
Marvel's All Father!

Don't take this seriously After the banishment of Thor, Odin sleeps, remembering a life he had once lived, the life as a human, where he is nothing but entertainment. He sets himself apart to try and make himself the better man Odin never was. He tries to Save his family. Odin X Frigga

Daoistle2YkH · Anime e quadrinhos
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10 Chs

Relocating the Dwarves 2

Odin had figured out where the reality stone was on midgard due to some of the skills he learned in his past life, the skill of meditation, was not something that Odin did, What odin did for training was simply fighting strong opponents, sitting down in deep thought for long periods of time, and practicing by himself. watching all of the fictional amines of reality warping powers, he could simply use the stones to bring him upwards to the camp.

Odin and Eltri gathered the rest of the Dwarves and put them all together in one place, "Heimdall!" Odin shouted and the rainbow colored beam shot down from the depths below, appearing to where heimdall was dressed in his usual golden armor. He looked at what happened with a shocked gaze.

"My king what is happening, why are their dwarves in here?!"

"This place Asgard will be their new home, at least until the threat of the mad titan is gone! "Odin declared.

"You know that their is not enough room for them to be placed in asgard my king?"

"Ah yes..." Odin nodded, "I know of what you speak, But such a problem is little and can easily fixed with a simple solution....the Aether

The hallway was stunned silent