
Making Modern Weapons in a Fantasy World

In the continent of Dark a group of dirty and bloody individuals commit a forsaken summoning of a demon. While on earth a man named Fred reading in a library gets flashed out of existence. Given knowledge on making weapons Fred will have to live in a new world filled with magic.

Rellik0 · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Sneaking in the Palace

Fred looked at the gate Palace taking a look around at the guards and the openings in the Palace. Fred tried walking closer to the fence to get a look around the sides and try to glimpse into the back. Before he could get close though a guard stopped him and let him off with a warning. Fred went to a inn and had the three slaves stay there before leaving he asked the system something.

'System is it possible to check the slaves levels?'

'Since their your slaves yes its possible.'

Fred left the inn deciding that when he comes back he will check their levels. He went to the palace and waited an hour by the entrance scanning the nobles coming through. He noticed that some would be allowed to bring a carriage inside but others would have to walk. The first thought he had was to sneak under one of those carriages but seeing that they would always be the center of attention it would be pretty difficult. He was still trying to figure something out until he saw a guard leaving his post by the fence. Fred immediately rushed over casting a muffle spell and partial invisibility on himself climbing over the fence Fred followed the guard.

Fred saw the guard take a entrance that was used by other guards. He saw a steady stream of guards come out and those from outside coming in. he waited outside until they finished changing shifts before sneaking in. Inside it looked close to a armory mixed with a locker room dirty guard clothes were lying about it seemed like the clean ones were already switched out.

'System I can use some kind of cleaning spell on clothes right?'

'Yes but keep in mind clothes rom guards are usually dirty all the time.'

'So your telling me I have to put on dirty sweaty clothes?'

'No, you can just clean the inside and keep the outside of it dirty.'

'Why didn't you say that first?'

The System didn't respond leaving Fred angry picking up the dirty clothes he went through them one by one before finding a size that closely fitted him. When he found clothes that fit him he walked out of the room into a extravagant hallway that seemed endless. Fred looked around for a bit for people only to find a butler walking in a hurry. Following him Fred saw him enter two rooms one was a room where the butler took of his coat and grabbed a fresh blue one. The butler walked out into a second room where a giant room well lit and decorated met his eyes.

Before taking a step into what looked like a ballroom Fred went into the room the butler changed into. Finding another set of butler clothes Fred put them on. He only now realized he could just use magic to shrink the clothes into his size. Walking to the door of the assumed ballroom Fred leaned his head to the door hearing chattering laughs and such. Fred took a look at his clothes making sure it was proper and adjusted himself.

Ready to act like a butler and fit in with the crowd Fred opened the door. Fully expecting to walking among the crowd and act like a butler he opened the door and froze. There was no noise no chatter no laughter like earlier just silence. There was a sea of people in the room but not one spoke they were all looking at Fred. Looking around he realized they were all staring at him with surprised looks on their faces. Knowing he just made a major mistake Fred started thinking up a escape plan. Until a tall burly man with a crown on his head spoke up.

"This ladies and Gentleman will be my new adopted son!" The burly man with a crown stated gesturing to Fred.

Fred froze up thinking what went wrong the only possible thing he could think of is that he was mistaken for someone else. Trying to calm himself down he took a look at the people they were still in shock but some recovered and started whispering. Clearly they were discussing about Fred before long the burly man continued speaking.

"No I did not mistaken you for someone else. Come up here boy I wanna get a good look at you." The man motioned for Fred to stand next to him. Causing Fred to falter before deciding to stand next to him. The man started nodding at Fred looking him up and down like he was a piece of merchandise he nodded his head here and there like some excited child.

"As expected of a adopted child of mine, they should have the guts to sneaking in my palace!"

Those words caused the crowd to gasp and gossip in disdain looking at Fred like he was some filth. Well it was expected as these nobles all came here hoping for their child to get adopted and to ascend to royalty, only for some random person to sneak in the palace and get adopted instead. The king only chuckled and continued speaking to the crowd.

"Tell us boy announce your name for us to hear!" The king was energetic and happy it was weird seeing a burly man behave like a child while dressed as a king.

"My name is Fredrick pleased to make your acquaintance" Fred took a bow to the crowd like a actor on stage who just finished performing.

"Haha I like this child already look at those manners!" The king nodded and laughed in a good mood he swaggered over to a table picking up a bottle of alcohol drinking it in one go.

"Your majesty you cant be serious in picking this boy. He is not of noble blood, and he has no respect for your laws! How could he dare attempt to sneak into the palace!"

A random noble child walked out from the crowd mad at Fred and tried to reason with the king. The king heartily laughed at his words grabbing another bottle of alcohol drinking it. The king looked to the noble child.

"What's your name boy? I always wanted a kid with guts."

With a happy smile the boy looked to the king and spoke

"I am Garold Blood your majesty my family has served you for five years."

The boy took a bow copying Fred trying to impress the king. The king nodded to the boy drinking the bottle. A flash seemed to come from the king before he walked to Fred patting his shoulders. The young noble child name Garold seemed frozen in time, until his head slid off his neck falling down to the ground. Everything was quiet at this time.