
Love Will Never Fade

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  • 6 Chs
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Chapter 1Chapter One

Ryley walks out of the university and starts to walk towards home when she gets jumped. When Ryley comes to she's in a dark alley and is getting raped. "Holy fuck you feel so good." Ryley squirms. The man slaps Ryley's ass. "Hey sit still!" Ryley whimpers and does as she's told. The man smiles. "Good girl." The man moans as he cums. "Oh shit." When the guy finishes he's about to kill Ryley when a figure comes into view and rips the man's throat out. The figure comes over to Ryley and helps her stand up. "Are you okay?" Ryley shakes her head and hugs the person tightly. The person hugs back. "Its okay. You're safe now. What's your name?" Ryley looks up at the person. "Ryley." The person smiles. "Hello Ryley. I'm Root." The two shake hands. "Sorry I just randomly hugged you." Root chuckles. "Its okay Ryley. I'm used to it." The two smile at each other. "So where were you off to?" "Hm? Oh uh home." "Would it be okay if I walk with you?" Ryley nods. "I'd love that." The two start walking. As they're walking Ryley's hand kept bumping into Root's. Root chuckles. "It's fine love." When Ryley made no movement Root connects er fingers through Ryley's. Once the two get to Ryley's house Ryley lets go of Root's hand and walks up the steps to the door. "Do you want to come in?" Root stares off into space. "Root?" She faces Ryley. "Sorry?" "Would you like to come in? I was gonna have a beer. You can join me if you like." Root shifts her weight. "No its okay. Maybe some other time." "Alright. Well thank you for walking me home." Root smiles. "Not a problem. See you around." Root is about to leave when Ryley asks, "Can I have your number?" Root turns back around. "Pardon?" "Can I have your number?" "Oh sure. Here hang on." Ryley nods. Root gets out her phone. "705-500-4200." Ryley types in the number into her phone. She sends a heart emoji. Root's phone buzzes. She chuckles. Ryley smiles. "Now you have mine too." Root sends a kiss emoji. "Yep. Bye for now." Ryley waves. "Bye for now." Root walks home. Ryley goes to her fridge and grabs a beer. She pops the cap and sits on the couch and turns on the TV. "So here's what we know so far. A man was seen dragging a woman into a dark alley and then he rapes the woma" Ryley switches the channel. Ryley finishes her beer and gets up to get another one. When she gets back to the living room she sees Root's face come up onto the screen. Ryley spits out the beer she had in her mouth. "So this woman is a hero in your books?" "Yes because she kills men who rape and kill women. I mean I get that it sounds terrible because killing is never good but she saves millions of lives by executing the men herself." "I see where you're coming from. Some men get caught and sent to prison and then after their sentence is over they're back on the streets free to do it all over again." "Exactly. This way they'll never be able to kill again." The interviewer chuckles. "Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen. A statement from a survivor of a serial killer. Thanks for coming." The lady smiles. "Thanks for having me." Ryley turns off the TV and goes upstairs to her bed. Ryley places her beer on the nightstand and collapses onto her bed. Her phone buzzes. Ryley groans. She reads the text. "Hey I heard about your test. Was it okay?" "Yeah. It was hard but I finished it in record time." "That's my girl." Ryley chuckles. "I'm not your girl Ashton." "True. You're just my sister. My bad ass sister. ❤️" "I love you too bro 😘. Night." "Night night." Ryley drinks her beer while reading a book. A little while later Ryley puts down the book on the nightstand and goes to sleep. Next day. Ryley wakes up at the crack of dawn and gets up. She showers and gets ready for school. Once everything is done and put where they need to be Ryley grabs her bag and leaves the house and locks the door. She starts walking to school. Once there she gets a text. "Hey love its your beautiful mother. Have a fantastic day at school." Ryley smiles. "Thanks mum. I love you. ❤️❤️❤️" "I love you too. ❤️❤️❤️" Ryley walks to her first class. Once in the class Ryley's teacher hands her the test from yesterday. Ryley frowns. "I don't understand. I studied hard for this." "Well clearly not hard enough." Ryley slumps. In the middle of class Ryley feels her phone buzz in her pocket. She looks at it under the desk. "Hey love. It's Root. From yesterday." "I remember. Hi." "Hi. Are you free this evening?" "Uh it all depends what time you're talking about. I'm at school right now." "Oh shit. I'm sorry. Am I getting you in trouble?" "Nah. My teacher doesn't pay attention to everything else around him besides his computer. I'm actually thinking he watches porn on that thing." "🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Seriously?" "Yeah. You can hear little moans from time to time. I shit you not." "Oh my god. That's hilarious. What time you at school until?" "Um hmm. Around 5:30 sometimes. It depends if I have a paper due or not." "Okay well then just text me when you get out. I'll bring you something to eat." "Okay I officially love you lol." "Hahaha. What do you want?" "Oh you're being serious?" "Yeah. You thought I was kidding?" "Mhm. Umm hmmm. 🤔🤔🤔. Thai food." "Anything specific?" "When you walk in the restaurant just say to the guy the regular and he'll know what to make." "Alright. Text me later." "Yep." Ryley puts her phone away and waits for the class to end once she's done writing down what needs to be done. Once the class is over Ryley bumps into her ex. "Oh hey Yvonne." He smiles. "Hey Ryley. How are you?" "I'm okay. Sorry for bumping into you." Yvonne pats Ryley's shoulder. "Don't sweat it okay? You'll be okay." Ryley nods. "See you in last class." Yvonne nods. "See you later." Yvonne walks off. Ryley finishes her day a lot quicker than normal. Ryley takes out her phone and texts Root. "Hey. I'm leaving school grounds right now." "Be there in 5." Ryley sits and waits on the bench by the park. "Where are you?" Ryley giggles. "Turn around." Root turns around and smiles. "Ah there you are." "Yep here I am." Root hands Ryley a take out bag. "Here you are." Ryley takes the bag greatfully. "Thanks so much. I'm starving." Root chuckles. "No problem." Ryley sits down with Root following suit. Ryley offers some of her food to Root. "Mm?" Root shakes her head. "Oh no thank you." "Not much of a Thai food person?" "Not much of a food person." Ryley nods. "I see. How do you survive then?" "I eat. Just not unhealthy foods." "Ah." Ryley finishes her food and throws out the garbage. "Wanna come over and have a beer with me? Get to know each other?" Root smiles. "Sure." The two start walking back to Ryley's place. Once there Ryley walks in and grabs two beers. "Well come in. Don't stand out there all night." Root chuckles and walks in. She's glad she's able to get through the door. Root gladly accepts the beer Ryley offers her. "Thanks." The two pop the cap and take a swig. "Not a problem. So. Family?" "All dead. I was the only child that survived the war." "Interesting. Well I have my mother and two brothers. My dad passed before I was born. Do you have friends?" Root chuckles. "A lot." "How many is a lot?" "About 200." Ryley whistles. "Damn." "You?" "2 or 3 close friends. Have you traveled?" Root nods. "Mhm." "Name a few places." "USA,Spain,Italy,Austria." "Wow. All of USA,Spain,Italy and Austria?" Root nods. "Yep and all of India and England." "What about Australia?" Root shakes her head. "I've been there because that's where I was born but I haven't seen all of it." "Fascinating. Any boyfriends?" Root shakes her head. "I'm gay." "Oh. Interesting. Girlfriends then?" "2 or 3. You?" "Only 1 boyfriend. I've never had a girlfriend." Root looks down at the floor and takes a swig of her beer. "Oh." Ryley chuckles. "You seem disappointed. Why?" Root looks up at Ryley. "No reason." "Before you go off thinking anything I'm pansexual." Root's eyes glistened. Ryley laughs. The two chat and drink for a while. Root starts laughing. "It's not funny. It actually hurt. "Root holds her stomach. "I'm sorry. It's just too hilarious. Your brothers are idiots." "Hahaha thank you for noticing." "I should get going." Root places her empty beer bottle on the counter. "Thanks for having me over." Ryley hugs Root. "My pleasure. Fancy coming over again Friday night? I'm having a games night with my two friends and need a partner." Root chuckles. "Sure. I'll be your game partner. See you Friday." The two hug once more. "See you Friday partner." Root chuckles and leaves. Once Root went home Ryley cleans up the living room and kitchen. She then goes upstairs to her bedroom and lays down on her bed after getting changed. Ryley's phone goes off. "Can I be honest with you?" "Of course." "I wanted to kiss you when I was leaving." Ryley chuckles. "Why didn't you then?😘😘😘" "Haha. Cuz I was scared you'd push me away." "Well I wouldn't have. I would've kissed back 😉😉😉." "Next time then ❤️❤️❤️." "Night Root." "Night Ryley.😘" "😘" Ryley sets her alarm and goes to sleep.

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