
Fellow Retards, Assemble

"Hahh… Even after all these years, I still love doing this, especially with you!" [Andel]

"S-stop talking… Silence is needed, especially in these kinds of moments." [Yra]

"It's almost there… I can feel it!" [Andel]

"Don't rush it!" [Yra]

"Here it is! It's coming!" [Andel]

"Pull it!" [Yra]

"No… Not yet! Just a little bit more!" [Andel]

"What the hell are you doing, you idiot! Pull it out now!" [Yra]

"Oh god, this is a big one!" [Andel]

"Pull it now or I'm going to pull it myself!" [Yra]

"Haahh…" [Andel]

"Nooo!!!" [Yra]


"God damn it, you idiot… Why the hell did you not pull it out!" [Yra]

"I… I thought I had more time…" [Andel]

"You truly are an idiot… No wonder that even after all these years you are still so bad at fishing!" [Yra]

Fishing with Yra is the best… Just seeing her being so passionate about catching fish also increases my enthusiasm to a completely different level. In the past, I thought that those fluffy years of hers are just a byproduct of her status as one of Eira's clones but recently I realized that even Creation Gods' true form is heavily influenced by their personality.

I still don't have all the details but, from what I understood so far, Creation Gods are born in the Primordial Chaos, a region of space beyond the limits of the multi-verse. Countless years of accumulation and a tremendous amount of luck is needed for a single Creation level beeing to have a chance to be born. At first, they are just masses of pure energy, roaming around, devouring other Gods, until, one day, they start forming a personality. After that it's always the same: they join the main multi-verse, are introduced to the laws and regulations created by the Supreme Goddess Eea and they get the chance to create their universes.

Yea… Pretty complicated, right? In the past 80 years, I've spent all my free time studying Creation Gods. I might not know everything about them, but I have a far better understanding of what makes them tick now than when I first came into this universe.


In the distance, another catastrophic explosion sunders the heavens and obliterates the earth. If this were to happen in the past I would have most likely gone on a rampage for disturbing my fishing time but, after all these years, I kinda got used to it…

Right now duel number 29585 between Team Hero-ish and Team Triple Retard takes place. Ever since the two awakened heroes that received my divine blessing together with a third wheel met the three retards that I've taken as my disciples in the Purgatory Real, they became sworn rivals and started fighting against each other almost daily…

At first, it was extremely annoying but this constant rivalry allowed them to grow very fast. Right now I guess that any single one of them could be considered a powerhouse in the top 10. As for their teamwork… I hate to admit it, but they managed to make it work flawlessly even though, at first glance, their teams seems extremely imbalanced.

The three retards are composed of Andelion a swordsman defined by his extreme speed, Ceyx a magical swordsman easily recognized by his flashy style of fighting and Antalia an assassin swordswoman specialized in ambushes. So basically they have three sword class players. At first I wanted Antalia to become a support mage or something like that as I was certain that a triple close combat swords based team could never work but, in the end, she proved me wrong.

On the other side in team Hero-ish we have Fei Fei as a dual-scimitars close combat magic swordswoman and Chow Chow, better known as double-C, taking the role of the initiator. He is specialized in extreme burst damage using large-area pseudo-divine spells.

As for their third wheel, that is someone kinda unexpected. His name is Ardan. When I came into this worlds he was the strongest expert under the king that summoned me.

The thing is that back then he was truly far too weak to stand a chance against monsters of my level. Now he is the 4'th strongest being in this universe. In a way… To put it bluntly, I don't know how, but after training with the two awakened heroes for close to 20 years, he awakened as an Eternian. In a way…

Look, I don't want to say anything bad about him because he is truly an Eternian and he is also extremely strong… It's only that his "strength" is very specialized.

He is the perfect tank. That guy can take a beating like no other. His Eternian Soul allows him to absorb the energy of all enemy attacks and use that power to regenerate.

Unfortunately, away from that, he is kinda useless… No extreme speed, no special magical powers, nothing. Just extreme tankiness.

Team Hero-ish is imbalanced exactly because of him… Basically, the enemies can just ignore him in a fight and concentrate the attacks on his teammates. Fortunately, after another 60 years of constant training, they managed to find a method that allows them to overpower any team out there. And yes, this includes Team Triple Retard. Even though their teamwork is impeccable and at first glance, they would be the favorites in a direct fight, in reality, out of 29585 duels, their team won only 804 times.

Well, for now, let's go beyond the current generation and focus on the previous one. The third team that right now is chilling in the background while drinking tea is composed of the former three rulers of the Astral Realms Ayame, Lucifer, and Balcifer.

Even though in terms of experience they outclass even me thousands of times over, their power levels are kinda lacking, especially when compared with their children. If anything, they can still be considered to be in top 20 in the universe in terms of power and they do still have a few tricks up their sleeves that allowed them to snatch a few duel victories even against team Hero-ish.

The fourth team has a single member, Hecate, the supreme ruler of the Arachne Clan and also my first wife. In the past, it can be said that she was the weakest of all those surrounding me and, in terms of power levels alone, that hasn't changed too much. Still, the fact that she is the sole member of a whole team is a pretty big clue that something changed from the past… I won't go into details but let's just say that she created an extremely annoying ability that even I dread.

Then there are Gargran and Mea forming the fifth team together with their son Meagran. Very original name by the way... When I first met them Gargran was a little soldier in Purgatory and Mea was Hecate's maid. Many things happened afterward, they got married, had a child and became the sole rulers of the three Astral Realms.

Fifty years ago they actually fused the three realms into a single one and absorbed all the power created during that fusion achieving a terrifying level. Unfortunately, they started training only 16 years ago and as such their teamwork is kinda meh… Still, they are definitely worth a position among the top 20 in the universe.

Yra who is now by my side fishing, Goddess Eira's clone, forms our sixth team. To be honest I am not entirely certain how powerful she truly is. I don't know why, but her power kinda fluctuates. Still, even when she is at her worst, she deserves the title of the fifth strongest in the universe.

The seventh and eight teams are Lubba's responsibility.

As for the remaining three teams, those are formed by the three original Eternians under Eira's rule: Lubba of the Ancient Tribes, Kykos Luno the Winemaker and myself, Andel the summoned.


As the sun is about to set down, I finally rise to my feet with Yra by my side. In the distance, the fight between the idiots and the retards looks to be over as well. In the background, the three former Astral Rulers also look in this direction with interest in their eyes. On their left Hecate stands together with her former maid Mea, her husband and their son waiting for my words.

"I guess there is no point in wasting any more time here…"

"If I realized one thing in the past 80 years then that is that I'm surrounded by retards. We are about to fight in what seems to be the grandest event that has occurred in eons but each and every single person present squirms in anticipation."

"In reality, I know that the truly retarded one here is no one but myself. But the fact that you are all ready to follow me to the end shows that you are also not far away from me."

"But I must say one more thing! I'm proud to fight together with you all one last time. No matter the outcome, let's make our presence known! "

"As such, I guess there is only one last thing worth being said!"

"Fellow retards…"


Today a friend that helps me once in a while to edit my chapters told me that I’m the only Chaotic Neutral Author that he knows… Today I’ve sent him chapter 43 and chapter 61… Even though chapters 44-60 are not done yet.

To put it bluntly, it happens to me more often than not to think of an idea for a chapter and just write it even though I’m not even close to that point with the story.

Road_to_Oblivioncreators' thoughts
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