
Loving An Immortal

She knelt on the floor of a huge palace in front of a man that sat on a golden throne. His robes were black with gold dragons embroidered on it. A sneer on his once handsome face. "How dare you!" He yelled nearly coming to his feet with anger. "You think you can deceive this Emperor!?" He screamed his voice growing louder and louder as he stared at the beautiful young General that knelt before him. 'A woman General?!' He thought so angry blood started to be seen at the corners of his mouth. 'I will never allow this!!' He screamed silently. He pointed at the kneeling girl, "Put her to death right here and now!" A guard rushed forward. The said girl sat back on her heels and looked the emperor a small smile on her lips as if she know something he did not. All the while her thoughts were. 'So this is how I die for the second time.' Then she smirked as she felt the sharp sword against her throat. "They dont call me the Blood Goddess for no reason your Highness." Was the last thing she said.

Annalee_Moore · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter Seven - Expectations

Fain Chang Kai didn't like his name he never had from the day he learned what it ment he thought it didn't suit him. He always got angry over people calling his name. He lay on his bed surrounded by the sent of Aloradyth as he dreamed of her calling his name, not in desperation but in love. He felt her small hand is his as they walked through the woods to the small river. She talked and laughed with him as they walked.

They reached the river and sat side by side with there feet in the water. She suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled it toward her. "Fain Chang Kai." She said placing his hand on her face. "Tell me why did you take me from my world?" She asked her face suddenly began to twist and distort. He jumped and came awake with her next words still ringing in his ears. "Why did you take me from my baby!?" He lay there gasping as he tried to catch his breath. slowly he sat up and ran a hand through his long silver hair that hung loose down his back.

Setting his feet on the floor he stood and went to the room next to his the room, that looked like a library. After he walked in he used his power to disperse an illusion over the room. In the middle of the room stood a class ball much like what Aloradyth had seen before but inside of the glass ball floated a small unborn child. The glass ball was full of clear liquid and you could see an umbilical cord and a placenta attached to the side of the glass wall. Fain Chang Kai reached his hand out and touched the smooth glass. The glass wasn't cold to the touch but rather warm and almost felt like skin when touched.

"I'm sorry my child for taking you way from your mother." He felt the baby brush against the glass were he rested his head. Opening his eyes he looked at the little girl who stared at him through the glass. He know then that this child of his needed to be born very soon or she wouldn't make it any longer. Sighing he put his other hand on the glass as well. "Dont worry, Yue Liu, your mother will be ready very soon. I wouldn't let my daughter die."

He stepped back and vanished from the room. He appeared in Dragon Jade caves next to a wide awake Aloradyth. To late he realized he hadn't put on his mask. Aloradyth jumped to her feet and stared at the half dressed stranger that stood in front of her. "Who are..." Her words cut off as she realized just who it was that was standing in front of her. "You." She said taking a step forwards as she looked closer at his out of this worldly beautiful face. He looked away a slight blush on his face.

"You're the man that helped me when I couldn't get..." She didn't finish the sentence when she realized what she was about to say. "Why are you here?" He finally looked up. He pulled at his robe that was slightly open. "This is really not something I do very often." He said, trying not to look at her. She froze when she hear his voice. "I need your help." He told her. She didn't respond so he finally looked up to see her standing frozen in place. Sighing he reached out and shook her.

"You're Fain Chang Kai." She whispered looking at him in disbelief. He sat her down the repeated that he needed her help. Shaking her head she then replied. "I dont know how much I can do to help you. I'm not as strong as you." Chuckling he sat down beside her and began to explain. "I have a daughter who has yet to be born. Do to unexpected things her mother died. I was able to pull her out using my power and put her in a makeshift womb but she needs to be born of an actual mother or she will die. I know we've only know each other for about a month but I was hoping you could help me." He explained not dating to look at her as he did so.

"Wait. Wait. Wait." Aloradyth said holding up her hands. "Are you asking me to give birth to your baby!?" All sorts of things started flying around in her head as she started at him in disbelief. A horror stricken expression crossed his face as he finally looked at her. His face went pale then just as suddenly became bright red as he realized how bad that sounded. Flustered he began to try to explain again but was cut off by Aloradyths laughter.

"I know what you ment! I just couldn't help myself. I had to tease you. But in all seriousness, I don't know if I can help you." Once again she watched his face begin to pale as she saw panic flicker across his eyes. Sighing she stood up. "Okay, fine. I'll do my best to help... But now that I think about it. What are we going to have to do for this?" Aloradyth stepped back and looked at him up and down a slight smirk on the corners of her mouth.

Fain Chang Kai felt his heart flip and his blood felt like it was on fire. He gulped and quickly shook his head. "Nothing like what your thinking." He quickly said his ears turning pink. "It's just me having to push the fake womb into your real one. through your stomach." He explained to her feeling strange for having to talk to much. Thinking it through he realized that there was one more thing. His face light up like a Christmas tree as he turned away not wanting to have to tell her.

Seeing this Aloradyth raised one eyebrow and put her hands on her hips. "What's that face for?" Teasing evident in her tone as she reached to pull on his sleeve. Coughing he tried to pull away but Aloradyth wasn't having. Giggling she quickly dashed around him and once again stood face to face with him. He giggling cut off with his next words and became all out rolling laughter.

"It has to be done..... While...." With each word his face was getting even redder. He stopped and seemed to not be able to continue so Aloradyth prompted his as she stepped closer to him. "While...? What?" She was now so close she could feel his breath on her small delicate face. She watched him gulp but he didn't move as he finally continued. "While we are.... cough... Kissing." After finishing he quickly tried to turn around. Aloradyth grabbed his arm at the same time her foot got caught in her bed roll and they both ended up falling over.

Aloradyth closed her eyes expecting to feel pain. After a little while she slowly opened her eyes to see she was being held protectively by Fain Chang Kai. looking up she looked in to his deep eyes that were staring right at her. "Are you ok?" They both asked at the same time cousing both to laugh. Hearing Fain Chang Kai laugh made Aloradyth stop laughing and just stare at how beautiful he looked while laughing. Her heart started to flutter then, as he stopped laughing and just smiled a real smile at her, started to pound as she felt butterflies bloom in her chest.

She quickly sat up and moved away from his embrace. "When does it need to be done?" She asked looking at Fain Chang Kai's still smiling face. He just blinked. "What?" Sighing she stood up and straightened her clothes. "Your daughter." Was all she had to say. His smile vanished as he too stood and straightened his clothes. The mood from before completely forgotten. "As soon as is humanly possible." Was all he said before he once again vanished.

Blinking at the place he had been Aloradyth then turned and walked down the tunnel pausing to check on her still tied uncle. "You want out?" She asked his. Growing at her he nodded. She let him go and told him to leave so she could take a bath. With that her uncle Mou limped out, because of being tied for two days. Aloradyth had just reached the hot spring when she felt a cool breeze blow against her back. Turned she saw it was Fain Chang Kai. In his arms was a small ball covered in a black bag. He cradled it like a baby in his arms as he walked over to her. "This is the best place for this to happen." He told her as he walked past her.

Aloradyth followed him to the waters edge. He set the ball bag and all into the water before he turned to look at her. "Strip." He told her before he began to take his outer garments off. Her eyes nearly popped out as she flipped around. She could feel her face flush. "Just your outerwear." He finally said after he had entered the pool. She flipped around and glared at him as she pulled one of her shoes off and chucked it at his head. Laughing he caught it and set it on the edge of the pool.

A suddenly loud crack sounded from ball that floated on the water. Fain Chang Kai's face drained of all color as he reached out and grabbed Aloradyth and pulled her, fully dress, into the pool. She broke the surface with a gasp. Glaring once again at Fain Chang Kai. He grabbed the ball and pulled it out. Aloradyths mouth fell open when she saw the glass ball. Although she couldn't seen into it she could see the class itself was a rainbow of color as she looked closer she could see a large crack running along the surface of it as it glowed and sparkled.

Fain Chang Kai saw the crack and felt panic grip his heart. He walked over to Aloradyth and grabbed her pinning her to the side of the pool with his body as he used his other hand to force open her robes. She struggled and asked repeatedly what he was doing but he didn't pay any attention to her. Once he got her robes open he began to speak in a language she had never heard before.

As he spoke light gathered around the glass ball in his other hand as he slowly lifted it up. When he finished she saw all the glass shatter and fall away from the glowing light that was the same size and shape as the glass ball had been. Then he began speaking in a language she could understand as he asked her. "Aloradyth do you take both my daughter and I to be yours forever?" Aloradyth didn't hear the both part and nodded.

Fain Chang Kai told her she had to say yes or no so Aloradyth once again nodded and said yes. He pulled the ball of light down and used both hands to begin pushing it into her stomach. Pain started to rip through her and she gasped in pain. Just as she was about to scream Fain Chang Kai's lips covered hers in the hottest kiss he had ever been given. The smell of pine filled her head as his lips teased and played with hers making the pain vanish into thin air.

When he finally let her up for air she felt his hands on her no longer flat stomach. She felt love rush through her as she looked up at him with wonder and unbeknownst to her love shining in her eyes. She reached up and rapped her arms around his neck before she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his handsome jaw. He looked down at her in shock only to be shocked once again when she kissed him full on the mouth.

Groaning he rapped his arms around her and pulled her toward him. He pulled away after a little while only to lean down and kiss her distended belly. They left the pool only to both be shocked when Aloradyth grabbed her stomach and with panic in her eyes looked at Fain Chang Kai. "There's something wrong." Was all she said before she felt a gush of water from between her legs.

I want to see how many were shocked by the sudden development? Please let me know!❤

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