

As the train screeched to a halt, the scene erupted into chaos. Doctor Octopus sprang into action with the precision of a well-oiled machine.

Two of his mechanical tentacles latched onto the train, while the other pair formed a menacing arc, poised to strike Spider-Man.

Amidst the cheers of the passengers, Spider-Man found himself ensnared by the unforgiving grip of Doctor Octopus's mechanical arms. Try as he might, the web-slinger couldn't break free from their powerful hold.

But Spidey wasn't one to be easily subdued. With a swift motion, he shot a strand of his iconic spider silk, yanking himself and his adversary towards the nearest building's wall.

Meanwhile, Christopher watched the unfolding spectacle with calculating eyes. He possessed the ability to extract genetic material from the deceased, a power that had shifted his perspective on the value of life, especially that of superheroes.

Christopher knew he could eliminate Spider-Man effortlessly, extracting his genes for his own purposes. However, the hero's status as a national icon and his inherent goodness gave Christopher pause. Killing Spider-Man would undoubtedly attract the unwanted attention of SHIELD and tarnish his reputation among humanity.

"Optimus, seal off Doctor Octopus's hideout. We need to locate Mary," Christopher commanded, opting for a different approach to assist Spider-Man.

"Yes, my liege," responded Optimus, acknowledging the directive.

"Mary's position is secured. She's out of harm's way," confirmed Optimus.

"Let's move to rescue her," Christopher declared, urgency in his tone.

With a sense of purpose, the Optimuss ascended into the sky, disappearing in a matter of moments.

Within seconds, Christopher located Doctor Octopus's clandestine laboratory. Once a grand structure, it now stood in disrepair, a testament to its abandonment. The eerie silence surrounding the building hinted at its ominous past, shrouded in secrecy and danger.

Exiting the Optimuss, Christopher ventured inside, his senses alert for any sign of danger. His gaze swept the dimly lit interior until it landed on a captivating sight—a woman, her golden locks tousled, bound and helpless in a corner. The scene was both tragic and alluring, evoking a primal urge within him.

When Mary spotted a stranger entering, she urgently cried out, "Hey, over here! Help me! I've been captured by some bad guys."

Christopher swiftly approached, assisting Mary in freeing her wrists from the tightly bound rope. He then helped her remove the chain fastened around her waist.

With newfound freedom, Mary expressed her gratitude to Christopher, saying, "My name is Mary. Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome. I was invited by your boyfriend, Peter, to rescue you," Christopher responded with a warm smile.

"Peter? I knew he'd find a way to save me," Mary exclaimed happily.

"Let's not dwell on that now. Doctor Octopus is threatening Peter through you, causing hindrances. I'll take you to a safe place and inform Peter to avoid any confrontations with Doctor Octopus," Christopher explained.

Mary nodded appreciatively, "Thank you, I'll trust your judgment."

Christopher guided Mary outside, where she was greeted by the sight of towering Optimuss, standing at an impressive 8.5 meters. Her amazement spilled out, "Wow, they're so huge!"

Christopher chuckled at her reaction.

Her eyes widened into an 'O' shape as she realized her unintentional suggestive comment. "I mean, they're massive! It's just surprising, you know."

"Is this your mech?" Mary asked, genuinely surprised.

While she had seen robots like Iron Man in newspapers and on TV, they were typically human-sized. The enormity of Christopher's robot, Optimus, left her in awe.

"Yes, he's the first generation transformer, and his name is Optimus Prime," Christopher proudly introduced.

"You're incredible," Mary complimented.

Christopher modestly responded, "It's nothing." He then commanded, "Optimus, transform into aircraft mode."

Although the Optimus form could carry Mary, it was more convenient to travel in aircraft mode due to its speed.

"As you wish, my Liege," Optimus accepted the order.

With clicks echoing, the Optimuss swiftly transformed into a sleek aircraft.

"Wow, that's amazing," Mary exclaimed once again.

Christopher climbed into the cockpit, gesturing for Mary to join him. "Hop in! I'll take you home."

"Okay," Mary happily took the co-pilot's seat, her eyes fixed on the cockpit with curiosity.

"Optimus, locate Mary's home and take her back," Christopher instructed.

"Yes my Liege," Optimus acknowledged, its efficient AI ready to assist with any requests.

The sleek aircraft soared through the sky, slicing through the clouds as it made its rapid journey to Mary's lavish abode. In a mere twenty seconds, it arrived at its destination, landing gracefully within the confines of Mary's family villa.

With a soft hiss, the hatch swung open, revealing Christopher standing there. "Miss Mary, your home awaits," he announced with a courteous smile.

Mary blinked in astonishment. "So fast?" she exclaimed, marveling at the efficiency of the high-tech aircraft. She barely had time to glance around the cockpit before finding herself transported to her doorstep in the blink of an eye. Such speed seemed almost surreal.

Christopher nodded in affirmation. "Indeed, it is."

"But wait—I haven't even had a chance to settle in! Can't we take a little joyride through the skies?" Mary pleaded eagerly, her curiosity piqued by the prospect of further adventure in this remarkable machine. It was her first encounter with such advanced technology, and she wasn't ready for the experience to end so abruptly.

"Miss Mary, if we delay any longer, your boyfriend Peter may be in danger," Christopher reminded her solemnly, his tone carrying a sense of urgency.

"Oh!" Mary's thoughts immediately turned to Peter, her beloved boyfriend, and she hastily disembarked from the aircraft.

"Before Peter returns, I implore you to have a word with him and persuade him to assist me with a task. Consider it a favor," Christopher urged, a hint of seriousness underlying his words.

Mary nodded earnestly. "Of course, I'll talk to him."

With a wave goodbye, Christopher promised, "Farewell for now. We shall journey to the stars together another time."

Excitedly clasping her hands together, Mary gushed, "Really? Tomorrow, perhaps?"

The notion of venturing into space filled her with romantic notions she had long dreamed of fulfilling.

"Well," Christopher hesitated momentarily, caught off guard by Mary's enthusiasm for space travel. It seemed she was genuinely eager for the adventure.

Intrigued by Mary's earnest desire, Christopher admitted to himself that he had never ventured into space before.

"If you can persuade Peter to cooperate with me, then I shall fulfill your wish to travel among the stars," he proposed, his eyes gleaming with the possibility of embarking on this extraordinary journey with Mary.

Mary nodded eagerly, determination shining in her eyes. "Agreed."

"Optimus, let us seek out Doctor Octopus and his cohorts," Christopher commanded, readying himself for the impending confrontation.

"As you order, my liege," Optimus acknowledged dutifully.

With a powerful thrust of it's twin aircraft engines the aircraft ascended into the sky once more, leaving Mary's home behind as it embarked on its mission. Guided by Optimus, Christopher swiftly located the battleground where Doctor Octopus and Spider-Man clashed, their skirmish leaving chaos in their wake.

Christopher bided his time, waiting patiently for the opportune moment to intervene. As Doctor Octopus and Spider-Man momentarily parted ways, he seized the chance to discreetly signal Spider-Man of Mary's rescue.

Spider-Man, utilizing his agile prowess, engaged in a fierce battle with Doctor Octopus, their clash resonating through the streets as they darted and weaved between obstacles.

Amidst the chaos, Christopher observed with keen interest, strategizing his next move as the confrontation unfolded before him.


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