
Heart singing


"Fatou" I'm sorry I can't let him marry you.

I know I have no chance of winning but I wanna fight till the end.


(thumb thumb thumb?

I don't know why but when he said that. My heart started to pound. He even said it without any hesitation. Even though he knows that he has no luck of beating him. It makes really happy😍)


Well then, Duke Howard. Do You think you'll be able to accept the challenge


YES; I will make you pay for your insolence


Try not to hold a grudge against him, your grace.

Your grace can have mercy (smile).


Then it decided, the price will be Fatou


Do I get a say😒


Well, this is interesting


Soji, I think we should go.


(Glare at the duke)



Whisper (why is my heart still pounding. What was brother thinking by sending me and Soji to do the job? But though, it is a nice day with the wind blowing my red hair and my golden eyes looking up in the sky. Now that I think about it, his back is sexy with his black hair and red eyes make him really attractive. Goodness me, what I my thinking)


What a nice day.


Huh, Yes! it is,

Soji why did you accept my brother proposition


At first, I wanted to refuse but when he said that you'll be coming along I thought I should come to protect you just like you said, my lady.

(I can't tell her I came here to spend time with her)


Well, that is very kind of you. But you forgot one thing I'm not your average girl, I can protect myself quite well


Well, I guess you are right but still you are a lady. My uncle told me that girls are sensitive.


I guess he is right. However, you seem to forget I'm different from the other girls.

If you want I'll show you.


S..show what?


Punching or kicking you.

Do you want me to try it on you?


NO! no

(one of her punch my bones will break apart. I shouldn't underestimate her, she might be strong than me. Besides I heard that her past title was QUEEN of RUIN. I don't know why they call her names that is terrifying. She seems different from what I imaged. She doesn't look like a monster to me at all)


Mmm pft hehe hahaha


I finally see you laugh.


(Blush and turn away) well, I couldn't help it


Hey, Fatou, your cheeks are all red are you okay or maybe sick.


(he brings his hand on my forehead and touched my forehead. So warm)

I..i'm fine.

Listen let finish the job first


Yes, let kick some ass


(There was a village that been attacked by bandits. My brother sends me and Soji to stop them from stealing the villagers' food. Our mission was to stop them from stealing the food that the villager work to for, after all I'm a princess I have to help my people)


Here they are.


Listen, all of you I came here to stop you. I will close my eyes and let you get away without me beating you or put you to jail. I don't want young men such as yourself who has a great future ahead of you to end up in jail. Think of your family, who is worried about you guys.

I don't like violence that is why I will ask you to leave this village. I don't want to arrest anyone so please don't force me to.


You bitch.

Hey, guys, she is kinda cute, we might get rich if we sell her. Hahahahahahaha.


Aah "sign" it seems your brain is as hard as a rock, you leave me no choice but to act.

One of my friends told me "choosing not to fight can lead to more violence"

Now that I know that I won't go easy on you (smile)

Soji lends me a hand. (I could do this without his help or anyone, but my brother told me to let others help. That would make them happy to that they are relied on).


Here we go.


(After we finish with the bandit they promise never to attack the village again and they were sorry for damaging the food. The reason They volunteer to help. The villagers forgive them and they worked together)

It is starting to get late Soji we should go


Princess Fatou, thank you so much for helping us.


Not at all


It already dark you should stay and party with us.


I don't want to be a bother.


No, princess you not a bother. It thanks for helping us.


Okay, but there is need to thanks us, it is our duty to help those in need of our assistance.

Soji I think we should take their generous offer and stay for the night.


Okay, Fatou. I was thinking the same thing even if we leave right now, we will arrive there in the sunrise. So it is better to stay for tonight.


(we decided to stay. The villagers were very nice to us they gave us two room for us to stay. I went to my room but I can't sleep)

Hmm, I'm thirty.

(on my way to the kitchen room

I spot someone on the terrace)

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