Linan finds himself reincarnated into the world of "Alien," becoming an ordinary mercenary, working for the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. In the dim corridors of a research facility, chaos ensues as the xenomorphs break loose, turning it into a living nightmare. Linan swiftly defends himself against an ambush, but is caught off guard by a facehugger lunging at him. Waking up, Linan discovers he's been transported to the Marvel universe, as Peter Parker. However, remnants of the xenomorph embryo remain inside him, threatening a gruesome fate. To save himself, Linan must ensure he's bitten by the mutated spider before the embryo fully develops. "But, why was it you who was bitten by that spider, Gwen Stacy?!" ... (This is a Translation.) Original Book: 被异形寄生的我,才不是蜘蛛侠! I own nothing; everything belongs to their respective owners. I am just translating the book.