
Chapter 2 President Nakagawa!


Yuu and Ayumu went to check on something they send a text to me as I send them about the situation...while I had to suffer-enjoy time with Kasumi by looking for the student council president...


So all I gotta do is confront the school council president, and ask her to stop disbanding the school idol club... Easier than said than done right...right? Kasumi keeps suggesting to do some woo tricks and I kept declining since I got no idea what she talking about...

If I did goof this will be worse than failing LA with 95%! A big grave mistake and if I was responsible for causing the club to shut down...

"I CAN'T DO THISS!!!!" I yelled running away "Leo-Senpai what are you going?! Get back here!!" Kasumi yelled grab me by shirt collar glared as I didn't expect her to be this fast...

"You say we would do this together Leo-Senpai," Kasumi said glared as I sweatdrop gulped "F-Finee where's the damn room??" I asked "We were almost there till you run off like an idiot," Kasumi said "Hey! I didn't want to be one who got a kick in the face for shutting our club down!" I yelled sweatdrop "Anyway its should be right here," Kasumi said "Right..." I said boring expression (She's not that bad actually annoying here and there but not hateful) I thought smiled "You surprised me Leo-senpai running the opposite direction," Kasumi said stared at me "Sorry I just uh was a little nervous and thought had to do something anything for the situation," I said sweatdrop "Oh...yeah I know the feeling sometimes you get work up over something and-hold on you were yelling I can't do this!" Kasumi yelled (Damn it!) I thought flinched "I..." I said sweatdrop as "..." Kasumi stared at me "Something wrong Kasumi??" I asked confused expression "Nothing, Nothing! we are here now...just remember to knock...We aren't speaking to the council just the president directly remember!" Kasumi yelled, "Right I may be nervous I got this Yosh!" I yelled knocking on the door...

"Come in" ??? said "Hey we got answer Kasumi let's go!" I yelled "Duh, doofus she's was already inside...Anyway, focus! no time for that talk, our School Idol Club is on the line here!! So you do your best shot and use your woo stuff!" Kasumi yelled "KASUMI FOR THE LAST TIME I DON'T SWING THAT WAY!!" I yelled grudgingly entering...

"Ah?" Student Council President asked shocked looking directly at me "Uhh excuse me! There's something I Leon Winchester need to ask of you, Miss President" I said sweatdrop "I know who you are Leon Winchester right?" Nana said small smile formed "Wait?! what you know me how I was-??" I asked shocked "She knows everyone's name here in the school because well she's the president... Just a name and face is all she needs" Kasumi whispered to me... "That's impressive, Miss President..." I said stunned "Hey focus here no need of wooing but it kinda errors me out y'know? it's like she some robot either a database or something!!" Kasumi yelled "MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND!!! AND SHE'S RIGHT THERE IDIOT!!" I yelled "A pleasure to meet you, Leon, I am Nana Nakagawa, second year, and is the student council president...Now then, did you have any business with this robot? I can check my database if you'd like?" Nana said (..I felt a scary aura over here thanks a ton Kasumi!) I thought while panicing...

"Crap she heard me!" Kasumi yelled, "Told you so...anyway I'm here on the behalf of school Idol club..." I said sweatdrop "Are you a member?? I don't remember you joining the club plus aren't you new here? Are you a school idol?" Nana asked a lot of questions... "I'm not trying to become a school idol myself...I don't think I could anyway...and yes I just move here" I said sweatdrop "The main question is I don't want you to well disband the club..." I said "That I cannot oblige," Nana said (I knew it wouldn't be that easy) I thought trying to think of an easier solution...

"Can you explained why?" I asked "Huh?!" Kasumi yelled with a shocked expression "Hmm very well since your smart for not telling me what should I do...Nijigasaki Academy places a great amount of importance on its student's independence...So our school performs all forms of club activities" Nana explained "Hmm then why not the Idol Club?" I asked confused arms crossed sweatdrop "The school made its own efforts to promote it so it would make that even from other industries are allowed to join as well," Nana said "Woah!? the school went that far to promote idols?!" I yelled shocked expression "Indeed...though as much we wanted to if the result for the idea was bad with that much promotion behind it then it shouldn't be made at all...shame it was doing so well from the start..." Nana said "It went really well at first!! Setsuna was actually out there as a bonafide school idol!!" Kasumi yelled "Indeed but there's only one student who actually had good results," Nana said "In that case, there shouldn't be any problems at all then with good results...? Why should the club be disbanded for that?" I asked confused arms crossed...

(She's a tough cookie not gonna lie but I ain't gonna quit on Kasumi and this club) I thought with serious expression (Aww you do care Leon) Leonidas thought (...FUCK YOU!) I thought (Uh no thanks wish yah luck buddy) Leonidas thought snickered

"Uh...Leo-senpai about that well everyone actually kind of on a break right now...they should be back eventually" Kasumi said sweatdrop "Hopefully..." Kasumi whispered "Why don't you take Setsuna person the leader then! If she actually been out there as one, then she must really love Idols!" I yelled "Setsuna...you see Leo-senpai we don't talk about that too much-" Kasumi got cut off by me this time...

"Kasumi! let's go find Setsuna and asked her to come back!!" I yelled "Leo-senpai! she's...is the one who fractured the School Idol Club in the first place..." Kasumi said "WHAT??!?!!?" I yelled (HUUHHH!?) Leonidas thought shocked...

"She didn't! Nothing is wrong with the club! no fractures! Nobody got mad with anyone so, please...DON'T YOU DARE TALK AS YOU KNOW ABOUT US!!" Kasumi yelled "Kasumi..." I said hesitated expression "Like I say everyone on break...they will all be back! just you wait and see!!" Kasumi yelled "And when will that be exactly Kasumi? There are plenty of clubs at Nijigasaki Academy...Many are waiting for a club room is it wrong to give a club room to an actual active club rather than a dormant one with no members?" Nana explained "...Ugh well you see...but we still...I" Kasumi said as I stared at Nana for a bit (...I need to say something damn it...but choose on the right words...) I thought

"Hey there's may not be that many active club members right? I was asking if you could say we gather enough members to actually start it..." I said, "It will eventually become an active club then you would allow the club to continue?" I asked "...Yes, your right about that" Nana said looked at me

"Then that means we just need to get the right amount of members before the deadline which is the end of this month right??" I asked "..." Nana said nothing (I got her...Phew...) I thought sweatdrop "Don't disband the club! I don't care how many members we need I'll do what I can!" I yelled "...Leo-senpai..." Kasumi said stared at me "Very well...but one condition" Nana said "Alright I'll hear it" I said "10 members or higher" Nana said "...WHAT?!" Kasumi yelled (Huh?) I thought shocked but slowly realized it now...

"No Kasumi she's right...since we are trying to reformed the club it makes sense to have 10 members in case 5 went missing the other remaining will help keep the club active!" I yelled "...Smart move you have there Leon" Nana said stared at me "Urgh...I can't believe this!" Kasumi yelled "She got a point Kasumi," I said sweatdrop (President Nakagawa is really good at what she does...but something still bugging the crap out of me... like she's hiding something from all of us) I thought sweatdrop looked at Nana for a hot minute...

"Alright, President Nakagawa we will get your ten or more members!" I yelled "I look forward to your progress," Nana said, "Kasumi come on we got a job to do!" I yelled "...Leon-senpai?!" Kasumi yelled shocked as I took her hand running out of the council room...

(Ending 2 - Popping Pops by Kasumi Nasku)

To be Continued...

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