
Chapter 120: Resurrection of Heroes, Reality Beyond the Multiverse?

Thanos's eyes were filled with memories. Somehow, even after his death, he seemed to retain memories of the universe's development.

"My plan, was it truly futile?"

Originally, Thanos had prepared himself for the possibility that even if his plan succeeded, it might not truly save the universe.

But when he saw that his plan had been completed yet had little impact on the overall progress of the universe, he couldn't help but feel somewhat unacceptable.

All his efforts, all his sacrifices, even killing his beloved to obtain the Soul Stone...

Yet in the end, everything he had sacrificed was forgotten by everyone.

The destruction of the universe was merely delayed for a period of time because of him.

"Was my plan truly necessary to carry out?"

This was the first time Thanos doubted the necessity of his grand plan.

Before this, his will was unwavering. No matter how strong the obstacles he faced, he would never waver.

But now...

"I believe you've seen everything..."

As he watched Thanos's perplexed expression, Peter waved his hand, dispersing the power of time that enveloped him. Then, he calmly addressed Thanos.

"Is... this really the future of this universe? Or is it an illusion you've created?"

At Peter's words, Thanos, his mind pulled away from his memories, looked at Peter with uncertainty and asked.

"Didn't you already have the answer in your heart?"

Peter didn't give a definite answer but instead revealed a mysterious smile.

"Yes, I already have the answer, but I just don't want to believe it."

With a sigh, Thanos finally accepted the scenes from his memories.

"So, do you regret your actions?"

Peter's power had surpassed the limitations of time at this point, and with Thanos's consciousness, they jointly watched the "VCR" of the universe's development. The purpose was to make Thanos accept that his actions would ultimately fail.

At this moment, it seemed that his actions had achieved the desired effect.

Thanos seemed to feel a hint of confusion and doubt about his grand plan.

"No, even if my plan didn't have a decisive impact on the future of the universe, I will never regret what I did from start to finish."

"The universe needs redemption. Since no one else stepped forward, I took on the burden of doing this ignominious task."

"And besides, perhaps the scene just now was merely one of the many possible futures of the universe!"

However, in the face of Peter's inquiry, Thanos's initial hesitation once again turned into firmness.

He even questioned the scene of the universe's destruction.

"Yes, the universe's destruction you saw was just one of countless timelines in the universe."

"But I must tell you, nothing can exist eternally, including the vast and infinite universe."

"The birth, prosperity, and eventual destruction of the universe are almost established facts."

"No one can stop it, and nothing will change it."

At this moment, Peter wasn't deceiving Thanos. From the moment he transcended time, he had sensed the fate of the universe's future.

Regardless of how many different timelines might extend within the universe's scale, ultimately, they would all return to the original one, just like the beginning.

And the destruction and birth of the universe were originally an unbreakable, immense cycle.


"Perhaps what you're saying is correct, but I will never abandon the plan I've crafted over countless years just because of a few words from you!"

Thanos's expression gradually regained its determination.

Without hesitation, he unleashed the energy embedded in the stones on his gauntlet.

He pushed the power of the stones to its limit.

In an instant, the terrifying energy transformed into a dazzling beam of light, directly aimed at Peter.

"Unfortunately, it seems you've given up the only chance to survive."

As Peter slowly raised his hand, the entire space of the universe seemed to freeze in that moment, completely still.

Even the Infinity Stone energy that Thanos was releasing stopped spreading in mid-air.

Everything seemed incredibly eerie.

The next moment, a phantom flame suddenly appeared within Peter's body.

Surrounding him, the golden flames danced and flickered, making him seem like he had transformed into a "Super Saiyan" in an instant.

The terrifying flames distorted the surrounding space as they burned.

Then, the golden flames continued to gather on Peter's arms.

As he slowly raised his arms, a beam of light burst forth from his palm in an instant.


The dazzling golden beam seemed capable of shattering space itself.

After piercing through space, creating a void crack, it fiercely struck Thanos's body.

Under the onslaught of the golden flames, even Thanos's incredibly tough Titan physique couldn't withstand it.

In almost an instant, he began to crumble, completely pulverized, gradually dissipating into the universe.

In less than a second, only a purple head remained.

Watching Peter before him, there seemed to be no regret or unwillingness in Thanos's eyes, only a hint of relief.


As Thanos's body completely vanished into the fabric of the universe, the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand fell to the ground, losing its wielder.

Looking at the Infinity Gauntlet on the ground, with its several Infinity Stones embedded in it, Peter slowly raised his left hand.

As if guided by some force, the Infinity Gauntlet on the ground automatically traversed space and landed on Peter's left hand.

The gauntlet then slowly resized until it completely fit Peter's palm.

"Truly worthy of being a creation of the Dwarves..."

Feeling the changes in the Infinity Gauntlet, which seemed to perfectly fit his hand, Peter, like Thanos before him, slowly clenched his left hand.


In an instant, the stones on the gauntlet shimmered with various colors of light.

One after another, strange yet immensely majestic energies continuously flowed into Peter's body through his arm.

However, Peter's body was far more powerful than Thanos's as a member of the Titan race.

So at this moment, he not only felt no discomfort, but even felt a refreshing sensation as the energy fused into his body.

"Indeed, anyone would be immersed in boundless power."

Putting on the gauntlet and feeling the moment when the power of the Infinity Stones merged into his body, Peter felt a very special sensation.

It was as if the entire universe was under his control.

He seemed to be able to effortlessly tear apart the fabric of space, destroy anything in the universe.


After immersing himself in the infinite power of the Infinity Stones for a while, Peter quickly snapped out of it.

Looking around at the nearly completely destroyed planet, his eyes scanned the surroundings.

Everything within his gaze began to rapidly rewind.

As if time itself were flowing backward, everything except Thanos began to reverse at this moment.

The planets ravaged by the great battle began to gradually mend themselves.

The crisscrossing chasms on the surface slowly started to close up.

The bubbling magma and hot air continuously emanating from the ground also slowly flowed back beneath the surface.

The smoke lingering in the air was completely dispersed.

The skeletons buried under the wasteland emerged from the earth and swiftly gathered together on the surface, forming human shapes.

Upon these skeletal formations, flesh and skin began to regrow, quickly forming complete bodies.

Thor, who had been shattered by immense divine power, also gradually reassembled at the same moment.

After his body fused back together, he suddenly opened his eyes, filled with shock and confusion.

"What's going on? I seemed to have just seen my father in Valhalla..."

Thor raised his battle axe, looking around at everything rapidly coming back to life, his eyes filled with amazement.

"Ding, you have canceled the orders from the Death..."

At this moment, as several figures continued to revive, a special voice seemed to echo in their minds.

"Weren't we just sacrificed in the battle against Thanos?"

Captain America looked around at his gradually resurrected comrades and allies, feeling incredibly shocked.

The sensation of just having died was so real, it couldn't possibly have been an illusion.

But the current situation was beyond his comprehension.

"Did Superman reverse time and resurrect us?"

At this moment, amidst the bewildered crowd, only Ancient One seemed to understand the current situation.

"Sigh, I still can't enjoy a peaceful retirement."

There was a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

Compared to others, she actually preferred to die and enjoy her retirement.

After all, her death was different from others. After she died, her spirit would transcend the reality of the universe and go to serve the Eternal God she believed in within the endless multiverse.

Unfortunately, this retirement opportunity was interrupted once again.

"Reversing time? Is that really possible? Is it because of the Time Stone?"

Unlike Ancient One, the others were filled with shock, slowly looking at the green Time Stone on Peter's left-hand glove.

If they hadn't experienced Thanos using the Time Stone before, making them instantly age and feel the sensation of death, they would find it hard to believe that such an artifact capable of manipulating time existed in this universe.

And now, they believed that Peter had used the Time Stone to reverse time and resurrect them.

"He... has become powerful enough to surpass and manipulate time?"

Only Ancient One knew that Peter didn't rely on the Time Stone to reverse time, but had become powerful enough to surpass and manipulate the entire universe's time force.

And this was a completely different concept.

It meant that Peter's power had transcended the limits of the universe.


"Thank you for saving us, Mr. Superman!"

Soon, the effect of the time reversal slowly came to a halt.

The entire planet reverted to its state at the beginning of the great battle.

And those who had fallen in the battle were resurrected under the reversal of time.

At this moment, everyone looked at Peter with intense gratitude in their eyes.

They didn't fear death, especially when they bravely sacrificed themselves for the entire universe.

But if given a chance to live again, besides Ancient One, they naturally wouldn't refuse, and they sincerely felt grateful to Peter.

"No need to thank me. You all fought to the death for the sake of the entire universe, so naturally, I couldn't just watch you perish in such despair."

Peter said with a smile.

"Alright, now that the crisis is completely over, it's time for us to go home."

The next moment, Peter slowly raised his left hand, and the Space Stone on his glove shimmered with light, and a portal suddenly appeared beside everyone.

"Indeed, the power of the Infinity Stones is quite handy."

As he stepped into the portal, Peter couldn't help but think so.

"We won!"

At this moment, although they found it hard to believe, everyone excitedly accepted the fact that they had truly emerged victorious.


The universal crisis from Thanos temporarily ended.

The entire world returned to tranquility.

Earth remained prosperous, and many humans, unaware that Thanos had not launched a full-scale attack on Earth, did not know they had just experienced a death crisis.

And the lifeforms throughout the universe were even more unaware that they had once experienced a fifty percent death rate.

And shortly after, a massive warship suddenly appeared in the sky above Earth.

However, this time, the appearing warship was not a threat from the universe.

It was the support from the Nova Corps.

They were unaware that the universal crisis had been resolved. Under the report of the escaping centurion, almost the entire army rushed to Earth for support.

"Thanos has been dealt with? And by you humans?"

Facing Captain Marvel, the commander of the Nova Corps was filled with shock and disbelief.

"Sorry, Captain Marvel, I'm not doubting what you said, but this news is just too shocking."

After questioning, the commander of the Nova Corps realized that his state seemed a bit off and hastily explained.

After all, as the guardians of the universe, they had had quite a few interactions and connections with Carol.

"It's okay. In fact, I'm just as incredulous as you are."

Indeed, Carol felt the same way.

Who would have thought that she, who had been summoned back as a savior by Nick Fury, had only returned to Earth to play a minor role?

What could destroy the universe's enormous crisis.

She didn't even get to see the mastermind threatening the entire universe before it was resolved.

"In that case, let's head back to headquarters first."

With the crisis resolved, everyone from the Nova Corps returned directly to headquarters.

But the courage brought by Peter and others did not rush back to the universe. Instead, they enjoyed themselves on Earth.

At the same time, most of the precious collections obtained from the Collector were claimed by Peter and handed over to Reed for safekeeping and research.

At this moment, the entire universe seemed to be filled with harmony.

However, outside the infinite universe, a figure bearing a striking resemblance to the deceased Collector broke through the barriers of the universe at some unknown time and explored countless individual universes within.

Eventually, he even arrived at the border of the Marvel Infinite Universe.

"Beyond the infinite multiverse, what else is there? Another multiverse or universe, perhaps?"

Gazing beyond the barriers of the infinite multiverse, where there seemed to be a reality vastly different from the Marvel Universe, his eyes were filled with curiosity and the desire to explore.


(End of Chapter/Volume 1: Marvel Universe)


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