
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Filmes
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125 Chs

A Titan's Reflection

Thanos stepped out of the abandoned building, his senses heightened by the rush of power and adrenaline coursing through his body. He propelled himself and landed on abuilding. He then began to leap from rooftop to rooftop, his movements fluid and graceful. He was a predator, stalking his prey in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.

As he moved, his mind raced with thoughts of the people who might hinder his plan to godhood. He thought of the Sorcerer Supreme, Yao, who could directly end his life with a flick of her wrist. But he quickly dismissed the thought, realizing that if she was aware of his existence, she would have already come for him. The power to see the future was no joke.

Then he thought of more dangerous entities, like the Living Tribunal and the One Above All. But the thought of Death herself made him shudder. Unlike the comic version of Thanos, who worshipped her, Kai feared Death and wanted to become a god, to do anything to avoid her grasp.

But there was something weird about why none of these cosmic power entities interacted with him. Either they didn't care about the anomaly that was Thanos, or they didn't even know about his existence. That thought terrified him even further, as there may be someone even stronger than the literal god of the MCU observing him and shielding him from those entities.

The voice in his head advised him not to think too much about it, as he might get more insane than he already was. The lonely man listened to his only friend's ramblings and chuckled. Wanting to distract the man even further from his existential dilemma, the voice asked what was in the man's bag, the man that he killed with his large, purple hands. Kai did not feel any guilt in killing the man. He felt nothing, af he just killed a bug. He knew that in different circumstances, he would not have killed the man. But right now, he needed information.

He thought about going to a remote area, a forest perhaps, where he could train his powers and get used to his new body. He would have to refrain from drinkig milk, even with the withdrawal symptoms present in his current body. He questioned how it was possible, and the voice in his head replied in a humorous way, saying that he couldn't escape the milk.

As he moved, he felt a sense of freedom and power that he had never experienced before. He was Thanos, the Mad Titan, and he was going to use his new body and knowledge to become a god. But he had to be careful, had to keep his true identity a secret.

He managed to leave the city, trying to be as stealthy as possible. But he couldn't avoid the cameras, the technology that tracked his every move. As he left, a man from the town of Ocala, Florida, managed to capture footage of him.

As he leapt from rooftop to rooftop, Thanos looked down at the world below him. He saw the people living their mundane lives, oblivious to the power that he held. He felt a sense of superiority, of invincibility. But he also knew that the road to godhood was a long and dangerous one, filled with obstacles and challenges. And he was ready to face them all, to become the most powerful being in the MCU.