
Getting Kicked out of Heaven!? Start of Otaku Devil!!

In the beginning, there was nothingness in vast empty space. There was darkness in there until 'HE' came. 'HE' at first created a light source aka SUN then he created SOLAR SYSTEM after creating SOLAR SYSTEM he created Galaxy and continued till 'HE' created billions of Multiverses in a single package called OMNIVERSE.

So yeah, after creating Multiverses and Omniverse...'HE' got bored. So 'HE' created a MegaPack called Reality Dimension and Sub-Reality Dimension. The Sub-Reality dimensions are created by Imaginations and Thoughts of beings in Reality Dimension. That is why Reality Dimensions are limited in number and are protected while Sub-Reality Dimensions are Infinite and grows continuously.

'HE' again got bored and created his own Angels and HEAVEN. 'HE' was known as GOD with capital G. After that he gave the management of Heavens and Realities to his 8 sons. One of them was ME. God began to observe his creation and was dissatisfied with them because there was a lot of sins done by them so he thought it was a good idea to them to hone punishment according to their sins.

But who will give them punishments?? It was obviously his worst son aka ME.

[First Person from here]

My name was Samael and I was my father's 2nd creation. I was proud of the fact that I was his son but years after following his order I realised that I and my brothers and all living things were nothing but a pawn in his game. He orders us and we fulfil his desire for nothing in return.

When I had the first bad thought about him, My first feather turned Black. From that day everyone in heaven was avoiding me like I did some sin. After being discriminated for days I was at my limit and on that day I felt anger for the first time. More wings turned Black. Until my every single wing turned black, I was avoided like a plague.

I decided that it was enough. I was a proud believer of God yet my wings turned black...Why?! I wanted answers. I called out my father regarding this and He gave me a warm and kind smile. But for me, it was full of mockery.

He then ordered me to go to hell{pun intended}. I mean he gave me the responsibility of a separate dimension where all sins are accumulated. This dimension was out of reach of my father. Why? Because I could not use my holy power there and also cannot find my father's aura there.

I accepted it. Of course why not? I mean any place which is out of reach of my father is the safest place for me to begin my plans. Plans to REBEL.

When I first enter Hell it felt like it was made for me. I mean every single dark energy welcomed me as its Ruler. It was my home. My and mine only.

Since then I started planning for my REBEL against 'HIM'. I gathered an army of thousands of fallen angels and hundred thousands of Demons which I created in my tens years in hell. I personally trained them in combat and magic. Enchantment to Runes. Everything that would help me in war.

Heaven also got news of my rebellion and got prepared for the upcoming war. They also had thousands of Angels ready. Tensions were there in both army as an outcome of the war was unpredictable.

After a hundred continuous years of war, both sides had huge loses as On my side there was the loss of manpower and enemies side had a loss of Weapons as they cost very much as the blacksmiths in heaven were low in numbers. And the most fun thing you know what is? 'HE' did nothing. Nothing at all to stop this war. 'HE' watched it from the sidelines.

Billion years after the Great War between Heaven and Hell it was easy going for both of us as we reached the conclusion and decided not to meddle on each other's business. We also reached an agreement in the management of souls. The untainted souls will go to heaven and tainted to Hell. Why I agree to it? Because I found that Sins and the evil energy accumulated in those tainted souls are powerups for me. I am now Second to my father as I am Omnipotent, Omniscience and Omnipresent like Him.

The Hell was divided into 7 layers and 12 districts in each layer. All seven layers were guarded and managed by 7 guardians. Those were Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Demiurge, Mephisto, Belphegor, Mammon. They are 7 Guardians of Hell with their respective Layers.

Hell is much like a kingdom wherein the lower level there are commoners and higher the layer, higher the rank. Ranks were like your position in society and are based on Power, Both political and economical.

So where was I again? Ahh, Yes after billions of years handling affairs of hell and managing souls, I got bored. Yeah just like 'HIM' I got bored. There were a hundred years of boredom for me until I found my Light. The Light was no other than a certain soul who suggests me to watch anime and read manga and light novels and oh were they great.

After reading hundreds of light novels and Mangas and Watching thousands of hours of Anime, I became Otaku. So yeah.....The Devil is an OTAKU!?

On the other hand, heaven started rumours that I was the father of Lies, SLANDER!!! I suppressed the urge to go all-out war against Heaven once again. Also, I think they are portraying me as an EVIL guy. So I became a legend in the mortal realm. In Medieval times, I was regarded as Evil spawn so I sent my lawyers to sue them but they were confronted by some angels on the way and decided to have a spar. But some Good-For-Nothing asshole Mortal watched the entire fight and started a rumour that I sent demons to kill them and they were protected by angels who fought for them. Since then they started praying those angels.

But my favourite time period is the 20th century where they portrayed me as a Cool and easy-going person. I absolutely favoured this period as there was a cosplayer who cosplayed me. There were T.V shows regarding me and also some animes. Talking of anime there is an Anime called Highschool DxD where main characters are devils. Ohhh boy I absolutely loved that anime. That titi*ahem * version of devils which are main characters.

So an idea came to my mind. I decided to go and visit these anime worlds with some of my powers sealed. Why!? Because I don't accidentally want to destroy universes okay!?

So Devil decided to go on a VACATION!!

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