
Detained on the border

After a week, Nnenna saw the border city of Oshodi Kingdom for the first time. The city was leagues more advanced than Omole with a wall almost double in height and extending well into the distance. In addition, the walls were man with experienced soldiers that were better equipped with chain armour. In fact, Nnenna had learned that the city was garrisoned by a Knight and that the city lord also had an internal mage in his family.

As Nnenna, Amaka and Obi got closer to the city gate, they saw a line of hunters making their way into the city after showing their identification plates. They quickly joined the end of the line and tried their best not to look like tourist but Nnenna and Amaka couldn't help to try to see as much as they could. As for Obi, he was recalling what their master had told them before leaving them last night.

Meanwhile, both the hunters and guards were more focused on the reptilian tiger following along with the party. It was not that there were no big beasts in the forest but they were usually fearless monsters that would rather die than be tamed and no one had seen a creature quite like the one following Nnenna. Moreover, the group looked to young to be accomplished hunters unless they were Knights and if that were so their faces would be more familiar as even Knights were not so widespread in Oshodi Kingdom.

When it came to their turn, the guard examined their identification for a long time before signalling his superior. Soon they were directed away from the gates, towards the head office of the guards which was built into the wall of the city and was situated to the left of the gate.

At first, they were just watched in the lobby but soon more guard began to subtly surround them with a tense look on their face and their weapons at hand. Nnenna had been the first to notice due to her spatial awareness and had used hunter hand signals to inform Amaka and Obi to look sharp. So they were ready for any eventuality.

Nnenna had wished she had told her teammates about her ability so they would know that they couldn't be held captive no matter what. However, they should still be able to fight their way back to the forest with Kayto's help and then Nnenna and the others could infiltrate Oshodi Kingdom in the cover of darkness.

However, just when it seemed that something was about to start, a commander in full body armour worked into the head office. Once the guards saw their commander they calmed down immediately. The commander wore red metal armour that was shaped to show her ample bosom and carried a gigantic double-sided axes on her back. As she proceed into the hall, she removed her helmet to reveal a cute face shaped by shoulder length red hair. However, that cute face was serious now and appraised the unusual group.

"What is your purpose in Oshodi Kingdom?"

"Do you ask every..." Amaka started.

"We came to see the sights as part of our growth." Nnenna interrupted. "Is there a problem?"

The commander first frowned at Amaka before turning to Nnenna and replying, "No, there is not a problem. But you have to understand my job is to protect the city and kingdom and so when I see something uncommon it makes me cautious. You can understand my skepticism, you all are too young to have crossed the forest unless we factor in the power of your tamed beast but to have such a strong beast companion, makes me wonder if he is actual yours and what your background in the State fo Ife is? Or if there is something else special about your group?"

"There is nothing else left to say we were luck to follow some other hunting teams while in the forest for most of the dangerous places and didn't encounter anything we couldn't manage on our own when we were alone." Nnenna responded.

"Is that so?" the commander asked while increasing the sternest in her voice and her presence. She unleashed her battle aura to intimidate them but Kayto suddenly roared loudly breaking the atmosphere.

"Hmm" Amaka exclaimed while Nnenna just stared at the commander. Obi looked disinterested and was clearly not part of the conversation but he was also standing in between the commander and the rest of the group to serve as the first line of defence.

The commander, Oge Okon, was in a dilemma.

She had no actual reason to detain them except from her suspicions but even at that, the State of Ife and their Alliance of States, which they instated with the surrounding small States that could be found across the Zamfara Forest, as they called it, was not a real threat to the great Oshodi Kingdom. The problem was if they were a punitive force of a nation trying to conquer the Alliance of States and were her just to investigate the relations with Oshodi Kingdom as her country could not handle another strong nation on the bother. But even that supposition did not add up as the party was too noticeable.

Therefore, Oge came up with a compromise, she would detain them under the excuse of confirming their information and other the secret branch of the army that handled covert operations to send specialist to follow them while they were in Oshodi Kingdom.

"I am sorry to inform you all but you will have to stay as our guests while we confirm you hunter licenses. After which you will be free to go."

Amaka wanted to complain but Nnenna grabbed her arm to restrain her and then indicated for the commander to lead them to their lodging.


Meanwhile, Musa stood in front of the clan chief, the other clan elders and all the H'assassins of the clan who were present at the headquarters, including Hafis, and revealed simply that he was now an external mage after binding with a magical creature, then a shadow hawk flew out of his shadow to the surprise of all the people present.

20 days ...20 chapters...this is a big achievement for someone like me that finds it had to sustain my writing.

Thank you for being on this journey with me. We have the cover up now so share your thought on it or whatever...


The_Bipolar_Geniuscreators' thoughts
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