


World is really ugly when it comes to show it's true face. I have seen many things in a very young age. My father left me and my sick mother for a woman who he met on a dating app.

I was sitting in the basketball hall and looking straight at the wall in front of me. My mind was fighting with me. It was giving me thousands of ways to kill him in one go, but my mother, that stupid woman still loves him. She doesn't have much time and she want me to go to him so I can have a better future. I pick my bag up and stand up and leave the basketball hall and head for my home. In less than twenty minutes I was home. I open the door and as usual my mother was inside the kitchen making something for me but as usual I didn't greet her and went in my room. I sat at my bed and start to take off my jacket.

The door of my room open and my mother came in. "You didn't say Hi? " I nod and reply, "You should get used to it. I will not be here tomorrow to ask for your health or to greet you." She sat next to me. There was sadness in her eyes and I can see my answer really hurt her. I don't want to cry not now so I look away and close my eyes. She held my hand and said, "You know what Vincent? I love you so much but I don't have much time left to show you my love and affection. Your father finally agreed to keep you with him as his family. "

I turned to her and look at her face in disbelief. How could she say that? "That guy is nothing to me and that family is not my family. He left us when we needed him the most. If he had loved you even for once he would have never left us. " I regret saying those words but I can't take those words back and reality hurts. She patted at my hand and said

"Vincent, please. I want a good future for you and I am unable to provide it to you. He is willing to do that. Please agree on that. Take this as my last wish." I hug her tightly the more the reality hurts it is true that she will going to die soon and I can't do anything about it. I kissed her forehead and said, "Mother, I want to give myself a try. I am eighteen and I can work for me, for us. I will do whatever it takes to get our lives back on track. Just one chance mother. Consider it my last wish." She took a deep breath and said, "Fine but if you fail you have to go. You have only one month. " I nodded and kissed her head.

She left my room and after having lunch I went to find a job for me. I talked to one of my friend and he told me there is a place empty as a waiter in his father's restaurant and I should apply. I also agreed and went to meet his father's manager in the restaurant. Duke is my best friend and I am secretly in love with his sister and she also showed me with her behavior that she is interested in me. Near me nothing is more good in my life than her. She is beautiful and sexy.

I meet with the manager and on my friend's request he gave me the job as a room service. That wasn't just a restaurant, it was restaurant plus hotel. It is the VIP hotel in the Mexico. I start my job from today. My mother will be very happy to find out I got a job.

I was working at night shift and I called my mother that I can't make it home and she was kind of proud of me but also worried for me that I will get tired. I put the clean sheets on the wheel tray and that's when manager told me, "Vincent, we have a special order, go and deliver condoms and food in room 203." I nodded and went to staff room first and then I took 5 packets of condoms and then I went in the kitchen to take the dinner. I head for the room 203. When I reached room 203 I knocked at the door and no one replied. I waited and heard some loud moaning from inside. I knocked again and no reply. I waited for ten minutes and then the door open a guy was standing in front of me. He was nearly thirty years old and he smiled, "Sorry we were about to reach the climax. " I smiled and shook my head, "Don't worry sir. "

"Come on daddy. "

I heard a familiar seductive voice from inside he turned to look at the woman and looking at her my face colors fade away. It was no one other than Laura. The girl I love a lot. The girl who showed me a green garden. The daughter of this hotel's owner and my friend's sister. I look at that man and in anger I punched at his face hard and his nose start bleeding.

She start screaming and called someone. I didn't let go of that man and keep on punching him until some people held me from behind and dragged me out of there. They called the police and got me arrested.

I was in the jail. My mother came to visit me at 12 o clock in the night and she started crying. I was so ashamed of myself. I failed her. I failed myself. She is here in police station because of me. She assures me that tomorrow I will be out of here and then I will go to my father. I had no reason to say no now.

Next day at my father's call I was released on bail and I went home. When I came home my mother hugs me with love and told me she already packed my bags and I have a flight in three hours. I was so ashamed of myself and I didn't try to say anything and just nodded. I went in my room and got dressed and head for the airport to start a new part of my life.



I was doing the dusting of the tv lounge and I was waiting for Dave and Vincent. I once saw Vincent picture in Dave's phone. He was a cute little boy. I don't know how he looks like now but I am positive. The wind was playing with my hair through window. I heard Dave's car parked outside of the house. I ran to door to open it before he could knock. I open the door and Dave came inside with bright smile, "Hey sweetie. " I hug him back and greet him and behind him I saw a boy nearly 18. He was not like the little boy from picture. He is handsome and damn attractive.

I mind slap myself and smile to him, "Hello, I am Chelsea. I am your sister. " I show him my hand to shake but instead of shaking my hand back he put his bag's strap at my hand and walk passing me inside saying, "You are not my sister. " Dave yells at him, "Vincent what the hell is your problem? say sorry to your step sister. " He just give a blank stare to Dave but keep his mouth shut. My mother walk out of the kitchen and kiss Dave with love and looking at Vincent she smile, "How are you son? " He replied more coldly this time, "I am not your son woman. " Dave held him by his collar and move him back and forth, "Have you totally lost your mind? She is my wife you are talking like that jerk. "

I never heard Dave yelling at anyone before that was something new to me. Vincent took his bag from me and asks me about his room and I took him upstairs with me to show him his room. We turned my study room into his room.

I was sitting in the dining hall watching TV. He really misbehaved with my mother and me. If he doesn't consider us his family then why did he even come here? If he has come here as a part of the family then he has to behave like one as well.

Mother was cooking and Dave was outside washing his car and I was watching TV and Vincent is in his room. He has been in his room since he came home. My mother came out of the kitchen and while serving the dinner she said, "Chelsea dear, go and call your brother for dinner." I look at her feeling awkward and replied, "He is not my brother and is that necessary for me to call him?" She folds her arms and nodded. I stand up because I don't want my mother to feel bad that I am not listening to her.

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