
Marvel: character creation(hiatus for now)

did you ever thougth how it is to be isekaied? my system allow me to transorm or change people to change the course of history. but... can i live my life now?

some1_out_there · Filmes
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10 Chs

quick catch up

so today there will be no chapter.

but I will not leave you with absolute nothing and as such I will give you quick catch ups of the story.

Taishy was reincarnated with a system that allowed for her to change reality however she wants, but she needs to use points equal to the change calculated from the perspictive of casuality (meaning the more impossible something is in terms of the existence, the more points it cost), and those points can be aquired from training, from making an avatar who gets attention, or from being revered.(the principle of the last two is from a kind of energy that is generated through the mind, and the rest is from the system)

She gave someone who didn't pass art school powers to make him an avatar(since there are 2 tipes of people, the ones that hate him and the ones that love him), wich caused changes in history, for example the perfect human in his thougths became mutants, they had arians and japaneses as seconds, they still had jews as a common group of oppression but they decided that it was worth assessing if they became mutants before sending them to the camps.

Taishy then gave the thoot pick Steve Rogers the power of will (allowing his will to interact with the world), wich made Steve even stronger.

Taishy then brougth the fundaments of one piece world(abilities, devil fruits, and special races), together with someone she reincarnated (Pedro) with Luffy's incomplete power(he needs to practice it).

Then Mike was brougth to be the religion leader,and his powers are like the higth priests of rpgs.

Because of the many amount of supernatural beings the term "meta human" was created(i now see that this chapter wasn't posted, it was a short chapter that would introduce one piece elements into the story).

Taishy then cam up with a plan that started with she putting gates around the world, she also introduced a common system everyone will have but there are 2 tipes of system, a basic one with very limited functions(everyone aquire it after the end of scenary 0), and the awakened that is more like a gamer system but with main quests(these type is considered meta human and are called players).

There are also the towers spread across the world.

Taishy resides in a different plane than anything else.

There are the knights to wich not much were presented, and otherworldly monsters.

And also Taishy is sometimes using her power onto the universe to do things.

That guy that was an error in the system is special.

AN: thanks for reading, and sorry for not posting a chapter this week, the week was thougth and I will probably pass a time without writing(not now it may start in February if it do start) and the reason is that I passed Etec so now I will have to study more, take extra courses, non obrigatory extra curricular activities(i will participate in some), and if the opportunity show itself I will also have internship, more special activities and that place is on the other side of the city so it will take me some extra time to reach.(there the crime rate is higher, so I will at least post an announce every week, if I don't I was robbed and will take some time to come back to writing.)

Also I have like 4 stories to write so good luck for me.
