
New Friends and Beginning

When I got to A country I took a taxi to the apartment that I would be my resident for the next four years. The taxi pulled up to a building called Sunset Luxury, and when I looked out the window I was really impressed. Getting out of the car I grabbed my bags and thanked the driver and walked into the lobby.

Going to the front desk I saw a young man who's nametag said Carl, I approached him with a smile. "Hello, Carl. My name is Sara Wu and I'll be moving in today." I said in a pleasant voice.

Carl has worked at Sunset Luxury for six years and has seen many rich and powerful people walked by his desk but not one as charming as Sara Wu. With a slight blush, he hurried to reply, "Of course, Miss Wu. Everything has been arranged by your father and your things are inside. If you need anything please contact me, I'll be sure to help." He said while handing me my keys with trembling hands.

Finding this front desk worker super cute by his actions I took my keys and thanked him, then went to my apartment. I was surprised that my father gave me a penthouse, but I was happy with the quiet environment. Of course, I made a mental note to ask Carl about the pricing when all is said and done I truly don't want to owe the guy once I finish my studies.

I went into my room and saw a bird cage with a tiny white dove, unlocking the cage I let the bird fly free. 'Momo, you can go now.' I told my companion in my mind. Since Momo is apart of me but at the same time not she has her special abilities. One being able to possess animals or toys, spending so much time together I learned that Momo prefers small birds. When Momo got the birds she flew and landed on my shoulder.

"Misstress, now that we are here what is the next step in our plan?" Momo asked. Sitting on the bed I let out a sigh and looked out the window. "Well, I'm going to explore around the city. If I'm going to be here for the next four years I need to see what I'm getting into." I said with a smile.

Momo ruffled her feathers and looked at me, "Am I going too?" She asked. I shook my head and stood up and when to the closet.

"No, I need you to something else for me, I need you to fly around and find the big bosses of this country. Remember to get their names and business, I have a feeling that I'll need the connections." I said while changing into something more comfortable. When I was on the plane, the airline knew me as a member of the Wu family so I had to look the part but I really want to stay down key while I'm in A country.

"Don't worry, mistress! I will do a great job." Momo said with glee as I opened the window for her to leave. Seeing her fly off I grabbed my purse and left my home, walking past the lobby I gave Carl a polite smile and left Sunset Luxury.

After a few hours of walking around and looking at the different scenery, I came upon a small cafe. Finding the shop very cute I entered and looked around, sitting down at the counter I order coffee and strawberry cheesecake. Waiting for my order I pulled out my student manual, I wanted to memorize the map of the campus so I wouldn't be lost when I started school next week.

"Oh my god, are you going to King University as well, what a small world so am I." A high pitched voice yelled from my right. Looking over I saw a girl around my age with blonde hair and blue eyes, she was wearing a floral vest top and a pink skirt.

Giving the girl a sweet smile, I nodded my head, "Yes, I start next week." I said meekly. The girl's eye went wide and she gave me a huge grin then move closer to me, "I'm super happy to meet another university girl, I moved far away from home so I was super nervous.

I giggled at the thought of this upbeat girl being nervous, with her confidence and appearance I'm sure she would have been fine anywhere. "Hi, I'm Sara," I told her with a smile.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. My name is Christy, I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself. My family said I can be such a scatterbrain when I get excited." Christy said while laughing.

I nodded my head to her statement, not knowing this girl for long I could tell she had a personality that could blow anyone away. "So, what are you studying?" Christy asked me while looking at the student manual in my hand.

I gave her a smile, "I'm going to be in the fashion department, what about you."

"I'm in the fashion department too, if you haven't noticed I have my own unique style. This was definitely fate, or how could you explain the two of us meeting. With that said, let's be friends." Christy said while giving me hopeful eyes.

Letting out a small laugh I looked at her and agreed, "You know, I agree. Since we will see each other when we're at school it's better to get along." I said.

Christy jumped out of her chair with glee and gave me a hug, " You are so right! With you by my side, there is nothing we can't do."

"You know we just met, how can you say such things?" I asked her.

Christy looked at me and gave me a funny, serious look, "Don't worry, I always have a way of knowing what is good or bad. When I saw you I had a good feeling like I said it was fated that we meet and become friends."

Not wanting to argue with her logic I gave her a smile and nodded, 'As silly as this girl may be, she will at the very least be able to make my time here more joyful.' I thought.

Finishing my food, I paid my bill and got ready to leave, "Are you done? How about we meet before school starts to gather material? Since we just met, I want to spend time with you." Christy asked.

Agreeing to meet up next weekend I gave her my cell number and left the cafe. Returning back to my apartment I sat on my couch and put on a serious face, 'Time to put my plans into action, Sara Wu your life is just beginning.' I thought with a grin.

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