
Maid to be his Wife

There is nothing more embarrassing than approaching a man with a marriage proposal while you're still intoxicated! Chelsea Leigh Garcia is a young woman who got wasted in a well-known club and ended up as the bride/personal maid of a well-known CEO of a huge company, but he is also a pervert who is continuously teasing her. Will the course of his life change forever in the hands of Red Chandler Buenavista? But what if there are a lot of challenges they need to overcome to prove their undying love for each other? Make sure to fasten your seatbelts because we are about to witness the rollercoaster life of Chelsea Leigh Garcia and Red Chandler Buenavista.

Sofia_Silvestre · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs



I don't know what to do because I don't know what this man is on. But he is really nice tonight. I don't get it. I was surprised when he gave me his coat. I lied when I said I wasn't cold when I really am. Can you even imagine what this guy made me wear?

A white dress made of thin material! Yes, something thin! Geez!

Na na na na

So beautiful in white


The last line of "Beautiful in White" before the song ends. Still, my heart beats so fast. I don't know why they were racing earlier, but I really hope that when I get married, that song will be playing as I walk toward the altar. We had all been waiting for months for that dream to come true, but when my sister and fiancé lied to me, they ruined all the long-term plans.

Is it true that everything is just a dream? When will I meet the right man for me? If God really does control everything, I have no choice but to wait for the best plan for me.

When the show was over, all three of them left together. Red and Kent's faces showed that they were tired and ready to sleep, but Chelsea looked like she was ready to go to another concert.

"Did you like the show, Chelsea?" With a smile on his face, Mr. Lee asked.

"Yes, I really liked it, and this is probably the best concert I've ever been to!" Chelsea spoke up.

"I heard that they were going to have another show in the US. If I can get permission from Mr. Buenavista, we can go together to see their shows." Mr. Lee put forward.

"Uh..." When Red suddenly reached for Chelsea's waist, he couldn't finish what he was going to say.

"You want to see them play again? Why didn't you tell me?" While his hands were on Chelsea's waist, he asked in a calm voice.

Mr. Lee said in a sarcastic tone, "I've heard that Mr. Buenavista and his wife are very loving, but don't tell me you don't even know what your wife likes to do."

There is tension between Mr. Lee and Red, but Chelsea narrowed her eyes because what was happening bothered her.

"It seems like you know more about my wife than I do, or Mr. Lee, you just like to start things. Who do you think you are?" Kent was surprised by the question, so he couldn't answer it right away. Red laughed and said, "I was so busy with work that I forgot about her a bit, but if she wants to do something in the future, I'll be there with her, right, my love?"

"Ah, uh, Huh? Yes, that's fine with me, ha ha..." She stuttered and couldn't look at Mr. Lee.

"Thank you for caring about my wife, Mr. Lee. But Mr. Lee has been out of the country for a long time. I don't know if you know the story," Red said.

"What happened?" Mr. Lee asks with a smile.

"About the naughty mouse who got caught by a wild cat," Red said to Mr. Lee while staring at him blankly.

Kent was speechless. The smile on his face went away right away.

"Chelsea, tell Mr. Lee goodbye; we should leave now."

Chelsea went after it right away and told Mr. Lee that they had to go. Mr. Lee only smiled and waved his hand at her. The strange things they did made Chelsea feel scared because of the growing tension.

How could this version of Mr. Buenavista be worse than when he is mad?

Chelsea turned around and saw Mr. Lee when she did. Kent then saw that Chelsea was looking again, so he smiled, waved his hand again, and said goodbye without making a sound.

Mr. Lee gets very angry when he realizes that the couple has already left. He was paying close attention to the car that Chelsea and Red were in. He can't hold in his jealousy any longer.

"Kent, what beautiful woman are you looking at? A woman next to him said, "I've been standing next to you for a while and you didn't even notice."

Mr. Lee said in a sarcastic tone to the woman standing next to him, "Ms. Go, mature women don't gossip."

She is Ms. Kelsea Go. She is Mr. Lee's friend. Mr. Lee's friend Ms. Kelsea Go set up the Westlife concert. Mr. Lee is five years younger than him. Because of this, he treats her like a sister. Her hair is short and brown, and her eyes are bright.

"Kent, you're still so dull. If you like someone, don't be afraid to go after her. To get her, you have to go after her. "Don't be like the old days, when you secretly liked someone for years until she moved schools and you couldn't even talk to her. Instead, travel the world like a lost package," she said, crossing her hands.

Mr. Lee was quiet and seemed to be deep in thought as he stared into space.

"It won't happen again," he said as a short defense.

"Don't say it! Are you really in love?" Ms. Go couldn't believe what she was seeing.

While that was going on, Chelsea and Red got home. Because they are so tired, they also didn't eat outside after the concert like they had planned. They just decided to rest at home.

"Why don't you go to work yet, Mr. Buenavista?" Chelsea asked as she leaned on the sofa and looked tired.

Red looked at her and asked, "Do you live in the mountains and have never heard of online meetings?"

Chelsea didn't know what to say, so she just pouted like a child who didn't get the candy she wanted.

"By the way, you can't sleep in tomorrow. We have to go somewhere important," Red said as he checked his papers on his laptop.

"Hmm, okay," said Chelsea.

"You didn't say you liked things like that," Red suddenly muttered.

Chelsea was surprised and looked at him. He asked her a question, but she didn't answer. Why did Red all of a sudden only care about the people she liked? She didn't think he would ask her about herself. Does he really change, or does he just act like he does?

He went upstairs and laid down in his room. But she still remembers Red's sudden change.

"What does he have in mind, and where are we going tomorrow afternoon? "I'm so tired and all I want to do is sleep all day," she told herself as she rolled around in her bed.

She stopped spinning when she had a sudden thought about what had happened at the concert earlier. She could still feel Red's warm hand on hers. She doesn't know why Red did this, but she can think of only one reason: she started to feel strange about him.

"Why does he act that way? Earlier, he was kind, and he even gave me his coat. I'm just his personal maid, right? Redemon, why are you acting like this? She suddenly put her face on the pillow and said, "You're driving me crazy!"

She finally fell asleep because she was too tired to keep thinking about things.

Word got around that Chelsea and Red went to see Westlife together. It is also being talked about on social media. Maxine, Chelsea's sister, saw it in her newsfeed as she was scrolling. She was so mad that she threw her phone away and yelled.

"Why?! Why does that skank Chelsea have it so good? Why does she get everything good? "Why is God still with her? Maxine is yelling.

"Maxine, dear, what's going on with you?" Her mother was worried and asked.

When Maxine's tears came out of nowhere, she felt like she had been tricked.

"Who else? "Of course, it's that skank, Chelsea!"

Her mother came over and gave her a tight hug. At the time, all her mother could do was comfort her.

"Mom, how about we tell dad to send that skank back here?"

"What are you going to do if that girl comes back?" her mom asked.

"I have my own plans, and when she comes back here, I'll make her life a living hell!"