
Chapter 31

Chapter 31

"PLEASE! CHRIS! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!" I shouted as I slammed door of the room she took me in.

"SHUT UP!" it was her from the other side of the door. "I told you! You already took three high dosage suppressants, I can't give you more of it!" Through her voice I knew she's nervous as well. "Please, Kyle... help yourself. I don't know what to do anymore." Her voice were trembling.

I stopped slamming the door and my knees stumbled, I fell on the floor. My tears was falling continuously, it's unstoppable. I was shivering both from coldness of the floor and from the heat I'm feeling. I sniffed and remove my coat. Now, the only cloth left on my body was the white long sleeves and my socks. All the other clothing was scattered around the room.

I had no more strength in me. My heat's draining my body and all I can do is to cry about it. My heat was supposed to come next week, not today. But when I smelled his scent, all of my vigor left me. I squeezed my eyes closed. My feelings were jumbled and ranging inside me. I knew that earlier, my alpha is there and I knew that I really saw John. Even so, I didn't got to meet neither of them.

And I hate it, I feel so lost.

"Chris..." I don't I know if she could hear me but I kept on calling her. "Chris..."

I heard movement on the other side of the door. "Yes? Kyle? Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

I can feel how swollen my eyes is, but I can't stop myself from crying. "I'm calm now... please... give me more suppressants... it hurts..." i said as I clenched my fist on my chest.

"Kyle... I ... I can't..." her voice are still full of sympathy.

"Please help me... Chris please... it's killing me..."

'I need my alpha, call him for me.' That's what I want to say to Chris. I want my alpha right now. But, I already tried calling him earlier when Chris was driving my car and he's not answering.

"My alpha... please." I kept on praying while I was laying at my car's backseat. My hands were trembling while holding my phone.

"Kyle, we're almost there. Wait for a while." Chris said while driving. I troubled her a lot.

"Aren't you... affected by my pheromones? Stop this car, don't meddle with this..." she have no responsibilities about me, I'm being a burden.

She clicked her tounge. "Shut up will you? I'm an omega also, I'm fine being exposed with your pheromones." She said. "Are you a recessive omega? Your heat are too much for your body and you're not releasing any pheromones. Tell me Kyle, are you marked already? Does someone owned you?"

I squeezed my eyes closed. Right in this moment, I don't think I can lie to her. "Yes..."

"Oh shit." She cussed. "Call him now, he's the only who can help you. Suppressants are not enough to calm a marked omega." She said. I can hear agitation through her voice.

"I did..." my tears were still falling. "He's not answering me Chris..." I was sobbing while saying those words.

I heard Chris cussed. "That obsolete fucker." Then she sighed. "Call him again, don't stop until he answer."

'I did it many times already, Chris.'

Why isn't he answering his phone? I want to believe that he's just busy or what, but I can't. I felt him earlier. The moment I smelled that scent, I know it's him. But why? Why isn't he answering my calls? I badly needed him. I don't care if he would put that fucking blinfold over my eyes. I don't care if he don't want to show me his face. I don't care because for him I'm ready to sacrifice and to wait since it was his wish.

But today, I badly needed him. Just today, I'm fine with it. I'm fine even if it'll took another 3 months to see him again. So where is he?

"Chris... call him..." Chris didn't answered me. I heard the door opened then Chris entered. I tried to lift my head to see her. I knew she's shock because of my appearance right now. Who wouldn't be? I'm naked, full of sweats and my body's quivering because of my heat. I'm ashamed that she's witnessing me in this current state. But what can I do? I'm impuissant right now.

"Oh my gosh... K-Kyle..." she helped me sit and then she hugged me. "I... I..." then I heard her sobs.

"Help me... call him..." that's all I can say.

"Fuck..." she moved. "Where's your phone?"

"In my slack's pocket." She laid me again on the floor, I think she's getting my phone. After a while, she came back then held my trembling hand. "Fuck, answer this, you maggot." I heard her clicked her tongue. "DAMN IT!"

I knew it, he's still not answering. I was watching Chris the whole time she's desperately making call with my phone. I felt my heart squeezed. I felt guilty for being asshole to her earlier at the party. I asked her to stop going around me but now, she's the one whose helping me.

I biy my lips then held the hand which is holding my phone. "It's okay... stop it already..."

I can saw her anxious expression. "But Kyle..."

I smiled. "Just give me more suppressants. I can handle the side effects. Then leave me, no need for you to take care of me." I said.

"Are you insane? Suppressants? No!" She said firmly.

"I got no more choices, my body's aching for my alpha and he's not here. My hands can barely move, I can't calm myself. So please..." I squeezed her hands. She went in silence. At this moment, I don't know if she'll agree. I know that taking too much suppressants could harm me but it's way better that being in this state.

She gritted her teeth. "Wait for me." I let go of her hands and then she stood up and walked out from the room. The moment she went out, my yowl escaped from my lips. It hurts like hell. I squeezed my thighs tight, hoping to lessen this throbbing feeling inside me. The side effects of the high dosage suppressants I took earlier is kicking in. I felt nauseous and dizzy. My hands were trembling and my core is twitching. Earlier, before Chris entered I jerked off myself, hoping to relieved the longing for my alpha. I even touched my hole but it felt non sense because my body's searching my alpha's touch.

I covered my mouth when I heard Chris entered the room. "Here, here." She helped me sat. "It just a mild dosage suppressants." She's pushing a medicine to my mouth.

"That won't help me..."

"Just follow me, Kyle." She said with conviction so I got to choice but follow her. She made me drink water. "Here take this." She said and handed me something.

"What is..?" I stopped in the midway of asking I realized what she had gave me.

"Use it, there's no more I could do..." then she left.

My tears kept falling when I shoved the sex toy that Chris gave on my hole. I doesn't hurt, it felt... incomplete. I was touching my thing with my left hand while the right hand was holding the toy. I don't know if it's helping me to ease my heat because everytine I shoved it in, my body asked for more. Something I couldn't give. Only my alpha can.

"Agh... Haah..."

My arms felt numbed from moving but I still continue. I squeezed my eyes shut when I felt myself cumming. I removed the toy from my ass and then i played with my dick. I didn't stop from moving my hands not until I came.

"Haah... ha... ha..." I was catching my breath after that. I do came but my heat was still there. With the sleeves of my cloth, I wiped my tears and snot. Then after that I covered my eyes with my arms.

'I don't want to do it anymore. It's useless. '

The tears I wiped off earlier was replaced with a new one, so I wiped it over and over again until my eyes stung from the friction of my cloth. I want to get up and clean myself but the nausea and dizzy feeling is still there. I remained on the floor.

I think it's another side effect of the suppressants I take earlier, my head felt numbed. My eyelids were falling, I tried to fought myself from dozing off but in the end, I lost in the battle.

I don't know what hour it is right now. For sure, my parents were looking for me. However, I don't want to inform them my current state. Most especially now, the side effects just doubled. My whole body is numb and unable to move. My minds was still heavy. The noise around me were ringing inside my head. I want to call for help, to make the ringing sound stop, but I can't open my mouth and my throat felt dry.


I closed my eyes, trying to forget the pain. Later, I found myself drown in painful slumber.

"Where is he?!"

"The fuck?! Moron, calm down!"

'I think I'm hearing something...'

"Where is he? He needs me!"

"Shut up! He's been calling you but you're not answering! So, calm the fuck down , you shitty asshole!"

'I can't understand them...' The voices vanished after that.

I felt my body against the soft bed. My body quivered when I felt someone touching and kissing me. I should felt attacked and unsafe, but I didn't. This person felt so familiar. I can't clearly see his face, my heads is still groggy because of the suppresant's side effects. His face was indistinguishable even with the corner lights was open.

"I'm here now, Kyle..." the person whispered at my ears. "Go on, touch me..."

I cried in happiness when I realize who he was. This voice and scent, it's screaming right at heart. "My alpha..." I was snobbing while saying that.

"Yes, that's me, my love." He said then pressed his lips against mine. I gladly answered his kisses. I opened my mouth to gave him more access, his tongue played with mine. Our lips danced with our heartbeats as it's music. Then I felt his hand touching my neck, gradually, it goes down to my chest and it played with my nipple.

"Hmmm..." I can't helped but to moan. What I've done earlier was nothing against this. There's nothing in this world that could beat my alpha's touch. My trembling body's was no more cause of my heat, it's because of my alpha.

The anticipation is killing me. While we're kissing, I lifted my hand and put it on his crotch. "Hmm..." I felt him shaken but he didn't mention anything. He continued playing with my lips while I'm touching him.

He's hard. I undone the button of his pants, then I inserted my hand into his boxer. My hand trembled when I felt his cock. It's big and I can feel his knot, it's swollen. Knot is part of alpha's penis, it swells when the alpha is aroused. It allows the alpha to lock their penis inside the hole of its partner after penetration. There a high possibility of getting pregnant, especially for an omega if an alpha knotted in them.

While I was touching his thing, he let go of my lips and his mouth traveled to my ears. He nibbled it then he went to my neck. I can hear him sniffing it. "You smell so good..." he said as he licked the part of my neck where his mark was located. I just closed my eyes because of too much pleasure.

"Enter me... I need you..." I whispered.

I heard him gulped. "Okay..." he kissed me again on my lips then his kisses went to my nipples, he played with it a little. I gasped when he started massaging my hole. But I think there's no need for it because I'm so ready for him. "Kyle..."

He removed my hands from his thing and pinned it down to the bed. "I want to touch you." I said but he shook his head and use his left hand to kept me from touching him.

"Stay still." I closed my eyes and let him do what he want with my body. I heard a noise from tearing foil. A moment later, I felt his cock entering me.

"Hmph... haah..." We done it before but it always feel big everytime he entered me. Alpha's penis was bigger than average penis of betas and omega so it's quite understandable that I'm feeling like this.

"Shhh, it's just the tip, there's more." Then made another moved and he completely entered me. I bit my lower lip when he started to thrusting. "Tahh... hmmm..." his moans sounds so sexy.

'I want more.'

I moved my hips, meeting his every thrust. His grasp at my hands tightened but later on he let go of my hands. So I automatically enveloped him with my arms. The sound we made from our bodies echoed around the room. I really hope that Chris wasn't hearing those noise.

"Hmmp!" I squealed when I felt something. My alpha stopped from moving.

"What's the problem?" I think he got worried for my sudden squealed.

I shook my head. "Nothing, I can feel you here..." I took his hand and placed it on top my tummy. There's a bulge there because of his throbbing dick. It's so erect that you can feel it just from touching my tummy. "Why are you so big..?"

I heard him sighed. "I... I... Damn, Kyle. You're making me insane. " he said then lifted my body. He made me sit on his lap with his dick inside me. My vision was unclear. But I don't care, as long as he's with me, I'm fine being a fool for him.

He kissed my cheeks and whispered. "Move." I gladly did as he guided me with my movements.

Later, I opened my eyes as the sun rays hit my face. The headache was still there but I felt light within my body. My intercourse with my alpha was really a great help.

I smiled as I remember what happened before I fell asleep. His kisses, whispers and touch was still vivid from my memories. I remember, he's not wearing any cover on his face. He didn't even covered my eyes. I wonder if he's ready to show himself to me.

'There's no need for me to hide anymore. He's showing himself.'

I extended my hands, hoping that he's here beside me but he's not. 'Maybe he's outside.' I thought.

I tried to get up but the headache was still there. Good thing, I managed to sit and I leaned on the bedrest. Under the blanket, I'm already wearing white shirt and black jogging pants. I think my alpha asked Chris for this. I must thank her later. She helped me a lot. I'll also apologize for being a dickhead before.

The room was already clean, even the clothes I wore at the party was now folded properly and placed at the sofa. My alpha's cleaned all of my mess.

I can't helped but to think about my alpha. I'm really happy that he came for me. Even if he doesn't answered right away as long as he came, I'm fine with that.

My eyes immediately went to the door when I heard it opening. "My al---" I didn't finished my word when I found out thatbit was Chris who was entering.

"Kyle!" She immediately went on my side. "You're awake!" She said then held my hands.

I smiled. "Yes. Thanks, Chris for helping." I said sincerely.

"Of course, I won't let my crush suffer, duh." I laughed because of what she said. I hope my alpha doesn't heard that because I'm sure he'll get jealous.

"I was sick worried about you! I can't sleep well while thinkinh about you, you prick!" She said but I know she's just worried for me.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I owed you a lot." I said. "By the way, Chris." She looked at me and raised he eyebrows. "Where's my alpha?"

I saw her expression changed. "Your what?"

I chuckled. "My alpha! He came here at my room last night. After you gave me that toy. So, where is he?" She didn't answered me. "Hey? Chris?"

I saw hesitation on her face that bothered me. "Kyle..."


"No one..." she stopped then continued. "No one came here after me. Your alphas was not here. He didn't came." My whole world vaporized after hearing that.


DN'S Note:

I felt bad after writing this chapter. I was crying while writing the first part. I hurt my baby huhuhu! I hope you don't hate me tho. HAHAHAHHAHA!🤣 Thanks for reading my story! Luvlots mahbebipotatoes!😙 mahal ko kayo❤

Anyway, support my other story! God's Quest: Gallant Player by DriewNrocinu ❤

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