
Mafia Man's Lover

Akira Houston, A sharp and intelligent girl who grew up in one of New York trenches met with a man called Steve who saved her from bullying. Seeing how smart she is, He introduced her into a tactical world of stealing but not before warning her of the danger that lies within the job. Akira joined out of desperation to make both her life and her family's better. Years letter she became an expert in stealing from the upperclassmen, And was living a good life. But things started heading southwards after a heist she and her gang pulled off in an international bank where they stole treasures worth millions. Turns out the treasure was owned by a mafia Lord who was known to be ruthless and unforgiving. The mafia lord went on a rampage and spared nobody during the search for his diamonds. He killed every member of the gang except for Akira who narrowly escaped but ended up getting caught and imprisoned by him. Instead of Killing her off, The mafia Lord fell in love with her and decided to marry her. Akira then decides to use his love for her against him and find an escape for herself.

GENIE · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs


"If you know what am doing here then why bother with stupid questions, why not go ahead and tell me what you want or leave me alone you stupid brainless poops!!" I retorted.

"Hey watch your mouth darkie" he screamed and I can see he was starting to get angry now, I was happy and scared at the same time, I really didn't want to get into any kind of trouble whatsoever.

"Why don't you you watch yours first Fatboy!" I replied ready for anything, "what'd ya say" he said approaching me at a violent pace, I had to step back because he was preparing to swing a punch at me.

If it weren't for his friend that held him back I'd be in a jaw breaking pain, My head has been calculating on how am gonna escape from this situation, Am pretty quick witted so I was searching for an opening to escape from as I couldn't possibly handle the both of them Even with the little judoka skills I've got, Well I took judo classes in grade three right before we left New Orleans.

So I had to save myself because I knew if I was going to fight back I'd get beaten up for sure and it'll be more trouble if an officer finds us here like this, they were pretty much around here because of the never ending crimes around these corners of New York.

As the other kid held his friend, I saw that as an opportunity to escape but he was faster as he grabbed the hood of my raincoat harshly and pulled me back, The force of the pull made me fall to the ground and the bag I was carrying got seperated from my hand.

I was about to take it back when he quickly grabbed it away from the wet floor, he checked inside and immediately he did so he burst into a fit of laughter, the other did too.

I was getting infuriated as I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, I got back on my feet and when I did, I launched at the boy with the bag to collect it from him, "Give me my bag!" I screamed at him, the other one pushed me away and I fell back to the floor again.

This time I was determined to get out of here as soon as possible I didn't need the Food again I just wanted to go home, I was getting scared but I didn't want to show it, I decided to steel my nerve.

"Let me see what you got here darkie", he said "oh" he exclaimed, "She took milk and bread from the trashcan." He in between laughter.

"She seems pretty hungry Max." The one who wanted to attack me before said smiling.

"Awwn poor little thing" he said mocking me, "Why don't you go ahead and eat this right now" he said looking at the other boy's face while referring to me as if giving him idea what he was about to do "I'll feed her" Said the latter grinning from ear to ear.

I knew what they were about to do, so I tried getting up to escape again but I was smacked down by the blonde hair boy.

"Why are you in a hurry" the one called max said, "We are trying to feed you so you should be appreciative at least." He said and that irritated the hell out of me.

"Fuck off!!" i yelled at him "I am going to report you guys to the police" I continued. And As if I'd said something funny they both burst into a fit of laughter. "hahahahaha" why don't you go ahead and report and see who's gonna get in trouble hahahaha" said max.

"Yeah we'll let you go as soon as we feed you, give me the spoilt milk max!" the blonde one said clearly he can't wait to see me humiliated. "Chill Blake we've got time." Max said.

"You are hungry right??" Now feed on this this!! Blake said spilling the milk all-over my head. Both of them were laughing as Blake was still spilling the milk all-over me.

I got so angry I couldn't take it anymore I'll have to fight back, I don't care if I get beaten up in the end, I swunged my fist up at Max hitting his jaw, I then kicked Blake at the knee they both screamed in pain but that wasn't enough to put them away, they were big kids after all.

Blake was tall and bulky while max was not too tall but chubbier, my attack only got them angrier as they started pouncing on me kicking me all-over but I wasn't going to allow them win because I was pretty stubborn myself.

I grab Max's leg which was coming at me for another, I used they kick which made him slip onto the floor, I used that as an opportunity to get up and attack Blake also but he grab my hair harshly that he hurt so bad.

After struggling in vain for my hair to be released from his grip, I successfully sent a kick to his stomach and that made him groaned in pain which made him leave my hair.

I thought I was free until max hitted me with a plank and that sent me sprawling across the floor, I didn't know he had gotten up.

I was starting to get up but he didn't give me the chance as he started kicking me from behind, I was getting weak but I didn't want to give up.

I got up forcefully and sent a punch across his face again, Blake was starting to get up so I increase the number of punch I threw at him, I didn't know where I got the strength maybe it because I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

Blake had recovered and both of them started attacking me again, I was getting weaker and couldn't defend myself anymore my vision was starting to get blurry so I just succumbed even if I didn't want to.