
New Town - New Start Meeting the Luna

"Natalia! Are you ready, yet? The cars all packed and we're going to miss the plane if you don't hurry!" Mom yelled.

"Alright! I'm coming!" I answered. Coming down the stairs and exiting the front door approaching the car putting my luggage in the trunk.

"Alright, honey! Let's go!" Mom demanded. I got in the front seat putting my Wolf eared Neon blue headphones over my head and listening to my favorite playlist by Alec Benjamin. We arrived at the airport and boarded our plane. I fell a sleep just waking up in a dream where I was in the woods surrounded by big pines. It looked beautiful, but the most sensational thing about it was the smell of the fresh air mixing with the smell of pine trees along with furs.

Then I was awoken by my mother once we've arrived at our new location. We got off the plane and took a taxi to our house my mother bought from this app called "House Finds". It looked like it needed an upgrade, but it wasn't too bad. It was like a cabin, but almost as big as a mansion though. We lived at least 15 miles out of town in a remote location.

Surrounded by pines like in my dream except the pines looked like a mixed breed with another tree of some kind. I gathered all my luggage from the taxi trunk and entered the house. It sorta smells like wet dog in there for some reason. I walked up to my room and looked around just noticing how much of an upgrade it seriously needed. The walls had some kind of 80s fish wallpaper and the ceiling needed some new paint.

The floor however was my kind of style. Wooden floors are my specialty. I put my luggage on the side of the door and exited the room and went to check the house out some more. I found out it was 4 bedroom and 2 bathroom. Perfect! "So I'll let you have the 2nd biggest bedroom for your art studio. I'll take the small 1 for my office, okay?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, okay. Sounds great mom." I assured her. I waved her see you later and walked back to my room and began to unpack. Soon, it was dinner time.

"So, tomorrow you'll be at your new school. I want you to get to know the campus faster then later." Mom said.

"Alright... I'll get ready for bed then. Good night mom, I love you!" I told her.

"Goodnight honey! Sweet dreams!" Mom said. I got up from the dinner table and got ready for bed. Just when I was about check in my phone went off. I got a text from my BFF all the way back at my hometown.

She just sent me a Goodnight on streak on snapchat. I replied. Then when I passed out I began where I left off from that dream I had on the plane with the pine trees. I was laughing and enjoying my time there. Then all of a sudden I saw a handsome guy come from behind the tree. I waved him hello, but all he did was just stand there staring at me.

I began to feel uncomfortable. Few more moments later The man changed into a furry wolf like animal and began snarling gnashing its fangs at me. I backed up on instinct and ran. Then later on when I found a place to hide the furry creature jumped at me nearly scaring me to my last breath, then I woke up screaming with teary eyes. I never felt shaken from a nightmare.

Mom came rushing in to comfort me with a hug and telling me it'll all be ok. "Well it's time for school, honey. I want you to get up and get dressed for school! New day means a new start!" She said.

"Ok, mom." I answered. I got up getting ready for school. Then, when I arrived. There were so many students it was just insane, that means this schools large and must be easy for newcomers to get lost in. Just as I was a few steps away from the front entrance I fell on my ass sliding a little bit on my back and it burned like hell. Then I realized that a ball hit my head because I felt some serious pounding. My body was aching from the impact of the ball and the fall. Holy hell no one prepared me for this at all like not even a 'Hey! Look out!' at least.

I was about to get up but was being held down by a weight on my shoulders of the stranger behind me. I look up to see whose keeping me down, but I wasn't expecting to see an excellent face made by the Gods. His eyes were such a deep oceanic blue that made my heart drop and his jaw line can really make him seem a little bit intimidating. I was met with a worried face that made me wanna assure the guy. "Are you okay? That looked really painful." he asked in a concerned tone. I got up from the ground by removing his hands off of my shoulders giving him the best assuring smile I could muster.

"Yep! I'm fine, everything's all good!" I said brushing myself off. My back was burning a little bit and my head was pounding, but I was trying my best not show any vulnerability on my first day, but that failed the minute my nose began to bleed and my eyes had tear like blood falling from down my cheeks and dripping off my chin onto the ground. The guy in front of me began to panic as my knees were feeling weak and were about to give in until I felt a pair of arms surround my body holding me up enough for me to lean against what felt like a very muscular chest. The next thing I knew my vision began to go blind everything went blurry even my hearing.

All I heard were voices that I couldn't quite make out, but as I heard more voices the darker my vision became. I was so lost I had no idea what was going on. My body felt so limp that all i could do was rely on whom ever was holding me. I was fighting my eye lids as I realized they're closed knowing the reason why my vision became so dark, but I failed come to knowing that I saw a bright light and went for it. Just as I reached the light I noticed that I was in a place were everything was white just a white opening space. No other color was shown, but white.

Looking around I saw a figure with some kind of robe and a hoodie over its head. I walked towards cautiously in case it may be malicious, but the aura was becoming so strong as I made my way to whatever was in front of me. "You're finally here..." It said making me jump a little "it's alright... No need to be afraid of me. I am what only the wolves look up to." I learned she sounded female. She began pulling her hood off from her head. She was so beautiful that she can literally out stand every other beautiful creature out there. She had big eyes that were purple and her hair was like the color of the moon in a high ponytail. She looked like an angelic being and had such an amazing aura that felt Godly.

"Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want from me?" I ask as she began to move her way to me. She waved her hand over her head and pointed a finger at me mumbling a few words I couldn't make out. "What are you doing? Please, don't hurt me. I'm sorry for whatever I've done wrong. I promise I'll become a better person." Fear began to take over me.

"You've done nothing wrong my dear. You're here because I've been awaiting for your arrival for a long time. Now that you're here. Will you allow me to take your hand?" She asked as she held her hand up waiting for me to rest my hand in her palm. I nodded feeling really comfortable around. I laid my hand in her palm letting it rest. She clamped her hand around mine with a gentle grip and began to do round circular movements with her other hand. She was mumbling some words I don't understand under her breathe.

I began to feel something inside me awaken like its been waiting to come out ever since I was born. I felt bones cracking and the woman in the robe backed up and watch me as I was screaming from this excruciating pain. A few animalistic growls began to come out of my mouth. I felt my whole body anatomy begin to change. My feet and hands becoming black paws and my face growing a snout extending my jaw.

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