


"Little girl! just go and tell him to spend his time with you. Don't keep sighing after you forced me to accompany you!" Uncle Kao was irritated. He had lots of other things to do, researches to complete.

"Uncle! Why are you so mean to me today? I just wanted to play chess with you, that's all!" Yu Yan said quickly, diverting her gaze down to the chess board. She was losing... badly. " Also Li Jun has a meeting with his executives downstairs" She said sheepishly again and uncle got more irritated.

After the Li couple had woken up and eaten their breakfast, Li Jun had called for a meeting after which Yu Yan did not get to see him again. He had told her that a ton of work had plied up while he was in San Fransico which could not be delayed anymore.

Yu Yan pouted as she moved her piece.

Uncle Kao immediately scoop up her knight and gave her defence a huge break. Uncle Kao was not showing her any mercy today.

"Why are you pouting so cutely?" Li Jun walked in carrying some papers in his hand.

"Li Jun!" Yu Yan said at once but calmed herself down. "Come help me play. Uncle is about to win again" She asked.

Li Jun calmly came over and stood over her chair, analysing her play.

"Too late honey. You already lost too many of your pieces" Li Jun patted Yu Yan's slumped shoulders.

"Uncle, how about I pay you to lose with the new research papers from my lab? You forfeit?" Li Jun offered.

"Really? Yes. Yes." Uncle Kao stood up excited. over the deal. He had wanted those papers since a few months ago but Li Jun had always said that they were confidential.

"Of course. Just give Dr Paul a call" Whatever. Li Jun thought. If the old man wanted to tire himself out to his grave , there was nothing he could do about it.

" Hahaha... Xiao Yan, I had fun playing with you today. hehehe...lets play again soon okay?. I lost this game to you. hehehe.. I have to go now" Uncle Kao disappeared.

"Never playing with him again." Yu Yan watched the greedy old man leave. "What papers are you going to give him?" Yu Yan asked unhappily.

"Its a new drug my lab is working on. It's supposed to negate the poisons from cyanide. They are making headway but nothing concrete as of now. Uncle is very interested in toxicology you see." Li Jun told her calmly.

"Oh" Yu Yan was not interested. She knew about her husband's secret laboratory. She figured every rich person must have one.

"Hmm" he responded.

"What are you doing here? work done?" She asked standing up.

"Not yet. I came to get you for a late lunch. I haven't eaten yet. You?"

"I ate" She answered guiltily. Too much at that.

"It's fine. Eating one more time will not do you harm.Come. I asked the the chef for a fish menu today."

"Aaarrggghhhh...." She didn't like fish.

Li Jun laughed. "It's good for you".

During lunch, Yu Yan had a thought. Maybe they could go out later and do some Christmas decoration shopping together.

"Li Jun? How about we go to the mall later. We need some decorations for Christmas..."

"Not today hon. I have to go to the office in awhile. Work has piled up... sorry" He said with an apologetic face.

Yu Yan swallowed her disappointment.

"it's okay. work is work" She smiled brightly, stabbing at the slice of fish on her plate.

Li Jun stared at her for a while.

"Take rest at home for a few more days. You are still not well enough to work." Li Jun said seriously after a moment.

Yu Yan was exasperated.

"Li Jun....if I keep taking so much leave,people will begin to suspect . Even now they wonder how a mediocre girl from a mediocre college could get into Li enterprises. I need to work more seriously from now." She said vehemently.

"About that." He put his fork and knife down. "I have decided that next week I am announcing our marriage to the public . After last night's debacle with mr Pan, I am sure many people are already very suspicious of our relationship." Yu Yan had told him about last night earlier. He did not tell her though that he had already heard about everything that happened from Shiny.

He oddly felt unsettled about the whole ordeal. Not that Yu Yan had given him any cause to feel that way.

"But Li Jun, it will only be suspicions at best. No one will know. They will just think that Mr Pan was talking about another Mr Li. There are so many Mr Lis in this world after all. They will never think that it is you.."

"But it is me! Iam sure you don't mind going on with this facade but trust me when I say, its not doing you any good. Or are you going to keep our marriage a secret forever?" Li Jun was mad now.

"It's not like that... I am just worried about what my co workers will think that's all.."

"Really? its not? How come every time I ask you to make our relationship public, you always come up with some sort of excuse to delay it? What am I supposed to think Yu Yan? "

Li Jun was angry that everytime he had wanted to go to a gathering as a couple, Yu Yan always said that she was not ready. He had to attend them mostly alone. The few times they did attend she was always looking over her shoulders worried her co workers might be in attendance as well.

"It's not like that. Think about it from my point of view. I always wanted to work at an office. Have real friends, fun experiences.Go on company gatherings, get drunk and gossip in the office with my friends.. that's all I want. But I am Coup up all day home .I can't even go out without the guards. THEY FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE... Li Jun, they follow me everywhere. I have no privacy. Just look at those cctvs around the house. I.. I.. I just want to have a normal life. Even if its only for a while." Yu Yan was in near tears due to her frustration. She just wanted to be left alone for a while.

"So, you mean to say that I shackle you? The measures I take to keep us and our home safe seems to you as keeping you captive? You mean to say I am the problem here? the destroyer of your dreams and hopes of a normal life?"

Li Jun's voice had a dangerous note to it. He laughed a little. But Yu Yan knew it had no cheer.

"I didn't mean it like that. And you know it."

"Is that why you refuse to wear your rings? You my love , are ashamed of me? our marriage?" Li Jun began to laughed psychotically scaring Yu Yan.

"I told you about that. They are just too expensive to wear daily. I wore it when we went for a function once" Yu Yan gulped.

"Yes!. ONCE" Li Jun stared at her. His eyes blacker than usual.

Yu Yan did not recognise this man.

"You are not listening to me. Let's talk another time" She was done trying to make him understand. He was clearly not in his right mind. He had gone off topic.

"LETS.TALK.NOW." Li Jun warned as Yu Yan stood up from her seat.

"Sit.DOWN" Li Jun warned again.

"No. I won't. Calm down and talk to me later" Yu Yan walked away.

A few seconds later Yu Yan was shocked to hear an angry yell from behind followed by a loud crash.

She turned around in shock to see that Li Jun had picked up the 8 feet long sandalwood lunch table and thrown it off to the side. He was huffing and puffing staring at her in anger. He was threatening her with his eyes.

Yu Yan swallowed her fear of her husband. This was a long time coming.

'It's the moment of truth' Yu Yan thought sadly.

Li Jun was losing his control- fast. Even though he had promised himself not to show her his darkness after the last time. Even though even now he wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her that he did not mean to show her his temper, that he still loves her...

"Its none negotiable." Li Jun threatened.

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