
Max: A New Beginning

Crazyandra · Fantasia
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9 Chs

Chapter Two

Max didn't realize he was finally going to be always out of his parent's tutelage until he got to the

school's gate. West Texas high school was boldly carved out of some sort of stone. He felt his

stomach turn the moment he entered the school's premises. Apart from the trouble of getting

used to the non-magician's lifestyle, he was the new boy and he had read how badly new kids

got bullied. If he ever got bullied, he'd have to fight back but he wouldn't be able to use his

magical powers. If he did, his cover would be blown and that could be much worse. Even at this,

he still wouldn't be like the whinny bullied kids he saw inside movies. He'd have to show them

some of his fighting skills.

Max followed the principal into the classroom. He took the back seat right after he was

introduced to the whole class. "Maxwell Fallaway everyone, be nice". The red head lady who

was his class teacher had a voice that was incredibly high-pitched for his liking. "You're

welcome, please find a seat". The type of voice no one would love to hear her scream. When she

asked him why he had transferred to West Texas High, he saw the disappointment in her face

when he told her he was home schooled, and then she said "Oh" in a pitch that almost left his

hear deaf. Max sat quietly through the whole class, he watched the rest of the class chatter. They

laughed at what didn't seem funny and they also answered the teacher's questions about this or

that. He had Just spent few hours in the class and he already knew a little too much about the

entire class. The girls that brushed their hair every five minutes or less they all had a crush on the

athletics built guy. Max wouldn't have considered him handsome even though the entire school

thinks so. Max was sure that if the athletic built guy was stripped of his expensive designers'

wears, the "Ugly nerd guy" would loose his title. He could sense the tension between the two

girls sitting behind the nerd. His instinct had told him the two girls had been friends before the

blond haired girl slept with the almost blond haired girl's boyfriend. You could always guess

who the boyfriend was--- yeah, the athletic built guy. The rest of the class was the regular school

boys and girls. His class' unending chatters were getting to him; he could hear the smallest

whispers even when he didn't want to. It took Max all the control techniques his father thought

him for him not to read the mind of everyone in the class.

Just before the final bell rang, Max felt a slight headache hit him. His eyes were beginning to

turn the way it always did whenever his powers were about to erupt. The headache lasted longer

than usual; he was starting to draw attention. "Are you okay? Max?" His class' teacher was

walking towards him, his headache persisted. His headache disappeared like it never came. "I'm

fine. I'm okay, thank you". She laughed and told him he was just nervous about his new school.

The only time he had had a similar experience was when his father showed him the sacred

Martial magical technique. There was only one explanation to what he felt; someone in the class

was practicing magic. Whatever was happening right there, he needed to find out who was using

magic in the public. Max snatched his bag the moment the final bell rang, he couldn't stay a

moment any longer, he could do something stupid that would blow his cover and he'd be exposed

to the whole world. Max decided to walk home, taking the school bus home or staying among

the non-magical might be a bad idea. Even though he was feeling better, he couldn't dare to risk


All through his walk home, he tried not to think about the strange feeling he had back in school,

he had told himself he his magical powers were just getting used to being among lots of humans.

But deep down him, he knew it was more than his new environment. He could smell his mother's

cookies few kilometers away from his parent's cabin. There was a house agency's truck parked

by the storey building next to the cabin, his eyes met that of the girl holding a box near the truck.

"New neighbors!" he sighed. He murmured under his breath "Great start with humans". The

cabin smelt better when he got inside it. He waited for his parents to ask him how his first day at

school went so he could tell them about his power magnetic experience. "It felt like something

was drawing me closer. Like a magnet". He paused to see the expressions on his parents' faces

before he continued. "It was hard trying to control it. I had a heavy headache".

"Honey, I think you are just nervous, it was your first time in a place without magic" Dorothy


"Your magical features had to adjust to the new environment". Mike stood up to leave. "I hope

you didn't give out clues?"

"No Dad, I was careful". Max believed his parents, he had to, they knew more than he did and

more than he would ever know".

"So, did you make any friend yet?" Dorothy asked. Though Max couldn't read his parent's mind,

he knew that was the question his Mom had been dying to ask since he stepped into the house.

"Not yet, Mom". Max said under his breath, "Not ever".

He wanted to retire into his room, to take a break from the noise in the outside world, to talk with

his Bunnies and help him relax. While he grabbed his back pack to go into his room, the door

bell rang. "Honey, get the door".

Unconsciously, he read the woman's mind the moment he saw her. "We are... "

"The new neighbors" Max said before she could"

"How did you know?" the woman asked in an accusing tone.

"The truck was outside and I saw errrr... Her with a carton". She pointed at the girl next her. She

couldn't have been anymore younger than him.

"Yes, you're right! We just moved in to the next building". The older lady said. "Are your

parents in? We brought some cheesecake". Max was about to call his parents when he heard his

mother say from behind him. "You must be the new neighbor. Come in".

"No, we don't plan on staying longer, we just came to say hello. I'm Betty by the way". She held

her daughter's hand as if to make sure she was really there. "This is my daughter, Elizabeth".

"Please call me Liz". Elizabeth said, her voice was calm and soft, like his Mom's. When her eyes

met Max's eyes, there, he knew he wanted to see those eyes again. For a minute or more, he got

lost in the thought of knowing if Liz's eyes were deep brown or black. Then when he concluded

that they were deep brown his mother had finished introducing the whole house to the two ladies.

What he heard next was his mother thanking Betty for the cheesecake. "We'll see you around.

Betty, Liz, you're welcome to West Texas".

"Red, Blue, I'm back". Max was removing his shoes and telling his Bunnies how his day went.

"Did you use your powers?" Blue asked almost immediately after Max told them of his magnetic

drawing. "Mom said its nothing; my powers were just trying to adjust to the human environment.

"That could be true..." Red said in a way that wasn't so convincing. Red knew more but said


"What else could be true? Say it Red, I know when you are hiding something". Max held the

bunny's ear. "This is scary!" Blue cried.

"Another explanation for what you felt in school could be that their is an evil force near you".

Blue continued "The same way opposites attracts in magnets, opposites do also find themselves

in the magical world".

Max allowed the silence to take over. "You mean the evil forces and the good forces are trying to


Red shook his head. "No Max, they are trying to kill themselves. You see, the magical world is

divided into two great forces. The evil force and the good force. The two forces lived separately

two thousand years ago, there was not meant to be any relationship between the two forces. Like

the way darkness and light cannot stay in the same place, the two forces must not stay together"

Blue cut in. "The Two forces respected the law for so many years until the son of the King of

the evil force fell in love with the good force's princess"

"That was a good thing right?" Max asked.

"No it wasn't" Blue replied. Red continued "The Two lovers broke the laws. They eloped

together without their parents' consent". The two Bunnies paused for a minute. Max looked at

both of their faces back and forth "Continue!"

"They eloped and while they journeyed through the deep forest, they got attacked by some


"And the son of the King of the evil force died". Blue completed

"So, this is revenge or something?"

"For centuries, the evil force blamed the good force for the death of their son and they passed the

hate down from one generation to another".

"But that was several years ago, the fire should have been quenched". Max said.

"Several other conflicts began to rise between these two forces and it has not been settled ever

since". Blue replied.

"But eighteen years ago something similar happened, the--" Blue cut red "We are not meant to


Max stood up. "You are not meant to say what? Spit it out Blue, Red!!"

"Oh, we are not meant to tell you about this" But Red continued. "Eighteen years ago, history

repeated itself. The daughter of the good forces' leader fell in love with the son of the evil force.

She was pregnant for him, so they---"

"They eloped together". Max completed

"Yes, they did and they gave birth to a son. He has both the blood of the evil force and the good

force in him." Red continued. "He needs great mastery of his abilities to be able to control these

forces in him. Because he has the two powerful forces in him, he is the only one that can put an

end to this long aged war".

"Where is this Boy? How can we find him?"

"He is here, in a small cabin in west Texas". The two Bunnies both replied.


The rain felt like fire on his skin, he was needed water as much as he needed sleep. He needed to

go home. There was a burning house afar off, when he got nearer; he saw that the house was his

parent's cabin. He tried to run into the cabin but there was a magical blockage. From where he

was, he saw the Bunnies screaming. A human figure stood over two covered bodies, when he

used his magical sight; he saw that the figure was himself. Max woke up at the sight of his

parents' corpses. It was a dream again and he was scared the dreams were more than just
