
Mandela catalouge stuff from my Ao3

Autor: MuddyMuck
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Uhm really this is just requests from my Ao3 that I'm posting here for a friend who has Ao3 blocked :)

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Chapter 1Love of a father and son

Cesar wasn't entirely the same after encountering the alternate that had killed his mother, he nearly escaped with his life. He had lost his home, his mother, and his left arm, all he had was himself and the new home Mark had helped him get. He had slowly started to forget what happened all those years ago, a memory that vaguely formed in his mind when he had nothing else to think about. Today was a day where the memory had become clear and he decided that to clear his head, he'd take a walk, despite being a bit paranoid of being attacked by an alternate again. It was late in the afternoon, a lovely orange-red sunset peeked through the trees and houses, and the gentle breeze lovingly caressed Cesar's hair and face. It was nice enough to make Cesar let his guard down and just think back to simpler, more calm times in his life, like when he first met Mark. He chuckled to himself at how much of a crybaby Mark used to be and how tough of a man he became, then a frightened scream broke the tranquil aura around Cesar, fear set in but that didn't stop Cesar from searching for who made the horrifying sound. He stood facing the back of a dark alternate looming over a child, memories of his encounter with an alternate flood into his mind and he is overcome with rage instead of fear. Without so much of a care, he yells and punches the back of the alternate as hard as he can, he knows that this won't work against a creature such as this but he has nothing more than his fists and his wits. The creature now faces Cesar, with murderous intent etched into its dark features it takes a step forward, it feels like Cesar is reliving that day. He stares up at the creature, he is not afraid, he tells himself he is not afraid, Cesar turns his attention to the child cowering in fear and smiles trying to reassure him that it will be alright. Cesar tries his best to not seem afraid of the alternate and it seems like it works working as the alternate seems to be losing interest in him. Soon the alternate gets tired of staring down at Cesar and leaves, Cesar rushes over to the young boy, kneeling to be at his level. "Are you alright?" He asks gently, resting a hand on his shoulder. The boy is on the verge of tears but pushing him away, standing up. "I didn't need your help…I could've gotten rid of that thing by myself…" The boy frowns. "It would have injured you or killed you if I hadn't helped." Cesar stood as well looking down at the boy, he couldn't have been any older than ten years old. "Hey kid, where are your parents?" Cesar asked, cocking his head to the side. "My mom died when I was four and my dad was killed by an alternate when I was eight…" The boy explains shoving his hands and looking down at the pavement. "Have you been all alone since…?" Cesar knew how that felt to lose the ones you love and have virtually nothing left. "Yeah though I got put in some stupid foster home…I ran away though…" The boy glances up at Cesar. "Well, what's your name?" Cesar asks. "Adam, Adam Murray," Adam replied flatly. "Nice to meet you Adam my name is Cesar Torres." Cesar smiles softly. Adam returns the smile with a slight glare. "How about you come with me?" Cesar offers. Adam continues to glare but his expression softens and he reaches his hand out to Cesar's, Cesar gladly takes it. "I'll take that as a yes."

Cesar's home

Cesar unlocks the front door leading Adam upstairs, he opens the door to a room he never found a use for but now knows what he will be using it for."This will be your new bedroom." Cesar smiles leaning in the doorway. "I like it." Adam turns and looks up at Cesar. "I'm glad you do Adam." Cesar feels like he is whole again after feeling like just a husk wandering around in the cruel reality of life, he found the missing piece, he found…Adam.

Three years later

Cesar sits on the porch waiting for Adam to come home from school, he only recently started letting him walk to and from school by himself seeing as he was becoming a teenager and would want to start being able to do things his way and for himself. In the distance, he could make out the tall but skinny silhouette of his dear son making his way home, as Adam drew near Cesar could make out scraps and blood on his face and arms. Shaken by the sight Cesar quickly leaves his spot on the porch and rushes to meet the teen. "Adam, are you alright? What happened? Who did this to you?" Cesar was in full-on panic mode. Adam just smiled and laughed, "It was just a small fight I had with Jonah, dad! Don't worry about it." Cesar sighs and smiles, shaking his head, "You boys are such an odd pair." Adam just grins and continues walking back home with Cesar in tow. Once inside, Cesar tends to Adam's wounds, "Honestly how do you two manage to do this to each other?" Cesar asks while grabbing more alcohol pads to clean Adam's wounds. "Jonah is really strong…I wanna be strong like you dad…so I can beat him up for once…" Adam admits kicking his legs, these words struck Cesar's heart making it warm up and melt like ice in the sun. "I wanna be strong and fearless like when you made that alternate leave me alone…" Cesar couldn't seem to find any words, his son admired him despite being a coward. He turned and hugged his precious son, tears welling up in his eyes. "Dad, are you okay?" Adam gently pats his father's back. "Yes, yes I'm okay Adam I'm just happy, very happy." Tears of joy begin to fall from Cesar's eyes and roll down his cheeks. "I love you, Adam." Cesar quietly sobs. "I love you too dad," Adam replies leaning into his warm embrace.

Four years later

It's the first time Adam has ever been to prom, usually, he just stayed home with his father and enjoyed just spending time with him but this time it was different, this time it was because of a girl he liked and Jonah had pressured him into asking her to prom to which she said yes. Cesar had gone all pesky mother on Adam once he found out with questions like "What's her name?" or "Does she have any hobbies?" that sort of thing. Adam had originally decided that he'd wear just his usual, casual clothing that he wore to school every day but that just didn't click for Cesar, he insisted that he had to wear a nice suit for his "girlfriend". Adam wasn't too fond of formal attire just like his uncle, Mark. "If you really want me to wear a suit, dad then I'm gonna go buy one." Adam huffed annoyed while he put his shoes on. "Oh! No need to go buy one! I've been waiting for the day you'd need this." Cesar excitedly hands Adam a small box with the words "For Adam" written on the top. "The hell is this?" Adam mumbles as he opens the box. "Language Adam." Cesar smiles softly. "Yeah yeah I know." He gets the box open and peers inside. It's the suit he'd seen Cesar in on those photos of him on the walls. "It's your suit." Adam seems amazed that Cesar would give him such a thing. "Mhm, I thought you would have liked to have it." Cesar closes his eyes, still smiling. "Thanks, dad!" Adam stands up, throwing his arms around his father. Cesar returns the hug and a kiss on the cheek, "You're getting quite tall for me Adam." He chuckles. "I guess I am." Adam chuckles as well. "Now go get dressed, don't wanna be late!" Adam nods and goes to put the suit on.

Once Adam had dressed, he came down to show his father, Cesar being who he was instantly teared up and basically melted into a pile of mush seeing his son in the suit he once wore. "Oh, look at you! So handsome! I can't believe it! You're going to prom for the first time!" He exclaimed. "I actually kinda like it. It suits me." Adam laughed. "That was terrible Adam." Cesar sighs smiling. "It was only seven years ago when I saved you from an alternate and look at you now. You've become a fine young man." Cesar rested a hand on his son's shoulder and smiled brightly. Adam smiled as well, "I'm happy to call you my father." Cesar's smile only grew, "And I'm happy to call you my son." The two embraced once again and then Adam left.

A couple of hours later

Adam came home visibly upset, tearing off his shoes and running up to his room, slamming the door behind him. Cesar knocked on his door, concerned. "Adam is everything alright?" Cesar asks. "Leave me the fuck alone!" Adam yells, Cesar can tell that he's crying. Cesar leans against the door, "Adam…I know you're upset right now but would you let me in so we can talk about this…together?" Adam doesn't respond but reluctantly opens the door. Cesar sits on the edge of Adam's bed and stares at him standing by the door. "What happened Adam?" Cesar tilts his head slightly to the left. "They set me up, dad." Adam sobbed, "Annie put on an act, she doesn't love me back, she went with Jonah, I saw them in the bathroom making out…" Adam was now sobbing uncontrollably. Cesar frowned, "Come here, sweetheart." Adam eagerly let himself be taken in his father's embrace. "I'm so sorry that happened to you." Cesar apologized as he caressed Adam's head. "Why does everything I love get taken away from me?" Adam asked angrily, clutching onto Cesar. "I'm still here Adam, I'll always be here for you." He kissed his head. Adam's sobs had dissipated into soft sniffles and choked angry ramblings. Cesar kept petting Adam until he had gone quiet, he looked down and saw that he had fallen asleep, he looked so peaceful aside from the dried tears that stained his face. Cesar softly smiled and laid his precious son in his bed tucking him in just like he used to, setting his stuffed cat down next to him. "I love you, dad…" Adam mumbles in his sleep. "I love you too, Adam…"

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