
Chapter 3 : Refinement of Yuan Qi

"It had already been five days since Wang Haoyu had been transmigrated into this new world. During this time, he had dedicated his time to training and exploring the objects he had collected.

Firstly, he discovered something interesting. The golden token found in the old man's chest was a treasure of Earth rank. It allowed its possessor to manifest the pressure of a cultivator of the Sacred Lord rank a total of six times. It also provided defense against attacks from someone below the Sacred Lord rank. This object had likely been crafted by the old man so that Wang Tian could continue to collect his debts even after his death, serving as proof of his identity as a debtor.

He had also found numerous martial arts in his master's ring, along with medicines that would be extremely useful when he advanced to the refinement of Qi and beyond.

Among the treasures he had, two would be useful to him fairly quickly. The first was a meridian-cleansing pill, and the second was a perfect golden pill of building foundation.

As he was busy washing his face, Wang Haoyu again contemplated his reflection in the water. No matter how many days passed, he found it hard to accept that this was his face.

He was magnificent, with perfectly soft and oval facial features, flawless fair skin, and non-aggressive traits. His almond-shaped eyes of deep purple were set above thick, arched eyebrows. He possessed beautiful hair, reaching his thighs, a unique shade of silver-white with tips that produced a particular rosy reflection whenever touched by the sun. His perfectly sculpted and athletic body lacked any excess fat, with a harmonious musculature.

Perhaps far from Western beauty standards, but in the context of China, it approached what one could call the perfect standard of beauty, a physique not normally possessed by a mere mortal.

After finishing wetting his face, Haoyu continued training with the Supreme Dragon Body Refinement Sutra. The book was special as it had merged with his body after a certain point. The technique consisted of numerous levels aiming to forge a dragon-like body step by step. For now, he could only cultivate the first stage, but in the future, he would need a considerable amount of rare medicine and a source of lightning to continue cultivating."

For the moment, he continued the first step that allowed him to prepare for future stages. This step involved breaking his body to strengthen it. The book had the effect of forcing regeneration by returning the body to its original state every time it was injured, thus becoming physically stronger with each repair.

To achieve this, Wang Haoyu used the side of a mountain, throwing himself against it with all his might. Although the pain was excruciating, feeling his bones and muscles break was something he would have avoided if given the choice. Despite practicing combat sports and being familiar with pain, it was far from what he felt now.

However, he couldn't afford to be picky with this technique that would greatly aid him in the future - no pain, no gain. As he finished once again bloodied on the ground, Haoyu already felt the effect of the sutra on him. The mysterious power spread through his body and began to repair it gradually. It was only after an hour that he was again able to move normally. After changing his clothes, he returned to the cabin and began to meditate.

For the moment, Wang Haoyu could not truly be considered a cultivator. The realm of body tempering was not really a cultivation realm; it was simply a necessary preparation for the body to be strong enough for cultivation. If someone attempted to refine Qi in their body before this, they might risk death.

The first five levels worked as follows: first, one strengthens the skin, then the flesh, followed by the bones and viscera. At the fifth stage, one begins to feel their own Qi and the Qi escaping from the world. They clean the marrow of impurities by controlling the Qi that the body naturally absorbs. Finally, the sixth stage involves feeling one's own soul. Currently, Haoyu was at this stage, but it did not last long. While meditating, he felt what he had been searching for for several days.

His soul was like a small gray flame that took up all the space in his body. From now on, he could start opening his meridians, finally entering the path of cultivation. It was his first step on a long journey.

Haoyu did not hesitate for a second before swallowing the meridian-cleansing pill. He immediately began to absorb its effects. The pure energy of the pill spread through his body, guiding it towards his meridians. As the Qi passed through each meridian, they were cleansed of impurities, which were ejected from the body through the pores of his skin.

Normally, most martial artists do not possess such precious medicines, and they must spend several months or years unclogging their meridians. Only practitioners belonging to large sects might have access to such remedies.

In one hour, he reached the intermediate stage of Qi refinement. This had taken him several years before.

When he opened his eyes, he began to wonder why he had never given such a pill to Wang Tian. He had some theories lingering around the fact that the old man seemed to teach Wang Tian only to serve him as a servant. Perhaps he kept the remedies for himself or someone else; maybe he was looking for another disciple. Only the old man knew, and there was no point in pondering the question now since there would be no answer.

As he got up, he quickly noticed a nauseating odor emanating from him. The cause was all the impurities he had expelled. Disgusted by his own smell, he hurried to the lake to wash himself.


do not hesitate to criticize me this allows me to improve myself and not to make same mistakes


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