

Luminous Enchantress || 빛나는 마법 부여


MY PACK HAD ALWAYS BEEN PECULIAR COMPARED to others around the world, that's what the Government had announced to all of South Korea. Every member held some kind of special magical ability that was soon deemed to be the work of Witches, demon magic. I had two aunts and three cousins that were sent off to science labs to be tested in their Wolf form, soon to be dead as a message for us to stay away... It was the only way I knew of them.

I remembered when I was seven years old, many wolves from nearby countries came here for protection from the dangers humans dared to do among us immortals. Werewolf hunters were killing our kind, one by one, but too afraid when the full moon lurked... It was strange in our eyes seeing as though we'd admired how independent humans were to their people and civilization. When I asked my Father why they were killing us, he said it was because we were different. Because there's extra land for the Government to take. We feared for our lives.

Devastated. When they came back with blood lust, we hid in the depths of our woods. My parents would tell me stories of the time where there was peace in the world, where none of us on Earth was ever scared of anything. They claimed that we were once servants in the eyes of nature and that we should continue being that the guardians of the trees.

My mother, Choi Jeong, was the last person who came out alive after being tested in a lab. The last Queen who diminished her special ability from which the Royal family held. So, I never trusted the sight of humans since then...

Umma told me that me and my brother were going to be safe in the castle, far away from our original location. She had collapsed onto the ground and was out for days before getting back on her feet. She could no longer be cared for herself and she had my dad in addition to our helpers to care for her for a few years. My father took over her responsibilities as King, trying to find ways to help protect our forest and our kingdom.

It was cold and windy, a sense of fog hovering our little space with the amount of wolves we had. ..There weren't many of us left... In fact, I had only seen my father recruit a few members from extended packs nearby to fill in the holes of our missing people. I was uncomfortable and distraught at the sudden news of needing to move to another place in the future in case this place became too dangerous for us to stay... The day where I'd become the official Princess of Enchantria. It felt as if I were stuck between the heavy burden of my own stress and the constant fear of FBI agents taking us away... Taking me away...

But at the age of thirteen years old, I looked outside my window with determination in my bright glowing blue eyes. I was hurt. I was angry. I raised a hand over the glass, watched as other kids and families were killed from the agents and spies around the warm fire in the night. I had anticipated the coldness of my surroundings and the utter madness of rage showed on my face, but not the ferocity of the sudden rampage and how the urge needing to kill blinded me within. It was like walking into a fresh version of myself as I stared through the glass, still being upset, threatening to make me part of the scenery instead of watching them destroy our people in my own right.

All I could do was watch until my heart touched my chest, beating faster and faster by the second. Though my feet were beginning to freeze, and my hands were small, I kept to myself, to my thoughts. I knew that if I stepped out to help fight, it would be against the rules of the pack. So long as I stayed inside, it was only a matter of time before an evil smirk of revenge grew on my face.

"When I'm Princess, no, Queen of this forest; we won't have to suffer. No, I'll be the leader, the protector of this pack. It's not us who'll get the depression, it'll be you after you feel the wrath I've grown up my sleeve. Daehammingug Salam jeongbu? (south korean government) Get your shit ready because when I reign, it'll be your turn to go on your knees and beg for mercy. And I won't stop until I have my revenge." I thought.

"Aliyah! Bang-e sum-eo! (go hide in your room)" My mother called me. I wolfed out and ran into my room, my brother followed after.

Sometimes, people just want to watch the world burn. And this time? I'll be the cause of it.

And I was going to be their worst nightmare...

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