
Chapter two


"Shaylin, have you heard about the hidden Prince of Portugal?" A tall slender fair girl with natural curly long ginger hair,green crystal eyes, wearing a short leather black dress with short black heel boots.

"Prince of Portugal?" I raise an eyebrow

"You know, the handsome Prince Miguel Constancio" A middle height slender tanned skin girl with straight dark black thick hair and brown eyes, wearing white a crop-top written in bold #Girls rock

With black Jean shorts and white Jordan shoes.

"Miguel? Ooh his my childhood friend" I confess

They girls stare in astonishment for seconds

"What!" They shout in unison

I grab a lace dress from the line as I examine it's details and glance back at them "Yeah, his my childhood friend but the last time I saw him was at the age of seven" I confess calmly while deciding if I should take the dress.

"Prince charming is your childhood friend and you acting like his your next door neighbour! Come on Shaylin, his a Prince that every girl dreams" Ginger hair declares

"Melissa, an old friend will always be an old friend besides I haven't seen him in years so I don't know how he looks like" I roll my eyes while I put the dress into the trolley.

"Well, I suggest we go visit him" Asha suggests in a ecstatic tone

"Asha really?" I raise my eyebrow "We're not visiting him cause I'm not interested"

"But don't you want to see your long lost childhood friend !Shaylin stop being a joy killer!" Asha exclaims

I sit comfortably on the stool in the shop trying on heels "Girls, I'm honestly not interested besides don't you think he wants his privacy by being named the hidden Prince by the headlines" I try to convince them to stop pushing

Melissa rolls her eyes while folding her arms "I think there's something Shaylin is hiding from us, something about a past love story" She declares firmly

Immediately I laugh hysterically and catch my breath after a few minutes while the girls stare at me as if I were insane "What! He always annoyed me and we never got along besides I was to young to think about love, yet alone even know the definition of true love"

Asha frowns "Because you never got along then meaning it can't happen now?" She questions while grabbing a pink shirt and tossing it into the trolley.

"Fine! we'll visit him tomorrow" I announce in annoyance

They both jump with excitement while others ladies buying clothes give them can expression of maturity, the girls giggle portraying childish behaviour.

"Right after I contact Martin, telling him that his hired" I declare

Asha winks at Melissa "Martin right?" Asha mocks

Melissa rolls her eyes (She's the serious one) " She prefers an employee than a Prince"

Asha the bubbly one laughs

"Please! I'm not choosing sides but just doing my job" I lie

The interview was wield but there is something about him that I can't resist. I seem to have a connection with a stranger but I won't focus on that because my dad will think am irresponsible. I rather forget about the connection and just do business.

"I told you about the interview I had and you guys instantly predicted that I like him,I mean come on!" I roll my eyes

"We didn't say anything, you just said it by your actions" Melissa confesses "Leave the worker and go for the Prince"

Immediately I cringe, I never liked Miguel since childhood because he always was in my space. Telling me what I should do or should not do, he was and I believe is an annoying brother. "Gross !" I confess

But Martin is never in my space, he allows me to do my job

I smile once I picture Martin

"Lets leave, we've to buy The Chanel perfume" I declare while we pay for the clothes then walk out of the Louis Vuitton shop.

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