
Marvel: Spectre's Chronicles

Lucas Spectre, an ordinary young man, unexpectedly finds himself isekaid to the Marvel universe. Will he become another cliché isekai protagonist, relying on serums(drugs on the rocks), magic, and other common tropes to acquire powers in the Marvel universe? Or is there something more to his arrival? Did a ROB granted him any cheats? Is he destined to be there, or just an unlucky individual caught in the whims of a powerful being? The answers to these questions will be revealed in chapters 8-10, so just read it plebs. ---------------------------------- If you want to read some advanced chapters, be sure to check on my p_treon, your monetary support will be greatly appreciated. P_treon Link: p_treon.com/Rai_jin (Just take out the underscore.) Updates will be irregular. It all depends on my sched, really.

Rai_Jin · Filmes
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21 Chs


Lucas "Luke" Spectre [Image]

Birthday: September 18, 1994

Age: 15 years old

Eyes: Vibrant Blueish-green eyes

Hair: Black

Height: 5' Feet 7'' Inches


Mirror/Glass Manipulation

Mirror Dimension Manipilation


Super-Genius Intelligence: Lucas possesses an extraordinary level of intelligence in all of the branches of science and technology. His prodigal mind allowed him to learn any and all intricacies of knowledge that were given before him.

Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combat: Through rigorous training and discipline, Lucas has honed his combat skills, enabling him to hold his own in physical confrontations. He has studied and become an expert on various martial arts techniques and is adept at both offensive and defensive maneuvers.

Psychological Insight: Lucas possesses a keen understanding of the human mind and behavior. He can analyze and manipulate psychological factors to his advantage, whether it's reading people's intentions or influencing their thoughts and emotions.

Sleight of Hand: Lucas has developed exceptional dexterity and precision, making him proficient in sleight-of-hand techniques. He can perform intricate manipulations and illusions, which come in handy during his covert operations.

Trapping Expertise: With his strategic mind and resourcefulness, Lucas is skilled in setting up traps and snares. He can create intricate mechanisms and devices to immobilize or capture his adversaries, giving him an edge in dangerous situations.

Escapology: Lucas has mastered the art of escaping from various restraints and confinement. Through his understanding of locks, bindings, and unconventional methods, he can free himself from seemingly impossible situations, making him a slippery adversary to capture or contain.


Gwen Stacy

Birthday: October 19, 1994

Age: 15 years old

Eyes: Blue eyes

Hair: Blonde

Height: 5' Feet 6'' Inches