
Love Me Please (LMP)

Dear Diary, Uhm.... This is the first day I'll be writing on this diary, so uhm.. I hope I can fill this with happy memories. Uhm... To start of, I guess.. Uhm... I... I've been experiencing a very, very weird experience. Uh... Every morning, I've been coughing out roses.. Yes it may sound very weird and very... yeah, weird. But it's true... And I don't know if this is something that I can die from but... I'm slowly having the difficulties of breathing...

astralwrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

✿ Chapter Sixteen


"I like you."

The incident from last night kept repeating in my mind. He's joking right? He's just drunk. He's just drunk, nothing else. No feelings.

But then again, people say that people tend to speak the truth when drunk.

I sighed, facing the huge window beside me. It was night already, and the moon was up. The house was silent, it was only me in the house, anyway.

What can I do to help Nathann? I'm the reason he's suffering... I wanna help him get better... Should I... Should I break up with Fred and get together with him? Will... Will this work? I'm risking my relationship that's been going on for years already... No... I'm doing everything for Nathann.

If I just explain everything to Fred, I'm sure he'll understand...

Plopping on my bed with a muffled thud, I drifted to sleep with the so-called solution in my mind.

I just hope this works.


"What? Are you sure about this, Geor?" Fredrick asked as I sat on the sofa, the sunlight lighting up the room,

"I'm sure, Fred... And I'm hoping this will work. Please... Will you let me, Fred? I know this is very hard for you... But this is the only way..." I pleaded,

"Do you even love him?"

"I do! Of course I do!"

"No. As in, romantically. Do you love him?"

I pursed my lips, realizing my answer to his question was no. He scoffed on the other line and he let out a sigh,

"Geor... I'm letting you do this, okay? Let's try this. If it doesn't work, I'm very sorry. Remember, I'm always with you, okay? I got your back." I felt myself smile at how understanding he was, and I nodded in determination,

"Thank you so much, Fred! I promise, this will be worth it." He hummed and muttered a small Love you before hanging up.

I stood up from the sofa and ran up to my bedroom, getting myself ready for the day. I'm planning to meet up with Nathann this afternoon, and with high hopes on the plan, I turned on the shower and started to clean myself.

*** (A: I'm sorry T^T)

"Hey uhm... Nathann... Do you want to get together with me?" I asked, making Nathann choke on the food he was eating,

"What the hell?!"

"You're joking, aren't you? Very funny, Geor. Very funny." He said,

"No I'm not."

"You're literally with Fred, Geor. Are you cheating?" He asked in disbelief,

"With, with me?"

"No, I'm not together with Fred anymore. He... He cheated..."

I'm so sorry, Fred... And Nathann...

"So you decided to be with me? You're literally using me as a rebound, you know that?" I could sense his disappointment in his voice and I felt myself, tear up, almost exposing myself, but I pulled myself together, and held his hand,

"Sure, it may be a rebound for now, but I know I'll love you. More than just a best friend." I told him,

"Are you doing this... Because you think this will stop my sickness?" He asked,

"You don't even know who I like." He added,

"Genuine love... I know that's the only way for you to recover... Love is the solution for everything. Well, not for government corruption and financial problems, but you know what I mean.

But what I actually mean is, yes. I do know who you like. You confessed. The day when we had camp, you got drunk and confessed." I explained and his ears turned red,

"W-What? Did I?" He stammered and I nodded,

"Yep... You did... So... Your answer?"
