

"By the way, do you understand the language they are speaking?"

Naruto asked me.

"Oh. Yeah. Don't worry, I will teach-"

"No. I don't want to learn another language."

"Well, I will just make the people learn our language then. Anyway, it appears that there is the manga of our world, so-"

"I will go kill the author then."

"...NO! Killing is not the answer!"

"But didn't you tell me it is better to killing is better than to spare people and trust them enough to change?"

"...That's for irredeemable villains, not just a random guy drawing his manga! Sigh... Go to Japan, find Kishimoto, put him under genjutsu, and make him stop making the manga. I will think about how to compensate him later. "


"And for now, don't reveal your face to anyone. Let's first settle down a bit."

"Okay. Then off I-"

"And bring me some of your figurines, okay?"

Naruto went red, and disappeared in his portal.

Alright. Now, how to convert this country into my base.

Well, for now, letting Kim be the Supreme Leader-kun will be the right thing. I heard that he has a daughter?

Let's see, the daughter of the dictator who loves her people overthrows her father. And is trained by the goddess of the country.

And then, she abdicates due to being the daughter of the dictator, and since there is no leader, the goddess has to take in the reigns of the country herself, since she has no choice.

Yup. The story sounds good enough.

I rang the bell, and a servant came to my room.

"Bring Supreme Leader-kun."

"Yes mam!"

Sigh. I seriously need to stop abusing Genjutsu.

Speaking of Genjutsu, the ultimate Genjutsu, Infinite Tsukuyomi should be feasible to conquer some planets in the future.

I have chakra of all the nine bijuus, and samples of the Juubi husk. It's a sad thing that I no longer have Rem(Orochimaru) to complete my vessel, but there are things in this world that can help me. Though, I doubt that there is someone as good as Rem in this verse for research like this.

Anyway, I am sure that I will find someone or something to reverse engineer the Juubi, but it will probably take a lot of time, probably more than decades.

Controlling the planet with Infinite Tsukuyomi does sound tempting, given that I would be able to obtain the powers of every alive and dead creatures if I devour the whole planet, I shouldn't dream too much right now, since I am not even Kage level.

"Shiori-sama, you called?"

"Yes, Supreme Leader-kun. Do you have any daughter?"

"Yes. 25?"


Why are you confused? Wow! What else did I expect from a dictator?

"And sons?"


Well, it's perfectly understandable. A lot of princes are killed before they reach even puberty.

"So... who is around 10-11 years of age amongst your daughters?"

"Umm, one second."

He whispered to jis servant about his own daughters.

"There are 4 in that age group, Shiori-sama."

"Alright. Prepare them to meet me later. For now, immediately prepare an adress to the people of my country.

And, have you found a good area for my temple?"

"As you wish, Shiori-sama. And regarding your temple, I have found 13 best places in the capital."

"I need only one. I will chose one of them later. Now, shoo! Get to work."

"Yes, Shiori-sama!"

"And call me Yeosin-sama."

"Yes, Yeosin-sama!"

Can't have my followers call me just by my name, can I? Afterall, I will be the only goddess for them. This country will prosper under me. So isn't it given that they should pray me? Given that they already pray Supreme Leader-kun in a way?

Now,let's see...

After establishing religion to control everyone, we will transform the whole country into a ninja village. Well, something like Wakanda, but stronger.

Naruto is busy scouting the world with all his clones, so I will take out all the spies myself.

But let's have the world hear about the new religion before that.

As for the religion, let's just name it Shiorism. As for the rules...

Follow every command of Yeosin-sama.

Yeosin-sama is the only goddess, and Naruto-sama, the Hananim-sama is the only god. As far the stories...


Why did I not think of it before!?

Can't I just use Kishimoto for this!?

The world already knows Naruto. And the manga is just in the Kakuzu arc.

And, wouldn't the world's most popular series help in the spread of Shiorism? It will be like a 21st century epic like Mahabharat, and Kishimoto will be like Valmiki, wouldn't it?

Hmm, this should be enough compensation for Kishimoto to deviate from the his planned story. And with Naruto in the real life, with real Rasengan, no matter how much worse quality my propaganda will be, it will be more popular than the OG world.

I used my Tebuteki to contact Naruto, but it didn't work. Oh. The chakra frequencies will need to be adjusted.

Hmm, should I summon Father-in-law to take me to Naruto? Will the souls from that world even be able to be summoned?

Let's give it a try. I took out a bit of his DNA from my storage, and tried summoning him.

But, as expected, it didn't work. Ah. This means that I can't have Tobirama to research in place of Rem too.

Mhmmm. Such a loss.

Anyway! Let's just contact Naruto later. Summoning him here will disturb his work.

For now, let's focus on choosing my dress.

I went to Nebura's dimension, opened my closet, and faced a great difficulty.

Which dress should I wear!?

Yeosin: Goddess

Hananim: God

in Korean

SolaceVioletcreators' thoughts
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