
Mafia Familia

Erinna Amato, not a woman you take lightly. She comes across as sweet and innocent, but she is anything but. She is an Internationally renowned model and every mans dream girl. Bent on revenge she starts dating Lance MacArthur. A man that went out of his way to destroy Erinna's family. Her father murdered, mother in a hospital. She hasnt spoken or acknowledged anyone in over four years. When Lance embarrasses Erinna in an upclass restaurant she is hell bent to bring him down even more. Now that they are over, getting close to the man seems impossible. Until she meets Giovanni. Her path takes her down a very dark route, and her need for revenge on everyone that has wronged her, takes precedence. She does not expect the rollercoaster ride that embarks as Giovanni takes the lead of her life. Giovanni Giudice (Ju-dee-chay) A man that instills fear just by his name. Gets captivated by a woman who had her heart crushed by the man Giovanni can't stomach. No matter where he went he couldnt get the vision of her out of his mind. She was becoming all consuming. What he never expected was his attraction to this woman concidering he never allowed anyone close enough. What Erinna never expected was being with a man that exuded strength, power and fear in people around her. Is this a match made in heaven?

Mary_J_Jenkins · Ação
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

I felt the bed dip as Giovanni got off of it, I just didn't have the strength to open my eyes or pay him any bother.

I felt so guilty for not even wondering about Ella since I have been free, yeah okay it has only been two days but still. The next minute the bed dipped again but this time it just felt different.

"Hey babe" a softer voice spoke as she leaned in throwing her small arm over me moving in to cuddle. Feeling made against me just brought on a whole new wave of tears that I needed to fight back.

"I'm so sorry" I cried.

"For what sweetie?" She asked trying to come and comfort me.

"For not keeping her safe. For her being dead, for everything. This just isn't fair." I sobbed uncontrollably.

"Hey now none of this is your fault sweetie this happened to you too I would still be grieving one of my friends if you died there now hush" she says running her hand over my hair. I just cried till I eventually fell asleep again.

At the Grave Site

"I just can't believe she's gone" I said to Mei as we hold each other tight. Giovanni hasn't been far from me, since I was found. I am truly grateful for his nearness right now in my time of need.

"I never got to tell her so many things and now, I will never get the opportunity to again" I say wiping at the tears on my cheeks. I am wearing minimal make-up today as I would be crying it all off anyways.

"I know how you feel sweetie, because it is the same for me, but I am so glad that you made it out of that ordeal alive. I don't know what I would have done if ....." Mei says turning to look at me, both her hands now in mine, her smile so sincere. I guess I must be suffering from survivor's guilt because why didn't I die with her? The thought alone killing me.

At least she will not suffer for the rest of her life for what she went through, unlike me, I will be dealing with what happened, for the rest of my life.

I am standing at the podium looking over a sea of people wearing black every face sullen and filled with shock at the reason we are here. The loss of a woman who didn't deserve to die, yet here we are at her funeral.

I need my glasses from my eyes like that it cares and my nose putting my glasses back on I prepare myself for my speech. Exhaling a large breath.

"We are here today to say goodbye to a woman, a dear friend, a sister, a daughter and an amazing teacher. She taught us to be better, to be a genuine pure person. What happened to her was not fair. Everyone of us that new Ella, will forever feel her loss. We can however, take comfort in the thought that Ella is in a much better place.

Ella, you will forever be missed my best friend" tears leaking effortlessly down my cheeks now, as I wipe them away.

I walked away from the podium stopping by Ella's family giving them my condolences and huging them before taking a seat between Mei and Giovanni, who took a hold of my hand, squeezing it gently for support.

A few speeches and multiple tissues later, we all walk one for one, throwing a rose onto her coffin, before it sank away, into the ground forever.

There was a get together after the funeral, for everyone to mingle, but I really didn't feel the need to get together with a bunch of people I barely know and I also know that Giovanni has got work to do himself. So we opt to go back to the mansion after bidding farewell to Mei and Ella's family.


"You could have stayed and mingled. I would have left some of the security with you?" I say squeezing Erinna's hand.

"I am good, thanks anyways besides, I know you still have business to attend to ... And I am pretty wiped out" she responds relaxing her head against the headrest and closes her eyes. Before long she was asleep and the rest of the car ride home was held in silence.

When we got down the driveway I saw all my captains cars parked infront of my house. I leaned over Erinna kissing her softly on the tip of her nose

"We are home beautiful" I say having my heart constrict at the thought that this is not her home yet, but I really want it to be. I don't know if I could bare it if and when she finally decided to leave here and go back to her home. I needed to convince her to stay here with me, where I could protect her.

She mumbled something incoherent and slept further, making me smile and shake my head. I walk to her side of the car, opening the door and picking her up bridal style, carrying her over the threshold. The irony is not lost on me at my actions.

"Marco, is everyone ready for the meeting already?" I ask heading towards the stairs with Erinna still clinging to me.

"Yes boss man. See to the missus, I will tell them you will join us momentarily" he says walking towards the boardroom.

After putting my girl to bed, I walk to the boardroom to get business over with. As I walk into the boardroom, silence befalls the room at my presence. I head towards my seat at the head of the table.

"Good afternoon gentlemen"I greet sitting down and after some pleasantries we get down to business.

As you all know by now or have heard via the grapevine, Paulie made a move against the family and against me. He has paid the price for his crimes. If any of you have anything to add, feel free to do it now. We are all partners here. You all know me well enough, I will find out if someone is being dishonest and when I do, you will follow the same fate as Paulie?" I say looking at each of my men dead in the face no one even dares to swallow as I stare them down for fear of looking guilty and yet no one says anything.

"Everyone is safe as long as you comply with the rules!" And still no one says anything.

I know that eventually whoever is behind this deal with Paulie, the evidence of their betrayal will surface, and they will pay for going against me and the family.

"Ok then, so what do you men think of Angelo taking over Paulie's position. He has worked hard, earned us plenty of money and he seems loyal to the cause and the family?" Everyone voted and I agreed.

"Fine I will have a meeting with Angelo and discuss his promotion with him.

Night the captain of our class department speaks up

"Look the drugs on not my department. I was informed though, that "The Mexican" is on the hunt for a spot on the playing field.

"Well do you think that poorly and the Mexican were in cahoots?" I asked looking over at Joey

"Show me why did I not know about the Mexican being in town you are supposed to keep me informed on all the players"

"Sorry Sir" he says typing away on his laptop.

Within minutes Joey pops up

"Carlos Garcia known as The Mexican, deals with heroin. He has fields in the mountains of Mexico where he grows his poppies."

"Mike how did you hear about the Mexican?" I asked more than curious why a drug manufacturer would be contacting my car dealer.

"He heard I import and export vehicles without a problem. he asked if he could use my containers of shipment for his product" he said stuttering here and there, due to his nervousness.

I was fuming to here that this arsehole wants to piggyback on all our hard work.

"Bring him in" I scream, thinking of tearing this Mexican a new  arsehole for his cheek and audacity.

"That will be all for today. We will reconvene at our gathering tomorrow. Feel free to enjoy my hospitality, stay for dinner and tomorrow, we party"