
Love me never

I got pretty angry and stood up " leave me alone and mind your fucking business" I shouted. I was about to walk away when he said " when he breaks your heart don't say I didn't tell you". With that I turned around and slapped him hard on his pretty face and walked out of the cafeteria with everyone's eyes on me.

Littleziza4032 · Geral
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20 Chs

Chapter 5

School is finally over for the day, I am waiting for Mia to show up so we can go and pick up the decorations for the party tomorrow night.

As I was waiting I spotted her coming out of the school with Aiden and his crew. They walked towards me very very slowly which made my blood boil.

As they reached me, they all greeted me and I remembered something" Mia how are we going to get home you didn't bring your car"." That was what I was about to say before you butted in". She said.

Aiden as been glaring at Tony since they got here and he didn't seem to notice. " So Cher, Aiden will drop you off at home cause of your dinner so you can get ready and meet up with us at the mall".

Aiden's jaw clenched at the mention of the date. " I could take the bus home, so u can all go for the decorations together". I said. "No worries I'll drop you off", Aiden muttered.

As we were walking to Aiden's car. Tony said I'll pick you up at six. I nodded waved goodbye to them and headed towards Aiden's car.


As I expected the ride home with Aiden was awkward. He avoided making a conversation with me, the only sound in the car was the radio playing a song.

We arrived at my house and I thanked Aiden for the ride, then he replied" what are friends for", after that he drove off.


It's 5:30 which means that I have thirty minutes before Tony picks me up. The remaining two are downstairs helping Mia set up.

Phoebe is doing my hair. She straighten it out and curled it at the edges. She made me back the mirror and started applying make-up which I don't apply on a normal day.

After she finished, I was allowed to check myself and I was really beautiful. I gave Phoebe a bone crushing hug. I checked the time and noticed that I have ten minutes left.

Phoebe excused herself to go and help downstairs and left me to dress up. I put on my dress and slipped my shoes on. I picked a black purse from my closet and hedded downstairs.

As I got to the stairway I took a deep breath and started walking down the stairs. As they noticed me, everyone stopped what they were all doing to stare at me.

I started feeling a little nervous and I wondered why they we're starting at me like I have grown two freaking heads!!


End of chapter hope you enjoyed it??