

My life has been full of blessing up until this point, how you ask, it's simple. I follow the golden rule, of course the people I show kindness to may not always reciprocate it but the satisfaction remains.

I don't exactly have a lot to say that my life was one full of riches but I always had enough to get whatever I wanted, never had to look for a job since one found me as soon as I was done with college.

Life was great but I can't say that any more, I am dead. However, the smile on my face has yet to leave. All my good deeds had paid off, I was standing before the pearly gates of heaven… or at least I think it is.

"What do you think it'll be like? " a voice asked me

Turning around, I could see the strange blob like creature that was standing behind me. It was a line and all of us were blobs on this line, I think this is what the soul looks like.

"Well the gates are magnificent so it's probably a paradise inside" I replied

Of course, I don't know what's in heaven. We could only speculate from the gates and the angels standing guard before the gate and yes, they were terrifying but after a while, they become a bit easier on the eye.

We waited in the line for only God knows how long but thankfully it was nearly my turn. The line moved fast probably due to the supernatural nature of the angel presidio g over it.

"Next! " the celestial voice called out as I floated forward.

"Here" I answered

"Welcome, please can you stand on the golden circle" the angel said

"Sure" I replied as I did as the angel requested.

Standing on the circle, I felt some sort of energy permeate my body as though going through my entire soul. Soon a bright golden light came about but died down soon.

"Huh? " the angel said in a much different tone than usual

"What is it?... Is anything wrong? " I asked somewhat worried

"Nothing really, I think the system is malfunctioning, just stand there" the angel said so I remained in place and the entire process repeated itself again.

"Okay, take this" The angel said as it handed me what looked like a file.

On top of the file was the name "David Stone", it was my file.

"Follow that angel, you will be led to the Human Management Center, it seems there is a small problem with your file but you don't have much to worry about" The angel said

"Okay? " I replied confused.

Obeying it, I followed the angel, it had pointed out who led me away from the line and towards a small gate beside the large pearly gates of Heaven.

As soon as we passed through the gates, we entered what looked like some sort of government center or the DMV. There was some sort of depressing aura to it but all the workers work a genuine smile not the fake professional smile he was used to.

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