
Marine’s Dark Admiral (by High Fever 36 Degrees)(complete)

Original Title : 海贼之黑暗大将 (Navy's Dark Admiral) Author : 高燒三十六度 (High Fever 36 Degrees) He is the Admiral, praised by the world as the light that cuts through the darkness, the Holy Lance Longinus. He is the Dark Lord, feared by the world as the darkness that ends the era, the Demon Sword Apophis. He wandered in the light and darkness and wove the battle song of blood and fire. When he looked back, he found that he had crushed the world beneath his feet. PS1: This story did not feature any fruit or system, the title of the book has nothing to do with Yami Yami no Mi! PS2: The timeline is quite long, starting when Roger began the great age of sea pirates! PS3: Non-scrappy article, highly fantastic and biased slightly off, but the characters should be intellectually ruthless basically in the line! Original Site: https://book.qidian.com/info/1014128504

Franxiscus_Siregar · Anime e quadrinhos
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788 Chs

Two Madmen Creating Flags

Groove 63, Sabaody Archipelago.

Groove 60-69 of the Sabaody is the main area where the Marine Corps is stationed and the government accesses. At the same time, Groove 63 is a temporary prison for those who committed crimes in the Sabaody and cannot meet the Impel Down custody standards.

Due to the unique nature of the Sabaody Archipelago, the scale of this prison is not tiny; many prisoners are held here.

At this moment, two figures cloaked in the coat of justice are heading to this prison; the insignia on their shoulders is very conspicuous, indicating that their identity is a rare Vice Admiral in the Marine Headquarters!

"Really rarely see you happy like this!" Drake joked.

"For more than ten years, I've been living with debts, and after today, I can finally live for myself!" Law clenched his fist, flushed with excitement.

Drake nodded and said with much emotion, "Indeed, you can finally live the way you want!"

Saying that, he laughed again, "No wonder, you're dressed so formally today!"

Law said retrospectively, "Cora-san always wanted me to become a Marine, and I am wearing this outfit today to let him know that the little guy back then has grown up to be an excellent Marine!"

"26-year-old Vice Admiral, if you look at the history of the Marine Corps, it is not uncommon, and your Cora-san, the rank seems to be only the rank of Commander, right?" Drake rubbed his chin and thought back.

"It's Commander!" Law recalled the proud look on Cora-san's face when he talked about it back then and couldn't help but laugh, "I really look forward to seeing what kind of expression Cora-san will have when he knows that my current rank is a whole step higher than his!"

"Hahahahaha! I see, that's the fundamental reason why you're dressed so formally!" Drake laughed out loud.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not ..." Law said this, unable to keep the smile off his face, "Hahahahaha, well, I admit I do have a bit of a bad taste in this area! "

The two have been talking and laughing all the way. And it didn't take long to arrive at the front of the prison.

"Sir!" The sharp-eyed guards saw the two men's shoulder straps and hurriedly stood at attention to greet them.

"Please inform the prison warden that Vice-Admiral Trafalgar D. Law of the Marine Headquarters is looking for him." Law gestured with a slight nod.


Seeing the guard hurriedly ran in, Law slightly anxiously paced back and forth in place.

"What? You're nervous at this time?" Drake snickered.

Law shook his head and exhaled heavily, "Indeed, there is nothing to be nervous about, I come here to visit the prison every year. And, because of the special status of Cora-san, his life in prison is not too bad, many times, only personal freedom is restricted, all the food he likes to eat, want to read the newspaper, will be brought in for him."

"Wow!" Drake pretended to exaggerate the excitement, "Such things you can't let the Admiral Aokiji know, otherwise, I have doubts that Admiral Aokiji will take the initiative to go to prison!"

Just at this time, a slightly blessed prison warden jogged over.

"Vice Admiral-sama, why did you come early this time? In previous years, it is not always near the end of the year ..." asked the prison warden with a slightly averted look in his eyes.

"Because, I've got Cora-san's atonement letter!" Law did not notice the prison warden's difference, just excitedly held out an official document with the seal of the world government, "Now, Cora-san is innocent!"

"Of course, of course, just this ..." the prison warden pushed on with fluttering eyes.

At this point, Law could spot the other party's difference even if he was more excited.

"What do you mean? Why do not let people go?" Law questioned in a stern voice.

Although he did not have Haoshoku Haki, this aura is not the opponent a small prison warden can withstand.

He was so scared, the prison warden's legs are weak, "No, it's not my business ah! It's Celestial Dragon-sama who invited ... Cora-san to be his guest!"

"What? The Celestial Dragons?" As it concerns the Celestial Dragons, Drake on the side also knows that things are in trouble.

And Law's pupils violently contracted as if remembering something and asked in a slightly trembling voice, "So, what's the name of that Celestial Dragon Man?"

"Yes, it's Saint Carlisle!"

"What? It's that scumbag!"

Hearing Law so angry that the prison warden scared to death, his legs went weak, only one thought in his mind, finished, this Vice Admiral-dono cursed the Celestial Dragon!

Drake is also slightly pale, remembering the last big meeting before mentioning the scum of the earth.

Law forced himself to hold back his anger and asked, "When was it, when was Cora-san taken away?"

"Yes, it was two days ago." The prison warden replied with trepidation.

"Why didn't you inform me of this kind of thing on the same day?" Law grabbed the prison warden's collar and roared with fierce eyes.

"But, but that's the Celestial Dragon!" The prison warden was so aggrieved that he was about to cry out, "Besides, maybe it's really just a guest?"

However, this kind of word out even he does not believe and involves the Celestial Dragon; there is never anything good.

"Damn it!" Law roared, "Tell me, where does that scumbag live?"

Hearing him bellowing like this, Drake also paled slightly, "Calm down, Law, it's better to let sensei deal with the government on such matters!"

However, Law ignored his reminder, just grabbed the warden and shook him frantically, "You bastard, did you not hear what I said? Quickly tell me, where does that scum live?"

The prison warden was almost shaken to foam at the mouth, instinctively had a sense of ominous foreboding, but looking at Law's blood-red eyes, still could not help but say the answer, "Saint Carlisle is, is in the official residence of the 69th Groove."

After getting the answer he wanted to know, Law's hand make thrown back, and the prison warden's plump body was thrown against the wall with a "snap".

"Law, don't do anything stupid!"

"Get out of the way!"

Drake transformed into a giant dinosaur blocking the door, "I will not let you pass, you should know, you are not my opponent!"

Law's right hand opened up, and the hemispherical space instantly enveloped the three of them, "I can't beat you, but I don't need to beat you either!"

"Fooled!" Law let out a whisper; surprisingly, he switched his position with the prison warden, appeared in front of the wall at the back, and then directly broke the wall to escape from the back of the prison.

"Wait, Law ... abominable ah!" Seeing Law to save time, do not hesitate to use the ability to use the short distance of space transfer continuously; Drake then knew that he could not possibly catch up!

"Is it the 69th Groove?" Drake whispered, his disgusted gaze turned to the prison warden who was sitting paralyzed on the ground as if he was stunned, "Where is your prison's Den Den Mushi?"

"In, in the warden's office." The warden instinctively pointed behind him.

"We can only inform the scum to escape as soon as possible!" Drake hurriedly ran toward that room, clenching his fist again reluctantly and fiercely, "Damn! Can't those parasites do something human?"

"And ... Law, don't do anything stupid!"

Published in Qidian, December 19, 2019

If there are errors in naming characters, places, skills, etc., please notify me as soon as possible to correct them. Thanks.

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