
Marvelous Scarlet Spider

Isaac grew up in the midst of the rising Avengers along with the general populace. He knew about them but never adored them, especially not after the Chitauri Invasion where his life changes forever. Unfortunately, soon after the event he is put into a coma. He wakes up having lived his life as a hero and now finds that this life he will have to be one too, while also trying to achieve a normal life for a 18 year old with no friends. His story starts sometime after he wakes up from his coma. Uh, he also tries to do the right thing, even when he is mortally wounded. He likes sushi! He hates elementals. I personally like Andrew Garfield as Spider-man and I'm not saying he is the best. That goes to my main man Donald Glover- wait, wrong universe. ... ... ... ... .. . Also he's Spider-man but who cares about that. - No Harem - Multiple relationships that one would normally have before they meet the love of their life. I do not know own any characters as they are IPs of their respective companies besides my OC and any OCs that are featured in this work. Royal Road Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/66862/marvelous-scarlet-spider FanFiction.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14217496/1/Marvelous-Scarlet-Spider

Satyr_o7 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 20: Being a Hero in the Face of Homelessness.

Isaac's Spidey sense made his skin tried to crawl at him and with the cold that was slowly spreading through his bones, the he felt an annoying headache come on.

"Not the tingle. C'mon. Ignore it" He whispered but it warned him again and he looked and saw a group of guys approaching a innocently looking girl. They herded her to a abandoned underpass that would've led them to the park. Isaac, sighed wanting to turn away but he just shut off his brain and jumped. His spider-sense telling him what to do.

'Ugh' He snorted, forbidding his nose to drip from the disagreeable temperature. As his spidey sense alerted him again, he really wanted to ignore it but knowing he couldn't he crossed and entered the side of the building which a large dumpster laid basking in the shadowy darkness. He lifted it up with one hand, causing it to lids to flip back as he strategically webbed the floor to protect his bags from the dirt or whatever other things found themselves there and placed his bags right after taking his suit and changing.

He swung carefully, landing on the arch crafted out of bricks. Isaac crawled upside down looking at them as they started to circle in like a pack of wolves looking for their next feast.

"Hey guys" He shouted but jetted, moving to a covered blind spot where no one see him. The thugs look all around, first looking at the spot he was last at but seeing nothing there started to spook them.

"You think I could convince you guys to leave her alone and maybe save yourselves?" He called out moving again before they could catch his figure and moving right behind them. Only the girl noticed him as he tapped the guy being used to hide their actions from the rest of the public.

Isaac observed the girl who needed help was in a full white fur jacket and clutching a Gucci purse. She teared up as she was pressed against the wall, being forcefully pressed up by a pretty burly guy who was focused on her while the other two were trying to look for him. Isaac moved again, watching as they all had a tattoo of a panther. He carefully left the dark hiding spot, trying to not let them know about his location, he jumped, latching onto the wall. He wondered what they wanted with her but when the knife appeared, he didn't care.

"Baldie, look up"

He launched forward, landing feet first ontop of one of the bad guy's head which immediately buckled the guy's knees from the sudden weight placed on him but Isaac grabbed him right before he fell, tossing him towards the collection of used musty garbage bags as he landed in a deep crouch.

He snapped his head around trying to see if he any of these guys were going to back down but it seemed like that wouldn't be the case.

'Why are bad guys so hard headed' He asked himself.

"Get the fuck out of here you freak" One of the guys barked. Isaac stood up, wondering what he'd do to deserved being harrassed.

"Shut you Vector look alike," He pointed at the guy who had yapped at him, his spider sense tapped his shoulder and he jumped, landing a handstand on one of the criminals. He guided him by his shoulders as he watched the girl fall slumped from the sudden lack of adversaries trying to get her, She was there but her eyes were glazing over. Isaac wondered if it was just fear or something worse.

"Left, left. Okay there" He called out pointing him towards a wall and once they were close enough Scarlet Spider flipped, kicking the guy's back as he shot multiple web gluing him to the brick.

"AY, let me out of here." The trapped bad guy shout but Scarlet Spider ignored him as he landed again. There was one more left. Isaac looked towards the lady and as he motioned towards her the guy pulled out a gun and pointed it at the lady as he quick to get close to her. Isaac raised he raised his eyebrow in concern.

"You think I don't have more tricks up my sleeve?" He said as he took a step causing the remaining guy to shuffle, taking the gun off of the safety.

"Fine. Fine. Let her go. Let. Her. Go" He asked nicely. He raised up his arms showing that he was surrendering, he wondered why there was so many guns in the streets these day. The guy pointed it at the girl's temple as he clutched her hair from the back. Making her wince from the pain. Isaac felt a ton of his thoughts cutting in half, Isaac moved his fingers trying to move even slightly.

"Well, why don't you just- point it at me. You don't have to use that y'know. I get it, money is tight, people are selfish but you don't need to do this" He said, hearing the soft sobbing of the girl who had death's metal lips kissing her forehead. The guy smiled.

"Not so tough now are we, freak."


Police sirens went off and a motocycle was gliding towards them. The very next moment Isaac webbed up the gun and the girl, pulling her forward while launching the gun in the air. He then caught the girl as he stabilized her, the guy felt his power ripped out of his hand and cursed at the injustice. Isaac watched as he tried to leave but with the police coming, it'd be easier just to end things. He webbed him up to the wall as he started to pay attention to the lady.

He grabbed the purse which fell on the uneven concrete wet floor, smacking the snow off as he handed it back to the lady. She made the smallest attempt at smiling which he still appreciated as a hug launched into his arms as the vehicle came forward. Scarlet Spider broke contact and looked at the officer.

'I don't want to be shot at, the shit the other day was bs. Shoot on site' He thought but the lady grabbed his hands yanking him back to reality.

"Thank you-"

"Scarlet Spider" Scarlet Spider interjected.

"Of course. Thank you Scarlet Spider, I'm so embarrassed but please let me-" The lady smiled as her face flushed a slight red but Isaac ignored her, thinking about Mark's arrival.

"No, problem. Now if you excuse-" Isaac moved back when he saw that the officer had his hand on the gun's handle. Scarlet Spider moved to the side, hands up just like he did with the criminal.

"Identify Yourself."

"Uh, Scarlet Spider!"

Isaac observed the officer who was confused at the name but he just shrugged explaining the reason he was here. " It was a robbery or an assault, I didn't get the chance to ask. The girl is okay and if you look at the hulk wannabe…"

"Officer, please, let me out. I did it, please just do something" The thug cried.

The officer did look which gave Isaac the chance to disappear but he still heard the gun land on the bad guy's head, knocking him out cold.

'That's what you get' Isaac said as he smirked, peeling the mask off. He then checked his phone as he sat on top of the arch which was big enough for a road to be placed. Markus was only a couple blocks away, Leaving him only 5 minutes to get back with time to change.

'Talk about problems.' Isaac put the mask back on and thought about his life as he snapped his wrists to shoot webs to a building, before launching himself up back into the sky.