

¶¶What began as a mere game for Damien Salvador Rossi turned out to be more than he bargained for, especially when that fair skinned Ghanaian girl made him question himself as to if it was worth it at all?? ¶¶She thought she found true love until she realized that it was all a game and she needs to stay away from the very thing that made her feel safe. "Tell me Damien, what do you really want from me?? Sex,love or friendship??" "Easy...sex amore." I watched him as my heart broke further. I should have listened to my instinct. But it's too late to cry over spilled milk, my mind was made up. "Then what are you waiting for?? Take me."

Henrietta_forson · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

chapter 1

Herty, we are going to be late!! Like really late and I'm not ready to explain to the whole class why I'm late.." my best friend Theodora yelled from downstairs

"I'm coming" I yelled back

I rushed after taking a final glance at myself in the mirror and quickly locked the door behind me. We both shared a room in a house that had been converted into a hostel because we weren't able to get a hostel on campus.

"I'm here, let's go" she rolled her eyes at me and I knew she was mad.

" I'll cook today and clean the place up. Oh and I'll pay for the groceries" I gave her a pleading smile and I knew I was forgiven

So I'm Henrietta Forson but my friends like to call me Herty or Titi or whatever name that comes in mind. I'm a Ghanaian,and I have fair skin,brown small eyes and I consider myself averagely shaped. Like little breast, broad hips but with a fatty stomach. But I'm okay with myself cos I'm me and no one can change that.

"We need to stop going in late cos it's going to put us in trouble one day" Theo chuckled

"I know but even with that, we will still pass and you know that."

" True, but I would like to sign the attendance sheet for the that extra five marks. It give my GPA a boost"

" Silly girl" I gave her a playful shove and all she did was laugh.

We both attended the University of Ghana, Legon, and we were in our 2nd year.

We both hurried along the road to school as we had decided to walk halfway and pick a bus to our final destination. We passed by a couple of guys standing by and I noticed one of the guys stare at Theo or so it seemed. Couldn't blame them Theo had the body every man and woman will be attracted to. The right size of boobs, a great and curvy behind and that perfect dark skin. She was 5'9 whilst I was 5'7. So she really stood out.

One of the guys called her and it seemed he wasn't a Ghanaian, Italian or Mexican maybe, didn't know, didn't care.

I couldn't get what they were saying but I believed I was involved cos I say her turn to me and smile. I smiled back and she walked to me after the guy had taken her number I believe.

" Sometimes I feel like you take my shine, why don't guys call me like the way they do to you?" I asked playfully

She tipped her head back and gave me a laugh" they actually called me to ask of you,they asked if  I was your friend and if I could give them your number"

"Wo see den??( What did you say) me, I take back my statement earlier I'm happy being single"

She laughed more. I've been the single lady for sometime now and I was somehow content with it. Theo however was in a relationship with Mike, a colleague of ours. I wasn't too keen on their relationship but I'm okay because she's happy

" Don't worry, I told them you are taken... By me."

"Definitely" I giggled

We continued to school holding each other's arms

This is the first chapter, I hope you liked it.

Fun fact: Ghana was the first African country to gain independence from it's Colonial master's the British.