
Made in Ohio Realm

A novel based on a discord server's lore set in a fantasy setting.

SoraTheKami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 13: Motionless Monstrosity

At the place where the fight between Vin and Noble against Xpertun is taking place.

"Now, Now," Xpertun said as he approached the both of them menacingly.

"I wonder how you will taste when I devour both of you-"

Noble did not waste any time as he began attacking Xpertun immediately trying to catch him off-guard.

Xpertun dodges all of the attacks Noble throws at him effortlessly.

"Don't you think that it is rather rud-" 


Time near Xpertun began to loop and distort but it didn't seem to affect Xpertun at all.

Sigh "As I said, Don't you think that it is rather rude to attack someone before they finish their sentences?" Said Xpertun looking a bit annoyed

"There is no point in talking to a monstrosity like you," Vin said calmly

"Oh yeah? But if my prey doesn't beg for mercy before I kill them the taste of them will be much worse though." Xpertun said smiling creepily

"You just proved my point," Vin said calmly.

Noble appeared behind Xpertun trying to catch him off-guard again but Xpertun stopped the blade with his pinky.

"You see... It doesn't matter how fast you are if your strength is this feeble."

Xpertun punches Noble in the stomach sending him flying against a tree

"Incredible strength means strength that can make others despair just by witnessing it."

"And you still get no bitches." Vin said calmly.

"...What did you say?" Xpertun said aggravated


Time loops but that does not affect Xpertun however as time reverses Noble who is sent flying repeats the same action behind Xpertun, This time catching him completely off-guard.

Noble managed to land a few hits scratching Xpertun's skins but did not do much damage against him.

"Your strength did not get you any bitches, Only money will," Vin said calmly.

"I planned on holding back so that I don't damage my meals but it seems that you want me to be rough with it."

In the blink of an eye, Xpertun was in front of Vin kicking him in the face and sending him upward, and in another blink of an eye appeared above Vin who was in the sky smashing him back into the ground, Xpertun then picked his head up with one hand.

Noble tries to attack Xpertun to save Vin but Xpertun just opens up a dimensional gate sending him somewhere far away.

"Now, It is just you and me," Xpertun smirks as he talks to a barely conscious Vin.

Vin is strong, But his abilities are that of a non-offensive one and more of a supporting one not to mention the fact that Xpertun is not affected by his ability at all making this fight an unfair one.

But little did Xpertun know what Vin actually is.

Xpertun keeps punching Vin in the face while holding his head up with the other hand.

"Wakey, Wakey, You can't beg for mercy or cry in despair if you don't wake up!" Xpertun said playfully


The sound of a gunshot could be heard echoing across the place.

Xpertun got shot in the head making his brain unfunctional for a moment.

As he got kicked away sending him flying.

"... What just happened?!"

"Wakey, Wakey, Little fucktard." Vin (?) said calmly.

Vin (?) can be seen standing menacingly holding a blue revolver and aiming at Xpertun.

Three gunshots were fired however Xpertun managed to dodge all of them after he recovered from the wound.

"...Who are you? You look the same but your vibe... There is something strange about it." Xpertun said puzzled.

"Me? Are you asking who am I? Well, I am gonna let you know."

"Throughout school shootings and dead kids, I alone am the one and only Val." 

'Val...? I have never heard about this guy before... Is he a new anomaly?' Xpertun thought to himself.

'Either way, this will become much more troublesome if he is a new anomaly...'

While Xpertun is lost in thoughts Val decides to take this chance and shoots the whole magazine at him.

But Xpertun deflects those bullets easily with his hands.

"Are you seriously relying on a gun right now? You should know that I can dodge or deflect these bullets easily, The first shot was simply completely unexpected so don't you think I will get hit for the second time." 

"Little bro, You are a complete buffoon," Val said while laughing loudly

Val reloads and aims at Xpertun again however Xpertun is tired of the bullshit he is going through so he immediately approaches Val.

He tries to punch Val but Val manages to dodge it somehow.

"Hey. Haven't you noticed the changes in your speed, Xpertun?" Val said while smirking deviously.

"...What in the bluffery are you talking about maggot?" Xpertun said looking a bit nervous.

"Since you don't seem to get it, I will explain it to your bitchless, parentless, and homeless ass of yours."

"Your speed began slowing down the moment you were shot in the head by me."

"Every five seconds that you move, Your speed will be decreased by 5%, And when it reaches 100% your body loses its concept of "Speed" completely, When that happens, You cannot move, You cannot speak, You cannot think, Your entire body and mind will be completely stop regardless of what power or immunity you have."

"So, Is this the so-called strength you said? You really love to say 'I will devour you' or whatever that gayshit was, How does it feel to 'taste' the strength that can make others despair yourself, Hm? Little bro."

"Are you listening to me, Little bro?"

"Ah, It seems that your body and mind had already stopped working as I was blabbing?" 

"What a good listener, Retard."

"Stand proud, You are weak as shit."

Val then walks away while humming towards the main event that is taking place at the edges of the dimension leaving the motionless body that used to be a monstrosity behind.

But of course, This is not that simple.
