
Mafioso In Darkness

The infamous Aleksander Konstantinov is an important executive with an impeccable name, a perfect image and a life that every mortal would like to have. Although pragmatic, by day he is a correct being, apparently the prince charming that women look for in a fairy tale, being in reality insidious, because when the moon rises he is a crooked, frivolous man, he is dangerous, at night his dark side and The most evil desires take over his dark and implacable soul, unleashing all the demons in him.

Romance_Romance · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


Those huge blue eyes look like those of a tigress on the prowl. She wears skimpy provocative clothing. There is no trace of the girl she once was.

"Why did you want to see me, Aleksander?" "He questions, it is undeniable that my presence bothers him.

"Sara, I'll pay you for sex tonight. "Three times what you ask for it," I say bluntly.

He opens his eyes in surprise.

"Are you that desperate?

"No, but I want some action tonight. Don't act important, you're just anyone. Do you accept or leave the money? "I repeat, she looks at me offended.

"I'll only accept because I need the money," he says, rolling his eyes. I can't help but notice the earrings she wears. I'm sure I've seen them elsewhere. However, it may just be a coincidence. You're going to stay there? Come on.

"Wait," I wrap my arms around his arm tightly, looking at the grip clearly confused. The earrings, who gave them to you?

"It was a gift and that's it, it's none of your business "he pouts". Now could you let me go?

"No, tell me the truth, Sara.

Take a deep breath.

"Mrs. Amber gave them to me, when she came with a man.

"Elmo Ferreti," I mention, I can't believe he dared to go to the club with his lover. Why would Amber give you her earrings?

"Because of my silence, I have now told you. Please don't give me away. "She begs.

"Shut up, Sara! damn, why the hell didn't Hedeon inform me that the Ferreti mafia frequents my club? "rant.

"There were many people that day, among so many it is possible that I did not notice it. I did see her, well Ferreti, who didn't want to tell me her name...

"Wait, didn't he tell you what his name was?

"No, he used the pseudonym eagle. Although his Italian accent gave away his nationality. So the foreigner and Amber requested my services.

"The three? "I ask disgusted, she nods. Amber never ceases to amaze me. You know what, keep the money. This information is worth it.

She takes the wad of bills, stunned.

"Well, Mr. Konstantinov.

"I'll give you the same if you keep me informed of the situation. I mean, when that bastard and my bitch stepmother visit the club, you tell me, okay? "I propose.

"Yes of course. "That's a pleasure doing business," he winks at me, smiling.

"And get that out of your ears, it's too refined for a woman like you," he pointed out, leaving her fuming with rage.

I leave the club, my father waits in the car. Pilot on board. The doubts are becoming less and less, I am more and more sure that Amber is with Elmo. That could get us into trouble, Colleman's dog doesn't know what she's in for. It's just that she won't even allow him explanations.

"What do you think so much about?

I look at him out of the corner of my eye, he noticed I was dull. I shrug.

"It's no big deal. Do you always choose Sara? "I ask, changing the subject.

How come she didn't notice that the blonde was wearing Amber's earrings? Well, now that I remember, Sara had her hair down when she left with him. She then picked it up, that's why I did notice it.

"She's good at what she does," he comments mischievously. Alexander.


"I've been thinking about Grace Miller." Why haven't you gone after her?

"Because she must be as protected as the president himself," he said, unfortunately now that Elmo Ferreti is closer to the Millers, I don't doubt that these scum will support them in this situation.

Today he made it clear to me when he demanded from the girl, are the damn Italians not going to leave me alone? First Luca Frattini who carried out the kidnapping by sabotaging our plans, the only thing he got from his entire pathetic strategy was death, now Ferreti, who apparently seeks to do good and return Luna home. Fuck him too!

"It's a joke? We can reach it, otherwise what good is power?

"Father, Elmo happens to be behind all this, I ran into him today. "let go at last.

"That? Aleksander, how could you hide something like that from me? "He demands, annoyed. Damn, the Ferreti mafia is now protecting the Millers.

"He tried to negotiate, he would give me my men in exchange for Luna Miller. Father, do you remember that I told you about the company's economic position? "he nods exasperated". Well, the new shareholder is Elmo's brother, for that reason and because Ferreti is close to Gregg he is interested in being the hero.

"I don't think Miller knows what Elmo really does, he looks stupid.

"I will try to visit them during my stay in the United States," I inform, I can see out of the corner of my eye that he denies.

"You can't, Elena frequents the company, and a last name like ours is never forgotten.

"Don't worry, I'll keep a low profile. And I haven't said that I will introduce myself as Aleksander Konstantinov, I will use a more common name, so as not to make myself noticed," I add nonchalantly.

Almost upon arriving at the property, my phone rings. It is an inopportune time to attend to my brother, and assuming that he contacts me to inform me about Amber and her lover, it is not appropriate for me to answer. If it comes to that, why didn't you give me the address?

"Why don't you take the call?

"It's not important.

"It's Dominic"he takes a look at the screen and, without saying anything to me, decides to answer.

He has placed the speaker on top.

"Aleksander, I have followed my mother as you asked me. And yes, I saw her with a man who is not my father, then he got into a car and I lost sight of them. I have photos that support what I say, I will go to the mansion. I hope you have my money, little brother.


"What the hell is happening, Aleksander?! "explodes.

I knew this would happen.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to hide it, I just wanted to be sure. Amber cheats on you and sleeps with Elmo.

His face falls apart, there is no turning back. I have already let go of everything, fury is unleashed in my father. He's going to kill her, I don't doubt it. Now that he knows the truth he won't let things go as if nothing had happened. Dominic has unknowingly dug his mother's grave.

"I'm going to kill her, you know I will, Aleksander." He looks at me angrily.

"I know, father.

Once at the property, he gets out and slams the door. I follow behind him, my father doesn't even make it to the entrance of the mansion when he has passed out to the ground. I stride towards him to help him. He is lying on the cobblestone floor, breathing heavily. I crouch down having to look at him in agony. I ask for help, I already know that my father is dying, but I don't accept it, I need you to save him. He still continues to have a pulse. However his eyes connect with me, it's goodbye.

Your day has already come.

"Kill them, kill them, Aleksander," he pronounces and succumbs to death.

Seeing him lifeless, without vital signs, stops my world. She's gone, she's gone, leaving Amber's business halfway, without seeing that damn dead Luna. Then I only think of one thing: I will do her will, her last words will be fulfilled.


During the funeral I remain alert, the death of a former mafia leader has spread like wildfire. Everyone aware, at least the majority, I don't want to get a bad surprise. White roses have been thrown over the coffin, the contrast it makes with the dark wood is fascinating.

I look out of the corner of my eye, all these people wearing black, the color of the night, of a gloomy summer. On my right side remain Volkov and Nikon, on my other side is Dominic in his mother's arms crying uncontrollably. Despite everything, he and my father had a close relationship, regardless of the differences between them.

Amber can't imagine she'll be next. It's all her fault, even though my father was sick, the autopsy revealed that the cause of his death was due to a massive heart attack.

I will have no compassion, not even for Dominic, the poor thing will be an orphan. I don't give a damn about that, what Amber has done will not go unpunished.

I am the last one to leave the cemetery, I ask Viktor to take Dominic, until the last car leaves, only then do I get ready. Amber and I are the only ones there, with no one to witness.

"Oh, Aleksander, what happened broke my heart "she cries, I can't handle so much hypocrisy, she acts, she lies, she is a liar ". Come here, darling.

"Don't be so false, I know everything," I point the gun at her. She trembles in her place.

She opens her eyes wide, scared.

"I don't know, Alek. "I don't know what you're talking about," she whispers nervously.

"Stop it, damn it!" After my father found out about your affair with Elmo, he got angry, took it badly, and died. It's your fault"I kill her with my eyes. His wavering countenance, his ghostly face, and his fake sobs make my blood boil. Now you are going to die.

"Wait, Alek...

"Don't tell me like that!

"I was not the cause of his death, you know that. He was sick, on the other hand I'm very sorry, I was going to tell him at any moment, I swear," she confesses, crying harder.

"It's not enough, it's not. Say goodbye, Amber.

He denies frantically.

I pull the trigger, without regret, his body falls limp. The shot is a sonnet to my ears, seeing it collapse a scene that takes a weight off my shoulders and I feel pleasure.

The only thing missing is you, Luna Miller.