
Chapter 86; MAKE ME BURN

Violet felt so pained she continued pleading but they continued like they were enjoying her screams and cries. Violet grew angry and tired of the bullying. She tried freeing herself from their hold on her. She growled and pushed them off and they both flew in the air and hit themselves on the wall and groaned in pain.

Violet tried standing up from the ground. Her body hurts. She stood up fully and walked over to them and looked at them, she felt sorry for them because they were both in pain. She was so surprised at how she did that.

"Please don't hurt us again, we are very sorry" The maids pleaded, taking steps back.

She quickly turned around and ran hastily to her chambers.

She sat on her bed and the event that just happened came flashing on her mind. She stood up and slowly walked around her chambers. She was so confused. How she did do that?

"How could a mere human have such a strength to do what I just did. Was I possessed by something or what.?" She asked herself.