
Husband's enemy.

"And how should you treat your husband's enemies , YAN ER?" Li Jun had asked her, accentuating the pet name that Ren Hao Pan had used earlier.

'Great way to put me in a pickle Jun' Yu Yan thought dissatisfiedly.

"If you are my husband's enemy then you are my enemy too Mr Pan. Please leave us alone " Yu Yan said a little harshly..

Instantly the room temperature dropped around Ren Hao Pan.

With a hurt expression he looked towards Yu Yan and without saying anything turned around to the exit. His executives followed him out too. He did not even eat dinner... Yu Yan felt guilty. She didn't know why.

"You did a good job " Li Jun reach out to touch her hand.

"Thank you , your majesty" Yu Yan said irritated.

Li Jun laughed helplessly. He knew Yu Yan hated the display of public dominance. But he needed to show Ren Hao Pan his sole ownership over his wife and that the man had no chance to come in between them.He was still mighty pleased even though Yu Yan had glared at him.

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