
Marigold - A LitRPG

The story follows our protagonist Hana, who after dying in a fire, is reincarnated in another world as a humble monster bee. The story has a slow pace with RPG-style game systems and evolutions, base building and MC development.

Bastionizion · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 4: Being a Bee?

Damn it! that rabbit has about 30x more life points than me! And these blank parts... Is it because I can't see at my current level? Or was it because I didn't have an analyze skill? Is there a skill to analyze? I still can see the status of this rabbit even without having the skill to do so...

As i dig myself into my thoughts about how this shitty system can work, the water-drinking rabbit quietly silenced himself, soon lifted its ears and stood stiffly in place, I already knew what that meant.

We had company.

Before I could even process what was happening, a figure larger than the rabbit, faster, and much scarier, ran from the bushes directly into the neck of the poor fluffy Moon Rabbit, when I finally had a chance to understand what had happened, I would rather not have seen or understood. The poor rabbit, with no chance of escaping between the tusks of what appeared to be a wolf with threadbare brown hair, blood-red eyes, and long white teeth, the rabbit soon uttered a faint, muffled cry of protest, the Wolf did nothing but strain the grip he put between his theeth, and soon the sound of bones breaking, and the pale red blood of the poor rabbit's now was bathing the Earth, The Wolf, didn't look at me, as if he couldn't see me.

 Or as if he didn't care for me.

All I could do was stand still, motionless and frozen in fear in place, while the wolf creature tore the rabbit that I once believed to be powerful, and reduced it to pieces of meat from which it feasted, I was simply shocked as I couldn't even realize how close he was came, and that even the one hour "powerful" rabbit could do nothing more than turning into a dinner.

The Wolf who was now licking his paws after a meal, stopped abruptly and looked at me, he looked directly at me! And I couldn't help but feel afraid, instinctively my wings began to beat, and when I realized I was flying towards the deepest part of the forest, I looked behind thinking that the wolf might have come after me, but he didn't, he stood still, just looking at me, as if to say that I'm not worth the effort...

My heart, or whatever was inside of me, was beating so fast causing me to fly faster out of that place, I was curious, I couldn't avoid , something so powerful, what was it?





Damn it!

Why can't I get any information about his status?! Is some kind of difference of levels or some skill?! I have no idea! And the system doesn't explain anything to me! At least I could see some information about the rabbit, I knew his full status was there, I just couldn't see it clearly!

I finish leaving this place as fast as I can in the opposite direction from the Wolf, I flew without stopping for a long time! Really long time! I flew until I was exhausted, I flew so much that I gained a level of [skill]!



The skill [basic flight] has reached Lv 2!

Well! it doesn't sound like much... but still something to be proud of, I guess?

When I stoped flying, I feel exhausted, I land on the roots of a tree and the physical exaustion hits me like a brick, it is not the kind of exhaustion that you feel when you had made a lot of physical effort, Is the kind that seems that at any moment I could faint, this was very weird, flying for so long would tire anyone, but I never had hear about bees that "flew until they died".

I toke a quick look at my own status and soon discover the reason for this horrible exhaustion.




 Species: Solitary honeybee 

Level: 1

Class: Queen


+ Information

[Skills] - 5

[Traits] - 3


Exhaustion - 05:37

You pushed your body too hard and now it's exhausted

That it?!? I can suffer with effects too! And not wanting to be a ignorant, but what kind of description is that!

It is obvious that the [Effect] of exhaustion leaves you exhausted! Can't you be more specific on why I feel like a steamroller has rolled over me?!?


This is useless this system doesn't have a secretary like those manga stories I read before I died, Man how I wanted one of those now! or at least a [Tutorial for Beginners] anything would be welcome here!

I feel weak, like my body is emptying, and soon I find out why, now I'm hungry too! I guess that's right, considering I haven't eaten anything since I was "born".

I look around, finally paying attention to the environment around me, since I came here, and I see some small flowers that grew between the roots and Moss, small deep purple flowers with yellow interiors, must be my Bee instincts, it can only be these bee instincts, because when I look at this interesting flower that I had never seen before, the only thing I can feel is hunger!

I end up walking to the group of small flowers and soon I discovered something interesting about me!, which is something common for insects, but more cool for humans, I can attach myself to the surface of the tree and walk in angles that don't seem possible! Being able to walk through walls and even upside down! It's not perfect, I feel gravity pulling me, trying to make me fall with everything on the floor, the more inclined I get, but it's still cool! maybe with a [Skill] I can walk around the surfaces without worrying about falling, but how do I get specific skills? I know that when I won [Basic flight] I tried really hard so many times to fly, to gain this skill.

While rambling once again about these abilities and how they work, I was soon here, face to face with the Little Flower, it smelled sweet and instantly made my stomach rumble, I didn't know exactly how to eat nectar like a bee, but in theory I have a tongue that specializes in collecting nectar. I catch myself looking intently at the Little Flower and try to stretch out my tongue, and soon, from between my insect Jaws, a thin black stem, like the mouth of a butterfly emerges, I struggle for a moment but as soon as my tongue comes into contact with the nectar... God! WHAT A DELICIOUS THING!

I don't know if it's my bee body, or if nectar really tastes that good, but this is delicious! It is sweet and not cloying, with a slight fruity taste and a light texture!

When I realize, I already had drunk the nectar of several flowers, so many of them, so much nectar that my chest is full now!

After such a delicious meal, I could only crawl up to a small shadow of leaves to try and take a nap, when I reached what appeared to be a hole in the roots of the tree, I decided it would be good enough for my well-deserved rest!

As I nestled among small leaves that I collected to make a small makeshift bed, a thought came to me me, Am I'am wasting my time? I should create a hive already!


I should't be think about building a hive, I had no intentions on creating a hive, but so now that I stop to analyze my thoughts...

I can only think of the pros of having a hive full of workers! As food, shelter, defenders, and a safety for me and the little ones!

But that wasn't right! I'm a human! I shouldn't be excited about giving birth to a bunch of bugs! The only reason I could think of for me to be having those "bees" thoughts are just one...


Now that I think about it, I think I was too fine with it all, since I was born as a bee I mean..

I was angry at first, yes! but I ended accepting that to fast, too fast, this weird Bee body was turning my human mind into a perfect queen or what?!?

And what should I do about it now that I'm aware there's something wrong? If I end up giving in to every bee instinct... will I soon lose my humanity? my conscience? Other thing, could I fight those instincts? They are here, now I can feel them, like when someone adimite that has problems and can feel them, but i don't feel anything wrong coming from these instincts, I feel like it's just a bunch of ideas that try to keep me alive, but they realy just that? Or something else that is slowly trying to corrupt me?!



I just thought a lot about it, my humanity, personality and consciousness, were they still intact? Since I made the passage into this strange world, am I the same person as before? Or just a bee that mysteriously had found the memories of some alien human?...

I have no idea...

This thought that I might just be the shadow of my old self, a version of me who got lost among the stars and ended up in the body of an otherworldly Bee scares me, I stand there, staring out of the little hole in the root of the tree where I am, and think...

Should I just accept this new reality with open arms?

I had no friends, or family, nothing to go back to or cry about, nothing but myself, now should I really stop resenting so much some mysterious entity or power that brought me here, and try to make the most out of this new life?

It's not like I'm already singing victory, but most of the time in a isekai's fantasie the reincarnated character always ends up getting powerful, this could very well happen to me right?

But I am a bee... and a queen above all! my skills go around the purpose of creating a hive!

Should I just create a fucking Hive at once and that's it? I would have the security of a home at least... But if I created these drones... They would be my children right? All coming from me, would I be able to face them head on? if they were conscious as I am, what would that mean? What if they ended up not even being sentient? just gears in the machine, would that be wrong?

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?..."