

-Do you accept the exchange of merchandise? I just need a bit of epiduriung.-

The boy looks at me as if I were joking. I look back.

« What? You just want one of the most expensive android ores? Does this look like a auction house to you?»

- would you refuse, even if it where worthy the price?-

« Ok, what do you got?»

-Now? Uh, nothing. I mean, I don't know yet.-

«Are you playing with me?»

- No, of course not. But I presume explaining my point wold make things only more complicated. Can't you wait bit?-

«Well, no. you better find a way to hurry up because in any time—»

The door opens with a kling, a big version of Kasi enters the shop.

« Kasi, I am back... And I see you got us a new costumer... well done.»

Kasi's big version joins him behind he balcony and opens a commercial smile to me.

«Welcome to Dely techonodroid shop. I am Dely. I hope my son treated you well. So what will it be? Spare parts? charger supplies?...»

«She wants "just a bit" of epiduerung.» Kasi replies in a sarcastic tone. ( alert, receiving telantransportes object.)

«Very well, this will be a very good sell...» ( 2%.. ready 40%... 80%...)

«She does not have a unit—s...»

(100%) Oh, jackpot.

At my hands, a very nice appears.

through my scans I know it is Nebula's cortex cybernetic implant. A very advanced, expensive, and rare technology, any techdroyd would want one of those.

«How did you do that!» Asks Kasi, for the first time with the eyes of a true child.

«That is true piece! A cybernetic cortex implant! A very advanced, expensive, and...)

« Father, the piece of crap isn't important right now. She just fuking teleported it to your store!!!» At least the little one is still curious, I don't know how much this place took from his infancy.

« Kasi! Don't be rude to your customer! Don't worry madam. We don't ask questions if we don't like to answer them, it is your policy.» He tries to be as polite as he can but Kasi seems to be hypnotized.

«We are a highly weaponized species. Searched for the very crime of existing in more than 10 galaxies. But no worries, we escaped. Now you have to answer our question right?»

« My good Kasi, I am deeply sorry. I will accept the cortex for the epiderium as to say sorry in name of my son.»

« But father! Do you know the blackout from earlier? it was she! And she put Tijogh in a vegetative state with just one finger! I was there!»

«KASI STOP!! Ah... what a mess. Please, forgive him. I can also offer you some information. You probably need some nanominiom for magical defense and conium ore for basic shapeshift ability or weaponry I don't care. Just go to Yull's shop at these coordinates and you will find anything you need. Anything more you want? »

He is a good guy.

I will just explore it a bit more...

Remorse is something for none fighting for its survival specimens, ok system?

-Do you have a morphing device?