
Marvel: Impact From The Maelstrom's Web

Transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker (MCU). Naruto Uzumaki Takes on his new life in becoming Marvel's web slinger. Disclaimer: I do NOT own Spider-man. I do NOT own Naruto. the cover is ai generated with a few filters added. if you would like to give me pointers and suggestions... let me now in the comments/reviews. Q&A: 1.) Will I be writing Naruto the same as in cannon? - No. I will keep some of the traits he had like his willingness to help people and do the right thing... maybe even keep his verbal tick but I will not be spamming it like in some fanfictions. This will be the story of Peter Parker as spider-man, taking on the role of the smart scientists/Inventor. And since Peter knows that this world will have trials, his role is to become Overpowered to overcome any outcome. 2.) Will this be a harem? - Not 100% Sure. I know that there is at least one pairing that I have decided on at the creation of this story, but if I do choose to go that path there will only be 3-5. No Massive harems here. 3.) Will there be "lemons" - Yes. And if don't go down the path of the harem then I'll make this happen. Not promising that it will be good... I'll do my best. I don't really know what I'm doing so will try to take this day-by-day, and hopefully I'll create a story that will stick with a few people... even though the beginning looks like its all filler. Update: I've been using a free A.I. to help lengthen the story from my prompted ideas. however it seems to be too guided to hopeful/happy endings... with is nice but spider-man stories aren't as joyous as it wants to guide the story. if I can't give this a finished product, I'll go back and refine the story. Same With some of my other creations

FanFic_Listener · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs

School Break Ends, A New Friend

As the kindergarten classroom buzzes with the excitement of a new day, 6-year-old Peter Parker timidly enters, clutching his backpack tightly. The warm smiles of his classmates and the familiar scent of crayons and glue ease his nerves. His eyes light up as he spots his friend Mary Jane across the room, her bright red hair like a beacon of comfort.

As Peter makes his way to his seat, he notices a new face among the familiar ones. Standing by the teacher's desk is a girl with striking white streaks in her hair, her eyes downcast and her posture tense. Intrigued, Peter watches as the teacher welcomes her to the class, introducing her as Rogue.

Curiosity piqued, Peter takes a seat next to Mary Jane, stealing glances at the new girl throughout the morning activities. Despite her initial apprehension, Rogue's demeanor softens as she interacts with her classmates, her shy smile hinting at a hidden warmth beneath her reserved exterior.

During playtime, Peter musters up the courage to approach Rogue, offering her a toy truck with a tentative smile. To his surprise, she accepts it with a grateful nod, her eyes meeting his briefly before darting away.

Peter: "Um, hey Rogue."

Rogue: *looks up from playing* "Hey, Peter."

Peter: *nervously fidgeting* "I, uh, I noticed you didn't have a toy to play with, so I thought maybe you'd like to borrow this truck. It's one of my favorites, but you can use it if you want."

Rogue: *surprised* "Oh, wow. Thanks, Peter. That's really nice of you."

Peter: *tentative smile* "No problem. I'm glad you like it."

Rogue: *accepts the truck with a grateful nod* "Yeah, it's cool. Thanks again."

Peter: *shifts awkwardly* "So, um, do you want to play together? I mean, if you want to. We could, uh, build something with the blocks or..."

Rogue: *looks at him, her expression softening* "Sure, I'd like that. Thanks, Peter."

Peter: *smiles warmly* "Great! Let's build the tallest tower we can."

Rogue: *nods, a small smile playing on her lips* "Yeah, let's do it."

As they begin to play together, Peter feels a sense of warmth and connection with Rogue, grateful for the opportunity to spend time with her and make her smile. And as they work together to build their tower, he knows that despite their differences, they share a bond that transcends words—a bond of friendship and understanding that will only grow stronger with time.

Throughout the days, Peter would find himself drawn to Rogue, fascinated by her shyness and mysterious aura.

As the kindergarten class streams out onto the playground for recess, Peter's eyes immediately seek out his friend, the shy girl named Rogue. Spotting her sitting under the shade of a tree, her sketchbook cradled in her lap, he makes his way over, his curiosity piqued by the colorful doodles peeking out from the pages.

"Hey, Rogue," Peter greets her with a friendly smile, taking a seat beside her on the grass. "What are you drawing?"

Rogue's gaze flickers up from her sketchbook, surprise lighting up her green eyes before she offers Peter a shy smile. "Oh, h-hi, Peter," she stammers softly, tucking a loose strand of brown hair behind her ear. "Um, just doodles, nothing special."

But Peter's eyes widen with fascination as he peers over her shoulder, taking in the intricate patterns and whimsical characters that fill the pages. "Wow, these are amazing!" he exclaims, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You're really good at drawing, Rogue."

A blush spreads across Rogue's cheeks at the compliment, her smile growing more confident as she flips through the pages to show Peter more of her artwork. As they talk, Peter can't help but feel a sense of kinship with Rogue, their shared love for creativity bridging the gap between their differences.

Together, they discuss their favorite doodles, swapping stories and sharing laughs as they lose themselves in the magic of imagination. With each passing moment, Rogue's shyness melts away, replaced by a newfound sense of confidence and camaraderie.

As recess comes to an end and the children begin to file back inside, Peter gives Rogue a playful grin, his heart light with the joy of friendship. "Same time tomorrow?" he asks, excitement dancing in his eyes.

Rogue nods eagerly, her green eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Definitely," she replies, her voice filled with warmth and gratitude.

As the final bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, Peter reluctantly gathers his belongings and joins the line of children heading towards the school gates. Beside him, Rogue offers him a shy smile, their shared laughter still echoing in their minds as they part ways with promises of meeting again tomorrow.

As Peter emerges from the school building, he spots his Aunt May and Uncle Ben waiting for him by the car, their smiles warm and welcoming. With a skip in his step, Peter rushes over to join them, excitement bubbling up inside him as he recounts the events of the day.

"Hi, Aunt May! Hi, Uncle Ben!" Peter greets them eagerly, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

"Hey there, champ," Uncle Ben says with a grin, ruffling Peter's hair affectionately. "How was school today?"

"It was great!" Peter exclaims, his eyes shining with excitement. "I made a new friend named Rogue. She's really cool, Aunt May, Uncle Ben!"

Aunt May's eyes light up with interest as she exchanges a glance with Uncle Ben. "That's wonderful, Peter," she says warmly, her voice filled with pride. "Tell us more about your new friend."

As they buckle up and start the drive home, Peter eagerly launches into a lively description of Rogue, recounting their conversations and adventures during recess. With each word, his excitement is palpable, his hands gesturing animatedly as he paints a vivid picture of their budding friendship.

"She's really shy at first, but once you get to know her, she's super nice," Peter explains, a grin spreading across his face. "And she's an amazing artist, Aunt May! You should see her sketches—they're like something out of a comic book!"

Uncle Ben nods in agreement, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Sounds like you two had a lot of fun today, Peter," he says with a chuckle. "It's great to see you making new friends."

As they continue their drive home, Aunt May and Uncle Ben listen attentively to Peter's stories, their hearts swelling with pride at the kindness and empathy he shows towards others. With each passing mile, they feel a sense of gratitude for the special bond they share with their nephew, a bond built on love, trust, and mutual support.

By the time they arrive home, the sun is beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the quiet suburban street. With a sense of contentment settling over them, Peter, Aunt May, and Uncle Ben step out of the car and make their way inside, their hearts full of gratitude for the simple joys of family and friendship.

As they settle in for the evening, Peter can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that await him tomorrow, knowing that with Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and his new friend Rogue by his side, anything is possible.

Author's Note: this is the end of the chapter, if you like it consider showing your support.

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Side Note: thank you to those who sent in power stones off of the first chapter, it is great to see the support. Also I found an AI service to help, for the time being it looks free so I'll make the best use for it in my stories and guide the story to the way I like it.

Hopefully it will be a product that you'll like as well. Take Care.