
MCU: Druid’s Adventures

Oaks Woods, blessed by the power of nature, was reborn in the Marvel world. But this world is on the brink of danger... Facing the three paths of destiny— Technology, mutation, and magic. So, shall I become a scientist who appears to be a mutant but actually uses magic? … "Dread It. Run From It." Confronting the army led by the Avengers, Thanos raised his tyrant's blade: " Destiny Arrives All The Same. And Now It's Here. Or Should I Say, I Am!" "Submit before the Destiny!" –Flutter-flutter— “Stop, Roar!" "...Redirect the fire!" Thanos turned around and slashed through Captain America's shield with a single strike: "You said you can fight all day?" … This is a story of a druid posing as a scientist, and his survival in the Marvel world. (Background: Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU) ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
334 Chs

Chapter 247: Establishing a Signal Base Station

Gaia consciousness, even with Oaks's current exceptionally strong soul, can only be "perceived" but not "approached" with his own power.

Even with the infinite energy of the Mind Stone, such a vast pan-consciousness is not something that mere mortals can come into contact with.

However, now Oaks, as a powerful druid, the person on Earth closest to nature, the only one who has determined the existence of Gaia consciousness through perception rather than calculation...

The Mind Stone has helped him accomplish this task that was originally impossible.

Oaks doesn't know how to approach the pan-consciousness of a planetary-level ecosystem.

He can only use the most primitive method--

Replacing "heaven's heart" with his own heart, experiencing the ecological cycle with his consciousness, and thus comprehending the operation of Gaia consciousness.

In Azeroth, powerful druids can communicate with the planet's consciousness through the Emerald Dream.

That's because the Emerald Dream was created by the power of the Titans, the underlying blueprint of the planet.

If there is no interference from intelligent races, such as technological progress, urbanization, and war, Azeroth should have developed into such a world.

It represents the most primitive state of Azeroth, the reflection of its appearance before being transformed by intelligent beings.

They are twin worlds existing on different planes.

In other words, the Emerald Dream is the original ecological system of Azeroth.

Therefore, the first druid, Malfurion, could obtain the planetary-level assistance of Azeroth during the War of the Ancients with the blessing of the Emerald Dream.

That was also the most glorious moment for druids--

Forcing Archimonde to retreat, cleansing the entire demon legion in Kalimdor with a rain of purification comparable to the power of the Dragon Soul, and so on.

So there is a saying that goes, whether Malfurion is strong or not depends on the quality of his WiFi signal.

In Oaks's case, the power of Earth's ecological system is far inferior to Azeroth, which is the strongest Titan embryo.

However, its power is still beyond the reach of ordinary mortals.

And Oaks's WiFi signal before was very poor, without even a single bar.

But with the unreasonable signal amplification of the Mind Stone, his signal now approaches full strength.

Oaks basically simulated the existence of Gaia consciousness with the power of the Mind Stone.

Therefore, for the first time, Oaks truly approached "it."

It is majestic, grand, and tenacious.

In the "Primordial Era" 3.8 billion years ago, some simple prokaryotic organisms, such as cyanobacteria capable of photosynthesis, had already appeared on Earth.

That was the origin of life on Earth.

The real evolution of the biosphere began about 3.5 billion years ago.

2 billion years ago, autotrophic organisms, green algae, emerged, and oxygen appeared in large quantities, transforming the primordial biosphere into a secondary biosphere.

600 million years ago, multicellular animals appeared, and a three-tiered ecological system emerged, with producers, consumers, and decomposers forming the basic pattern of ecosystem evolution.

Carrying a history of 3.5 billion years, the ecosystem has formed the diverse world it is today, the foundation of Gaia consciousness.

Even several global catastrophes that could be called mass extinctions couldn't defeat it.

However, at the same time, it is also changeable, delicate, and fragile.

For about 3 million years after humans appeared on Earth, humans and the surrounding organisms and environment were in a reasonable balance.

In terms of the impact on the biosphere, humans' status in the biosphere did not significantly exceed that of other animals.

However, about 10,000 years ago, humans learned to cultivate plants, and improvements in agriculture and storage liberated human intelligence and productivity.

Seven thousand years ago, recorded human civilizations began to flourish, and human activities' impact and influence on the environment increased.

Especially in the past few hundred years, there has been insufficient arable land, decreased vegetation, soil erosion, increased meteorological disasters, species extinction, and environmental pollution...

Through their activities, humans have transformed natural ecosystems into artificial ecosystems, resulting in fundamental changes in the ecological system.

But this change, at least for now, appears to be short-sighted and full of danger.

Humanity, the chosen child nurtured by the ecosystem, is gradually becoming a terrifying parasite attached to the ecosystem.

Gaia consciousness does not turn a blind eye.

Greenhouse effect, El Niño, rising sea levels, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, abnormal ocean currents, land degradation...

Each of them is a warning from Gaia consciousness to humanity.

"I will change this situation..."

Although Oaks hasn't truly merged with Gaia consciousness, he has come extremely close and can glimpse some of its "consciousness."

The history and glory that "it" has experienced, as well as the pain and suffering it has endured, have greatly shaken Oaks's powerful soul and the spirit guarded by the Mind Stone.

But what delights him is that Gaia consciousness doesn't reject him. Unlike the human race as a whole, which is almost being categorized as "parasites," Gaia consciousness, although not showing any obvious reaction, can clearly discern the "friendliness" in Oaks's spirit!

If the process of conquering Gaia consciousness were represented by a reputation bar, humanity is currently at a "indifferent" status and unknowingly moving towards a "hostile" direction.

But Oaks himself is "friendly." Through the close contact assisted by the Mind Stone, Oaks can accurately perceive this!

What makes Oaks's spirit feel strange, however, is that this close contact with Gaia consciousness seems to have triggered something extraordinary.

Oaks can feel that within the scope of Earth's biosphere, his nature magic spells will receive an additional 10% boost.

If he puts in more effort and reaches a level of "respect," this boost will increase to 20%.

"...So, does admiration and worship correspond to 30% and 40%? Could reaching the pinnacle grant a boost of over 50% to the power of natural spells?"

Oaks had a vague feeling that this might be a "reputation system" that aligns with his understanding, formed by the combined effect of Gaia consciousness and the energy of the Mind Stone.

In this way, the intangible "liking" has been quantified into progress, making his goals clearer and more defined!

"I won't disappoint your expectations..."

As his spirit gradually wanes, even Oaks's mighty soul starts to feel waves of exhaustion.

Even with the infinite energy of the Mind Stone, it's as if ordinary mortals are trying to directly contact a planetary-level pan-consciousness is akin to facing the heavens in fantasy novels.

Oaks understands that this 'contact' ends here--

And perhaps he will only have such an opportunity again when his reputation undergoes a qualitative change and enters the next level.

After sending out an inquiry to Gaia consciousness and receiving a positive response, Oaks severed the spiritual connection.

"Now, can I consider myself a true 'Nature's envoy'?"

Oaks breathes a sigh of relief, opens his eyes, and puts away the Mind Stone.

"70% friendliness... it seems I really need to establish a signal base station."


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Early access to the following translations:-

⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - 133 advance chapters

⭐Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +165 advance chapters

⭐Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

