen.

The powerful being got interested in Xen because he found some similarities between them. Because just like him, Xen is also most of the time feels boredom. So the powerful being observed him for awhile. When the powerful being saw that Xen was interested in reading this specific fan fiction, but was frustrated because there's no updates, a sudden idea came into the his mind and with a snap of his fingers, Xen who was still sitting in front of his computer till now, suddenly vanished before finally reappearing in this place in front of the powerful being.


" Oooouch "

" What the heck just happened!?? Arrggg my butt... owffff. How did I even came here? Aren't I still in my room just awhile ago?! Where the heck was this place? Why is it so black and crappy? " Xen asked himself while looking around him trying to figure out where he is.

It's a pity because he didn't turned back so Xen failed to see that there's a handsome no extremely handsome person behind him.

This person look so good to the point where all the male celebrities in Xen's previous world looks like a tortured goblins if they will be compared to him.

Even those who has undergone surgeries to change their appearance *ahem* some K-pop artists *ahem* to get more fans also didn't made any difference. They still look like a tortured goblins if they will be compared to this person.

This very handsome man is also the powerful being who brought Xen here. He looked at Xen with interest as he let him sat there while trying to figure out where he is. He waited for around 5 minutes but Xen still didn't turn around instead, he just look in front of him like an idiot.

" Cough "

The powerful being can't stand seeing Xen's stupid look on his face anymore so he coughed to get his attention.

" Oh shit! Who's there?! "

Xen got frightened by the sudden cough came behind him. His heart almost went out of his mouth due to extreme fright. He turned around to curse at the person who did that but when he saw the person's look, he was stunned.

' The heck! How can there be a person as handsome as this shity guy? So enviable. ' Xen thought to himself.

" W-who are you? " asked Xen as he looked at the man in front of him. That's the only question comes to his mind at this moment.

" Oh. I'm surprised you easily managed to recover from your jealousy. Fufufu ~, It seems like I really made the right decision bringing you here. Well, to answer your question, I also don't know who am I. I just appeared suddenly out of nowhere and the next thing I knew, I'm already so powerful where I can do almost everything. You can say that the only things that I cannot do are the things that I haven't thought of yet. " replied the powerful being in a nonchalant tone.

Although the power being said it nonchalantly like as if it wasn't important , Xen was almost blown out of his mind when he heard that. The heck! The only things that he cannot do are the things he has not thought of yet? What's the difference of that and being able to do anything? There's no difference at all!!

Xen continue staring at the handsome person in front of him with curiosity and envy in his eyes. Yes! Xen is indeed envious of this man's looks but not too much because he knows that even the celebrities in his previous world can't compare to this person and that helped him a lot mentally.

" So... are you the one who brought me here? But why? " asked Xen once again after staring at the man if front of him for awhile.

Xen realized that if what this person in front of him said was true, then he must also be the one that brought him here. So instead of asking where he is at this moment, Xen choose to asked why he brought him here instead.

" That's right, I am indeed the one who brought you here because I wanted to help you. " replied the powerful being.

" Help me? Why will you help me? "

" Well no specific reason actually. Perhaps it's because just like you, I'm also feeling bored and don't know what to do anymore? I'm not sure. I am so powerful so I can do anything and it makes me bored. Then while I am observing my creations, I saw you. I know just by looking at you that just like me, you are also feeling so bored with your life. The things that your world can offer can't bring you real excitement. So I decided to help you. Can that be considered as a reason? "

Xen found his words reasonable. If he is also as powerful as this person, he might also feel the same. But he's not sure. Perhaps it depends on time or if you have a family you love right?

" I see, but... how can you help me? You said that you're very powerful and can do almost everything right? Then... then can you also let me reincarnate in any world I want just like the author's of the fan fictions I've read before? " asked Xen casually. He just asked it out of nowhere without expecting anything. ' As if that was even possible. ' he thought.

Xen still didn't realize just how powerful this person is in front of him or at least he didn't fully believe his words yet.

" Yes, I can definitely do that! Why? Do you want to try it? You like it right? I will send you in one of the world like that now. In Attack on Titan world so be prepared because you might feel dizzy on your journey! " said the powerful being to Xen excitedly. He looks like he want nothing more than to send Xen in that world immediately.

" Wait wait wait! Wait a moment! What do you mean by that? Can you really do that? And why would I even want to go in a world like Attack on Titan where I can be eaten by titans anytime they want? There's no way I will go there. Just bring me back home now. Bring me back! " Xen replied in both anger and fear. His soul almost left his body because of fright when he heard that this person wanted to send him to the Attack on Titan world.

' Who would want to go to that place? Perhaps only those who have loose screws in theor heads! ' thought Xen.

The powerful being on the other hand finally realized that he got a little too excited and almost sent Xen in that world without even giving him any ability to protect himself.

It's already been a long time since he found something he wanted to do so he got a little excited. He tried to calm himself first before saying, " *Ahem* I'm sorry for getting a bit excited just now but don't worry because even though I will still send you to the attack on titan world, I'll give you something to protect yourself. I'm willing to give you 3 wishes. How was that? Are you excited? You are excited right? "

Xen who was still frightened just awhile ago did indeed suddenly became excited when he heard what the powerful being said. Who would have thought that one day, just like in the fan fictions he was reading, he will also be able to reincarnate in a fictional world!!

Who cares if it's in attack on Titan world? As long as he has cheat, he will definitely go there anytime.

" I-is that true? Then my first wish is to be reincarnated as Eren Jaeger a year after the fall of the Wall of Maria , after his father's death and after he got the ability to become a Titan. "

" Mn. Alright. But can I know why you had chosen that timeline? "

" Well, there's no specific reason actually. It's just that I feel that this timeline will suit me best. "

" Is that so, then just tell me what is your next two wish. "

" Well, as for my second wish, I want a Spatial Farm just like the one that I had read before in a novel but an upgraded one. I want a gaming farm just like that because I believe that will be so helpful in that world I'll be going. As for the upgrades, it will be like these....

Xen then told the details of his second wish to this omnipotent being in front of him. Seeing that there's no problem, Xen continued, " As for my third wish, I want an extreme talent at anything I wanted to do or learn. Is that possible? "

" Oh, extreme talent huh.. I don't see any problem with that so I'll grant it. I'm quite surprised you didn't asked for a more overpowered one like Saiyan bloodline or anything. "

" Is that so? Well, I believe that the Spatial Farm I had wished for is already OP enough. It can also make me strong so I don't need more OP abilities because if I become too strong for that world to handle, wouldn't I become bored once again? What's the point of going there then? " Xen replied to the powerful being.

The powerful being found Xen's words reasonable so he just nodded before speaking once again.

" Alright, since you already made your wishes, then I'll send you to that world now so be prepared. " the powerful being said as he was about to snap his finger to send Xen away.

" Alright. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Also, I am not sure if it will work but I think that if you want to find something you would enjoy, why don't you try suppressing your power and try to live like a normal person in a mortal and have a family? I am an orphan so I don't know how it felt to have a family but I think it will be fun. " That's what Xen's last words before he vanished.

The powerful person was surprised by Xen's last words before he left. It's not like he has not thought about that. It is just that he didn't feel like doing it. But hearing Xen said it again today, he became a bit interested. With a snap of his fingers, he also vanished from that place. As for where did he go or what is he doing right now? ..... No one knows. ..... but after this event, Demigods started appearing in many different worlds.


If you like this story then please don't forget to add this book in your library. Also, leave a review about this book and send power stones. You can also try my original novels if you have time.

Thank you.