
Magic Mimicry System

young boy Leonis Lionheart (Leo) gets the help of the system to find the hidden mistery of the death of his parents

aviral_anand · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

journey to fluocia city

Chapter 4: Journey to Fluocia City

Panel 1: A wide shot depicts the bustling public carriage area in Dia City, passengers milling about, their luggage stacked beside them. Leo stands amidst the crowd, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

Panel 2: A close-up on Leo's determined face as he approaches the carriage designated for Fluocia City. He exchanges a few words with the carriage operator, securing his seat.

Panel 3: The interior of the carriage is revealed. Leo sits quietly in a corner, observing his fellow passengers. He notices three young people, seemingly around his age, seated across from him.

Panel 4: A close-up on Elara Floria, a young elf with flowing green hair and sparkling eyes. She leans forward with a friendly smile, extending her hand.

Elara: Hello there! I'm Elara. Are you heading to Fluocia City as well?

Leo: (Hesitantly) Yes, I am.

Panel 5: Elara gestures towards her seatmates, a pair of twins with brown hair and lively expressions.

Elara: These are my younger siblings, Anya and Elro. We're all hoping to attend Alteria Academy.

Leo: (Surprised) The academy? Me too!

Panel 6: A close-up on Elara and her system interface hovering near her hand:

Name: Elara Floria

Age: 19

Affinity: Plant and Healing


* Healing Touch (E-rank, Level 1)

* Sproutling Summon (E-rank, Level 3)

* Growth Boost (E-rank, Level 3)

Panel 7: A thought bubble depicts Leo pondering, his eyes flickering towards Elara's hand.

Thought bubble: (Healing magic... Perhaps that could be useful.)

Panel 8: A close-up on Leo and Elara's hands as he activates his system discreetly. The "Scan" option is highlighted, targeting Elara.

Panel 9: The system interface flashes, confirming the successful acquisition of a new skill: "Lesser Heal" (E-rank, Level 1).

Panel 10: The carriage door opens, revealing a young man with distinctive red-hued scales adorning his face and hands. He has a lean build and sharp facial features.

Caption: A new passenger boards the carriage, his presence drawing curious glances.

Panel 11: Interface: displays Ignis' information:

Name: Ignis Drakenheart

Age: 18

Affinity: Fire


* Fire Bolt (E-rank, Level 3)

* Flame Burst (E-rank, Level 3)

* Cinder Wall (D-rank, Level 1)

Panel 12: Ignis scans the interior of the carriage, his gaze briefly crossing paths with Leo. He chooses a seat opposite Leo, maintaining a stoic expression.

Panel 13: A thought bubble depicts Leo's thought process.

Thought bubble: (Flame Burst and Cinder Wall... Might be valuable additions.)

Panel 14: Leo discreetly activates his system, copying Ignis' "Flame Burst" and "Cinder Wall" skills.

Panel 15: As more passengers board the carriage, including a group of guards armed with swords and shields, the carriage operator announces the start of their journey.

Panel 16: The carriage sets off, the rhythmic clatter of its wheels echoing against the cobblestone streets as Leo casts a final glance at the receding city.

This chapter sets the stage for Leo's journey, introducing:

* Elara, a friendly and supportive fellow student-to-be.

* Ignis, a mysterious and seemingly skilled passenger.

* The diverse group of travelers embarking on their own journeys.

* The potential dangers of the journey, hinted at by the presence of guards.