
love story of Cinderella

Fantasy Romance
Contínuo · 541 Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is love story of Cinderella

Leia o romance love story of Cinderella escrito pelo autor Swathy_Karthika publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Starting over from the Beginning

(Book 2 of the Controlling trilogy Series) Since the moment her mother would speak of the tales of a prince rescuing the princess from an impending danger to then live with her happily ever after, Cherry had dreamed and wished for her own prince charming on the white horse. Her dreams got even more deluded growing up watching Korean dramas and animes. She believed with her whole heart in the concept of finding her destined partner. Years passed, and she had finally found him, her own prince charming, her soulmate, and even got married to him. But what if one dreadful day had caused her to lose her memories concerning her prince charming, where she now has to get to know him all over again, trying to gather the lost pieces to fill the gaping hole in her mind? Her handsome husband had been patient throughout her memory loss, spoiling and loving her. He was flawless and Cherry was sure that her husband was the one for her. But why does his touch make her skin crawl? Why does his smile seem more deceitful with each passing day? The lost puzzle pieces that had begun to put themselves together formed the truth and left Cherry with a tough choice. Will ignorance become a bliss or will her happily ever after come crashing down? Warning: People who have read book 1 will know that this book won’t be for the weak-hearted. This book is an ample worse than the first one when it comes to manipulation, gore and overbearing, possessive male lead character, so be prepared. Uploading schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

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Nurarihyon System in Another World

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