
Mafia Goddess

I want a clean fight , parker said Good luck, he said, you'll need it more, I replied . I lingered to punch him but he held me and punched me straight in the nose and I groaned. read to find out the rest.

Roxy_Belle · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 12


2 Weeks later

it's been two weeks and she's still not back home, I'm a bad mother, Frank hates me more he blames me and I think is drinking in his room.

nobody knows of her whereabouts she's not at work, Luke does all the work at home we're looking for her in all our houses but there's no trace of her anywhere.

Emily P. O. V

it's been two weeks since I left I've been at Luke's place kept in contact with Noah and Frank .

hey, Noah said what's up, I asked he's Frank's driver and bodyguard

the boys got in trouble and asked to call parents but Frank doesn't want me to call your mum so I called Lex and she said she's busy and you're the only one left,he said

typical I'll be there in 10 minutes, I said

I got there and went straight to the principal office and I saw my brother and Liam standing an empty sit and 2 people sitting down talking to the principal.

Emily what a pleasant surprise, Mr James said he is the principal and I just ignored him.

It's nice to meet you, he said I'm afraid I can't say so, I replied.

Ok so Frank and Liam were involved in a fight Frank started it and the boy is in the hospital and he's parents are pressing charges and they're suspended till further notice, he said.

What happened, I asked Frank

I know you said I should never lose it but he pushed me to my tip, he's the boy that's always bullying me, so today he started saying I'm a curse that dad died immediately he heard of me that you left because of me that you are a bitch that I'm a bastard and I just lost it, he said.

what he's name, I asked, Will Edwards, Liam said and I called Luke

Yup, he asked, Get me all information on the Edwards and there son Will Edwards and forward it to me now, I said and cut the call before he could reply.

Young lady don't you have respect, the woman said.

Oh shut it Old hag don't you know what your son has done is a serious offence to the dead and me did your son give me that respect, I asked and they didn't reply.

you should be glad he's in the hospital bed not dead but he will be thou and you'll receive his bones at your door step, I said and received the message.

Mr Edwards, you work at the oil and gas company and I own part of it which means I can fire you, I said and heard gasps.

Mrs Edwards you own a restaurant all I have to do is make a bad report and down goes your business, I said and heard gasps.

Then you'll lose everything even your own son, I said with rage and they gasped even my brother and Liam.

And even if you press charges you can't win cause I have the best lawyers in the world, my uncle is a judge and your son has been bullying my brother so make your choice wisely, nice doing business with you, I said.

Wait, Mr Edwards said, What, I asked.

We won't press charges if you don't touch our son, he said.

I won't if he goes to another school and my brother doesn't go for suspension, I said.

Deal, Mrs Edwards screamed and I smirked and left with my brother and Liam.

Why are you here, Frank asked,. Chill out dude she just saved our butt, Liam said.

Why did you come, he asked again,

I came cause I heard you were in trouble and it's been 2wks since I've seen you, I said.

You know I'm angry 💢💢 at you but I'll forgive you cause you saved my butt, he said.

Are you coming home, Liam asked and Frank looked at me. Yh, I replied and Frank hugged me.

You are a pussy, I said, I can't help it