
Tony Wendys

After dinner, Josh drove Margaret home. Margaret's residence was a small estate in the real affluent area of the north of Chicago.

Looking at the spacious estate and the sporadic lights in the servant's quarters, Josh seemed to understand Margaret's loneliness.

He hugged Margaret gently, watched her walk into the estate, and then drove away.

However, what Josh did not know was that as soon as Margaret walked into the estate, she saw someone in the living room.

At this time, it was impossible for the person who appeared here to be a stranger to Margaret.

This person was none other than Margaret's almost absent tennis star husband, Tony Wendys.

"What a rare guest. I thought you had forgotten that there was such a home." When she saw Tony, Margaret was a little flustered at first but soon calmed down and used sarcastic words to speak.

After all, what was there for her to be nervous about? She and Josh were completely innocent until now, and they had no overly intimate actions except for a ceremonial hug.

The person in front of her had been caught countless times.

"Who is he?" Tony Wendys didn't pay attention to Margaret's sarcasm but asked sternly.

"Just a friend, and what does it have to do with you?" Margaret sneered.

"I am your husband. How can it have nothing to do with me?" Tony Wendys angrily retorted.

"Huh, you still know that you are my husband? How many days have you been with me in the past year? If it weren't for you appearing today, I would have almost forgotten that you existed!" Margaret walked upstairs to her bedroom while sarcastically speaking.

"That's because of work!!" Faced with Margaret's continuous sarcasm, Tony Wendys was a little embarrassed and angry.

"Work? What a perfect excuse, and then? How much money have you earned? How much money have you spent at home? You even take a large sum of money from me every year to maintain your decent image! If that's all, it's fine, but where did you spend my money? That little star named Amy? Or that singer named Carly? Or those brothels?" Tony Wendys' words raised Margaret's anger, and she directly refuted him without any reservations.

"You investigated me?" Tony Wendys was stunned when he heard Margaret's words.

"Investigated? Do you think it's necessary? Do you think the things you did were very secret? Some people told me about these things. Don't think that nobody cares about me just because my father died. And don't think that I won't be able to survive without you. Tomorrow, I will have a lawyer draft a divorce agreement. Now, get out of my room!" Margaret became angrier and angrier as she spoke and then slammed the bedroom door shut before Tony could react.

"Hey, Margot, don't be like this. We can sit down and talk about it!" He panicked when Tony Wendys heard Margaret mention her father's friends and talk about divorce.

Just like Margaret said, he has a comfortable life now. Still, it's not really because of his identity as a tennis star or the money he earns from competitions or advertisements, which is not enough to support even one mistress, let alone two.

If they really divorce, with the connections of Margaret's family and her wealth, he probably won't get a penny.

"Margot, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have treated you like that. Let's talk it out, and I promise to change." Tony Wendys kept apologizing, trying to ease the tension between him and Margaret.

As for whether this is too embarrassing, he doesn't care as long as they don't divorce and can maintain their current comfortable life. He doesn't mind losing face a bit more.

However, this time, he underestimated Margaret's anger and determination. No matter how he softened or apologized, Margaret completely ignored him.

He also dares not to be too aggressive. In case it further provokes Margaret, that would be troublesome.

Damn it, Margaret wasn't like this before! Thinking of the weak-willed Margaret from before, Tony Wendys couldn't help but wonder what caused such a big change in Margaret.

Soon, Tony Wendys remembered Josh, who had brought Margaret back.

Although it was dark outside and the streetlights were dim, he could see that he was a tall, young, and handsome.

Hmph, turns out he found his next target!

Tony Wendys quickly blamed Josh, whom he had never met, for the situation.

His mood became even more depressed while thinking about this.

Since Margaret wouldn't open the door, Tony Wendys had to settle for the guest room downstairs. But obviously, Margaret's behavior made it impossible for him to rest easy, so he left the mansion in his car, ready to find a place to drink.

Margaret in the room heard the car engine starting and walked to the window, looking at Tony Wendys driving away, showing a hint of disdain. He was probably out there fooling around again. She saw through this man.

At the same time, she became even more determined to divorce.

After leaving the estate, Tony Wendys went to a brothel, just as Margaret had thought. Brothels in the United States have existed since the country was founded, but no specific restrictive laws exist.

In addition, these brothels generally pay taxes honestly and protection fees to the local police, so the federal government turns a blind eye to them.

It wasn't until 1978, when Pennsylvania enacted specific legislation, that the half-open brotelss in various states were gradually banned, leaving only Nevada, which still remains.

The brothel where Tony Wendys went was the largest in Chicago, located on the West Side.

However, as soon as he exited the car, he saw several Italians cursing and beating someone in the alley near the entrance.

Tony glanced at them and ignored them, walking straight into the farm.

"Mr. Wendys, welcome back. The girls have been talking about you." When Tony Wendys walked in, the service staff at the door greeted him warmly.

"Call Mary and Nancy. By the way, what's going on in the alley? Why are the Italians causing trouble here? Doesn't Brian take care of it?" Tony Wendys said, mentioning two girls' names and tipping the service staff $5, then asked.

The Westside is the territory of the Irish, and Brian, who he mentioned, is the caretaker of this establishment.

It's strange for Italians to show up and cause trouble around the Irish establishment.

"Thank you, sir. Normally, Mr. Brian would not allow the Italians to cause trouble in the Westside, but that person is also Italian. I heard that he owes their boss a lot of money. It wouldn't be a big deal for us since we treat everyone who comes as a guest, but this guy has no money and still dares to come here to find the girls. Isn't he asking for trouble? It just so happens that the Italians will also deal with him, and Mr. Brian is too lazy to take action. I heard this guy used to be a big shot on the streets in the southwest area, but now? Haha~~ he's probably not going to live long." After pocketing the tip, the service staff happily told Tony Wendys everything he knew.

"Oh? How much does he owe?" Tony Wendys asked casually. He understood that if he couldn't repay the money, that poor guy's life would probably be in danger.

"I heard it's several thousand." The service staff said.

"Just a few thousand, and they will take his life?" Tony Wendys couldn't help but blurt out.

"Mr. Wendys, you're kidding. For big shots like you, several thousand dollars are naturally insignificant, but for small fry like us, unless we rob a bank, it's impossible to save up that much in ten or twenty years." The service staff said with some self-mockery.

And Tony Wendys understood in an instant.

Yes, he could only save up a few hundred dollars a year before he met Margaret, and he was grateful for it.

Several thousand dollars could indeed buy a life.

Thinking of this, he involuntarily shuddered.

If Margaret really divorced him, would he end up like that unfortunate guy outside?

A thought began to grow uncontrollably in his mind while he was thinking about this.

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