


Chapter One

When Tragedy Creeps In

Shirley's POV

"No!!!" I shouted, shivering as I looked at the remains of what used to be my family home, my voice echoed through the entire neighbourhood.The fire consumed everything, they were all left in pieces.

"Why did you have to leave me? Mum, Dad, Why?" I asked as I knelt down, head bowed, my hand covering my face.

"Shirley, darling", I heard a voice from a distance coming towards me. I turned to see my neighbour, Mr and Mrs Johnson, coming to bear me up, their eyes filled with compassion.

"Shirley. I'm so sorry.We didn't see the smoke in the air in time, when we did, everything was gone.We managed to put the fire out so it will not destroy other houses around." Mr Johnson explained. Mrs Johnson pulled me up to herself and held me close in a tight, warm embrace.

"But why? This pain is to much for me to bear. I have no one left, nothing left." I cried on her shoulders.

"I'm so sorry, Shirley. I was relieved when I learned you weren't in the house. At least we have your beautiful face to behold to remember your lovely parents. You have to be strong for them." She encouraged. I couldn't hold back the outburst of tears.

"You are going to be fine, We are here for you." Mr Johnson said as he joined in the hug.

As they let go, Mrs Johnson squeezed my hand gently. "You're stronger than you think, Shirley. And remember, you're not alone. We're here for you, no matter what."

I nodded knowing that I had to be strong.I had to birth something out of the pain. I had to find a way to rebuild my life, to honor the memory of my family but the emptiness in my heart seemed to grow with each passing moment.

"Thank you", I said, wiping off the tears from my face.

"Let's go home, Shirley", She said.

"I'm sorry, I just want some time alone. I'll join you later." I replied.

"Are you sure?", Mr. Johnson asked.

"Please don't hurt yourself.", Mrs. Johnson added.

"I'll be fine. Just want to take a stroll to clear my head." I explained.

"We'll be waiting for you.", Mrs Johnson said, trying to smile.

My head felt heavy, too heavy as though I had something on it. I shut my eyes wishing it was a dream but it wasn't after all. I walked aimlessly through a park, seeking solace in the solitude. It was getting dark so the whole place was quiet. I felt tired and sat on a bench.

Someone came to sit beside me, as I raised my head to look, I saw my dad's face and I passed out.

"Are you okay?" I was the next thing I heard.It was masculine voice filled with genuine concern.

I opened my eyes to see myself in a hospital with a nurse and another tall, handsome young man with a commanding presence. His piercing blue eyes locked with mine, and I couldn't tear my gaze away.

"Who are you? Where am I?", I asked.

"How are you?"He asked.

"I'm fine. Why am I here?"

"Are you sure?" He said, looking more concerned.

I forced a weak smile. "I'll be fine. Everything just feels like a dream."

"I understand. You passed out at the park when you saw me.Sometimes, life can be cruel. But it's during our darkest moments that we discover our true strength." ,he responded.

I looked at him, "And who are you? Why do you care?"

He chuckled softly, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. "My name is Allen Brown. And I care because...I just care. And you are beautiful, a beauty that can't be extinguished by tragedy. I need to get you out of here. You have been discharged. Where do you stay? I can take you home."

I blinked, unsure of how to respond.

Allen's eyes searched mine for a response.

"I don't have a home. It was a fire accident. Everyone was consumed by the fire except me because I wasn't home at that time. I've lost everything."

As I spoke, my voice began to shake so I stopped talking.

"I don't know what it feels like to be in this state but I know you are going through a lot and I'm sorry about what happened." He responded.

I didn't say a word to prevent the tears gathered in my eyes from falling.

"What if I asked you to come to my house, will you?",He asked.

"No, I won't. You are a stranger."I replied.

"At least you know my name but I don't even know yours."He replied.

"Shirley, My name is Shirley"

"OK Shirley, So where are you going to stay tonight?"

"My neighbour's. They'll be worried sick if I don't come there tonight."

"I'll take you there then." He replied.

"Thank you."

I got into his luxury car and we began to drive to the Johnson's home. As we got closer, Allen noticed a car following us.

"Do you know that person?", he asked.

"No, I don't.", I replied.

"That car has been following us for a while. I think your life might be in danger. The person who orchestrated your parent's death may just be after your life as well. I'm sorry Shirley but I can't take you to your neighbor's home."

"Really?", I gasped.

Before Allen could respond, his tires were targeted to be shot. Allen skillfully dodged it, turned and increased his speed. It was already very dark and that path was quite lonely. My heart kept beating really fast.

"Drive faster!", I shouted.

"I'm trying!"

Allen seemed to know how to escape attacks like this so we manage to miss them.

We finally got to a safer place.

"Are you hungry?" Allen asked.

"I don't know how I feel. I'm tired of all of these already. "

"I'm so sorry, Shirley. You'll need to eat and rest. Then calm your head to think about where to start life from."

"Thank you."

I said, looking straight into Allen's eyes. He looked tough yet so compassionate.

"Shirley, What if I have a proposition for you?"

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued and wary at the same time. "What kind of proposition?"

He took a deep breath, as if gathering his thoughts. "I need an heir, someone to carry on my family's legacy. I know you have been through so much already but I want you to help me just as I am willing to help you."

I felt a lump forming in my throat. Was he suggesting what I thought he was?

"I'm willing to offer you a substantial sum of money," Allen continued, his voice steady. "In return, all I ask is that you bear my child. We don't need to get married, once the child is born, we can part ways amicably and I pay you to start off life once again."

I stared at him, my mind spinning. This was so far from anything I had ever imagined. But the promise of financial stability, of a chance to rebuild my life, was tempting.

Yet, the morals instilled in me by my parents whispered.

"I can't, I'm sorry." I responded.

The whole place became really quiet and Allen felt disappointed.

"Is that why you helped me? You can as well drop me on the streets, I'll be fine." I continued.

"You are helpless and miserable Shirley. Let me help you." Allen shouted.

I felt goose bumps as I turned to look at him.

"Could I really bring a child into the world under these circumstances?", I asked with tears in my eyes. Allen didn't respond.

"This is not a decision to be taken lightly," I continued, my voice trembling. "I've never thought of having a child out of wedlock. It's not even an option."

He nodded without saying a word.

Allen took me to his house and I was sleepless all night. I tossed and turned, my mind consumed by my loss and the idea of accepting Allen's proposition. On one hand, it would provide me with financial stability and a chance to rebuild what I had lost. On the other hand, it felt like a betrayal to the memory of my parents, to the love they had taught me.

The next day, I decided to talk to Allen.

"Thank you so much for help. I'm deeply grateful and I'm sorry if I offended you in any way", I started.

"You're welcome", he said as he took a sip of coffee.

"The truth is, I cannot have a baby without being married first.", I continued.

"What if I am offering to pay you more to marry you, then you have the child and afterwards we get divorced. My dear, love is a luxury I can't afford at the moment. Think about what this could mean for us.For you,financial stability, a chance to rebuild your life, and for me, a child. Isn't that what we've both been longing for?", He said coldly.

"But a marriage built on lies and deceit... Is that the kind of foundation you want for your child?" I asked, my voice laced with doubt.

Allen's smile twisted into a thin line. "Shirley, sometimes in life, we have to make difficult choices. I can provide for you, protect you, and ensure our child's well-being. Isn't that worth considering?"

"Okay," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I'll do it. But we go through with this plan, and we stick to the agreed terms. No more, no less.", I felt a weight in my heart that I wanted to burst into tears. If my parents were here, I would not have been in this mess.

"Of course, Shirley. We have an agreement, and I assure you, I will uphold my end of the bargain." He responded as his face lit up with joy.

Doubts gnawed at my conscience, questioning my decision. Was this the right path to take? What had I truly signed myself up for?


Being Lured In

Shirley's POV

We began to prepare for the wedding. I could not help but feel guilty through it all.

"Allen, I need to be sure about something," I began, my voice quivering . "What happens after our child is born? Will you truly go through with the divorce?"

"Shirley, trust me when I say that I will do everything in my power to ensure our child's future. As for the divorce, of course I will. You don't think I deceived you into marrying me , do you?"

"Oh no, I don't", I responded quickly.

"It's going to be a small, quiet wedding so don't be nervous.", He patted my back and walked away. Allen, though compassionate was a very cold man.

The day of the wedding came and as we exchanged our vows in a small court room, my heart raced with uncertainty and anticipation.We went home immediately after the wedding , into our separate rooms.

As I freshened up to sleep, I heard a knock at the door. I opened and Allen came in.

"Now that the wedding is over, we need to plan how you will have my child. Are you willing to go for natural conception?"

"Ewww….How is it that I didn't think about this?", I said feeling disgusted.

Allen laughed hard.

"Are you saying you ain't dying to let me touch you?", he teased.

"No!"I shouted and he laughed loud again.

"It's fine, Shirley, take your time."

As he left, I tried to imagine myself sleep with Allen but it felt so hard to let that happen. I decided not to think about it and just take my time as Allen advised.

But the thought of getting the whole deal over with linger. Not bearing an heir early enough will mean I will remain with Allen for more than a year which I didn't want to happen. So I decided to consummate the marriage that night.

I picked up my phone to call Allen and the moment he took the call, my heart skipped a beat.

"I'm ready now."

"It's barely 10 minutes since I left and you miss me already?", Allen mocked.

"No, I'm serious. I want you to get me pregnant tonight. I hope it works so we don't have to do this again until the baby is born.", I replied

"Shirley, are you sure?", he sounded more erious.

"Yes I am.", I said as I took in a long deep breath.

"Alright, I'll be there." He said.

My heart kept beating fast as I waited for him.The moment he came in, we didn't go on with the conversation as we both already knew what we wanted to do.

"It's all business", I thought as I let him in.

The moment we were done, Allen looked at me and asked

"Have you ever imagined this blossoming into something genuine?"

"No. I haven't and I don't want it to", I replied in a hurry.

"Why?", I asked.

"Nothing", he responded. "I just wish that I can have you here longer than agreed."

"I hope Allen isn't in love with me", I thought.

"But what about our agreement?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "Are you still committed to the path we set out on?"

Allen's eyes softened, revealing a vulnerability I had never seen before. "Shirley, I won't deny the conflict within me. Our agreement stands, and I won't let my personal emotions cloud my judgment. We made a promise, and I intend to honor it."

"Alright, you should go to your room now. I wish us success on this so we can celebrate." I faked a smile.

"Good night Shirley", he said.

"Good night Allen", I responded.

His words sent a wave of conflicting emotions crashing over me, fearing that giving in to emotions would only lead to further heartache. So I was determined to keep it formal.

As time went on, I caught his stolen glances and whispered conversations. But with each passing day, I built a wall to protect myself from falling.

Jason, Allen's brother moved into the house. He was friendly, lively and full of energy and I spent time with him more than I did with Allen as Jason was always in the house with me. Soon enough, a spark of emotions between us threatened to consume me entirely.

One evening, while playing video games with Jason, the atmosphere changed the moment his hands mistakenly touched me in a sensitive area.

"Shirley," Jason whispered, his voice a velvet caress. "You deserve more than this loveless marriage. Let me show you a world of passion and fulfillment."

I moved back, my voice trembling with both desire and apprehension.

"Jason, what we're doing is wrong. I can't betray Allen like this. I can't do this"

He reached out, his hand grazing my cheek in a desperate plea. "Shirley, I understand your reservations, but can't you see the fire that burns between us? We were meant to be together.."

I closed my eyes, feeling the pull of his words like a siren's call. Images of a life filled with passion and freedom danced in my mind, tempting me to surrender to the allure.

Jason reached out, his hand brushing against mine .

"Shirley, I understand the emptiness you feel."

He pulled me close to himself. I tried to turn around but he kissed my lips and I returned the kiss with fervor. And we found ourselves on bed.

Guilt and desire waged a battle within me the moment we were done. How had I allowed myself to be drawn into this forbidden affair?

The memories of stolen moments with Jason played like a movie reel in my mind—whispered conversations, stolen kisses, and the intoxicating touch of his hands against my skin. Allen's absence, consumed by his work, had created a void that Jason seemed all too willing to fill. But with every stolen encounter, the weight of betrayal pressed upon me.

"Shirley," he whispered, his voice laced with passion.

"Jason, We can't continue like this. This should never happen again We've betrayed not only Allen but also ourselves."

Tears welled up in my eyes , the weight of guilt heavy upon me.

"I never intended for things to go this far. But I feel so lost, so alone in this marriage. Allen is always consumed by work, and I couldn't resist the comfort you offered." I confessed.

"Allen doesn't deserve someone like you. I'm here for you,baby". He responded, refusing to give up on this entanglement. Jason and I found ourselves locked in a passionate embrace in front of his room. Our hearts raced, our bodies pressed together.

"Shirley? Are you there?", Allen's voice shattered the illusion of safety. "How did he enter the house without us realizing?"I thought as I froze, my heart seizing in my chest. Jason quickly let go of me and found a way to hide.

"Hi…Welcome. I didn't know you will be home so early today".

Allen kept his gaze on me. I felt so uncomfortable. Is it possible that he saw us?

"Shirley, what are you doing here ? Where is Jason?" He asked.

I didn't say a word. I stood there caught between fear and regret as I watched him leave. I have burnt up the only hope I had left. What would happen now? Could this be the end to everything I have dreamed? I realized myself and ran after Allen immediately.



Twist of Fate

Shirley's POV

"Shirley, what do you do when I'm not around?" Allen asked looking straight into my eyes. Jason stared at me too as we all sat together in the living room upstairs.

"Nothing" I responded quickly without looking into his eyes.

"You can't say nothing. So you just sit idle all day without talking or moving? That's impossible." He said , then turned to Jason.My heart began to beat very fast. What is he trying to investigate? Is he suspecting I and Jason?

"Jason,can you help check on Shirley anytime I'm absent?"

I looked at Jason and took a deep breath.

"I'm not a child, I'm fine." I responded.

"I know you are not a child, I just want to be sure you don't sit in your room crying and mourning your loved ones anytime I'm away. That would be unhealthy."

I looked into Allen's eyes and I could see how he cared about me sincerely.

The weight of my secret grew heavier with each passing day.Then my body began to change,I took a test and I discovered I was pregnant .Panic gripped me like a vice. I had to find a way to protect this secret, to ensure that the truth remained buried.

In my desperation, I devised a plan, a dangerous game of deception that would pin the pregnancy on Allen because I knew the pregnancy must be Jordan's. Unaware of the consequences that awaited me, I set my plan in motion .

"I can't believe you did this, Shirley!" Jason's voice pierced my heart. "How could you have let yourself get pregnant? You were supposed to be careful!"

I looked into his eyes, my own filled with tears and desperation. "Me? How do you mean, Jason? You started all of this. I never wanted things to turn out this way."

"How convenient that you sought to pin this child on Allen. You've underestimated me, my dear. I won't let you ruin everything."

My heart raced, and a cold sweat enveloped me as I tried to gather my thoughts. "Jason, please understand. I had no choice. I couldn't let our affair be exposed. It was the only way to protect us."

He sneered, his features twisted with a mix of scorn and malice.

"Protect us? You think you can manipulate me like this? You're a fool, Shirley. And I won't let you use this child as a pawn in your game."

Before I could respond, the door swung open, and Allen stood there, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene before him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Allen's voice thundered, his fists clenched at his sides. "Explain yourselves, now!"

I stumbled over my words, trying to find a way to salvage the situation, but the truth spilled forth, uncontrollable and damning. "Allen, please listen. I thought if I pinned the pregnancy on you, we could save our marriage. I was desperate, and I never meant for it to come to this."

His face contorted with a mixture of rage and heartbreak. "Save our marriage? Is this what it's come to, Shirley? Lies, manipulation, and betrayal? I never thought I would see the day when you could stoop so low."

Jason stepped forward, his voice dripping with venom. "She played us both, Allen. She used our desires against us. And now, it's time for her to face the consequences."

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I had lost everything—my family and now the future I had hoped to build.

In a fit of anger and betrayal, Allen cast me out of his life.

"Leave, Shirley. I never want to see you again."

Tears streamed down my face as I stumbled toward the door, my world crumbling around me. I had become a pawn in my own game, and the consequences were more devastating than I could have ever imagined.

As I stepped into the darkness, my heart heavy with regret, I had no idea what awaited me in the abyss of the unknown. The journey ahead was fraught with pain, redemption, and the glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to rebuild what was shattered beyond repair.

walked wearily along the crowded city streets, my footsteps heavy with exhaustion and my heart heavy with the weight of my circumstances. Each passing day seemed to blur into a blur of hardship and despair, leaving me feeling more pitiful than ever.

As the rain poured down relentlessly, I sought shelter in a dilapidated bus stop. Huddled there, drenched and shivering, I couldn't help but feel the weight of my loneliness pressing upon me.

It was in that moment of vulnerability that a stranger approached.

"Come with me", he said.

"Why should I?"I asked.

The next thing I saw was a gun pointing to my waist.

"Come with me now", he commanded.

As I walked with him quietly to where he was taking me to, a car packed in an isolated place I believe, I suddenly remembered what Allen told me the other time we were attacked. He taught me how to defend myself in case I was attacked so I decided to implement the strategy.

"Please, I am really pressed. Can you take me to where I can pee?", I summoned courage to ask.

He turned to look at me and hissed.

"What do you mean?"

The moment he turned to face me, I held his balls and pulled them hard.

He screamed and I took on my heels , hoping to find some place safer.

I found myself crossing paths with another unexpected companion. Sarah, a worker at a charity organization, had a warmth that radiated from within her.

"Are you okay? What's chasing you Madam?", she asked with so much concern.

"Help me, Help me", I said panting. "My life is in danger."

"Calm down, you are safe now.", She drew me into a warm hug.

I began to stay at the charity organization and Sarah took good care of me and my growing pregnancy.

One rainy afternoon, as we sat huddled under an awning, Sarah turned to me with a somber expression. "Shirley, I can see the pain in your eyes. I've been through my own share of hardships, and it breaks my heart to see you suffer. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Her genuine concern brought tears to my eyes, and I poured out my anguish, recounting the relentless battles I faced each day. Sarah listened intently, her compassion shining through her understanding eyes.

"Shirley, you are stronger than you realize," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "Together, we can find a way to lift you out of this pit of despair. Let's explore every avenue, leave no stone unturned, until we find a path to a better future for you and your baby."

Her words breathed a flicker of hope into my weary soul, reminding me that even in my most pitiful state, there were people who believed in me and were willing to stand by my side.

As the days stretched on, I encountered more individuals who extended their kindness to me. The owner of a small grocery store gave me a job stocking shelves, offering a glimmer of stability amidst the uncertainty. The elderly couple next door offered me a room to rent at an affordable price, a gesture that touched my heart and lessened the weight of my daily struggles.

In the depths of my pitiful existence, I discovered that compassion and empathy can weave a safety net beneath us, catching us when we stumble and reminding us that we are not alone. Though my circumstances remained challenging, the presence of these kind-hearted souls filled my days with fleeting moments of respite and reminded me that there was still goodness in the world.

So, I trudged forward, clinging to the thread of hope woven through the tapestry of my pitiful life. With each conversation, each act of kindness, and each shared burden, I moved closer to a future where the echoes of despair would be drowned out by the symphony of resilience and triumph.

As I tirelessly scrubbed the floors of the shopping mall, lost in my own thoughts, a familiar presence suddenly filled the air around me. I looked up, my heart skipping a beat as I saw Allen standing there, his eyes filled with a mix of guilt, regret, and something else I couldn't quite decipher.

"Shirley," he whispered, his voice heavy with emotion. "I never should have let you go. I've spent sleepless nights haunted by my mistakes, tormented by the thought of what we could have had."

I stood frozen, my eyes locked with his, unsure of how to react to his sudden reappearance in my life. The wounds of betrayal still fresh, the pain etched deep within my soul.

"What are you doing here, Allen?" I managed to say, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and vulnerability.

He took a step closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "I saw you, and my heart couldn't bear the weight of what I've done. I still love you, Shirley. And I want to make things right."

Tears welled up in my eyes as the floodgates of emotions burst open. The pain, the longing, the love that had been buried deep within my heart resurfaced, raw and untamed.

"You expect me to just forgive you?" I choked out, my voice laced with bitterness. "After all the lies, the betrayal, you think a few words will fix everything?"

Allen's eyes were filled with desperation as he reached out, gently grasping my trembling hands. "No, Shirley. I don't expect forgiveness. But I am willing to do whatever it takes to earn back your trust, to make amends for the pain I've caused. I want to be there for you and our child."

The mention of our child sent a jolt through my body, a reminder of the life growing within me, the innocent soul caught in the web of our tangled lives. I couldn't deny the longing within me, the flicker of hope that ignited at the thought of a second chance.

"But why now, Allen?" I asked, my voice filled with confusion. "Why didn't you fight for us before?"

He sighed, his grip on my hands tightening. "I was blind, Shirley. Consumed by my own ambitions and desires. But seeing you here, in this pitiful state, it opened my eyes to the truth. I can't let my past mistakes define our future. Let me make things right, let me be the partner and father that you deserve."

I gazed into his eyes, searching for sincerity, for any glimpse of the love we once shared. And as I looked deeper, I saw the flicker of regret, of a love that had never truly died. Could it be possible to forgive, to trust again?

A heavy silence hung between us, the weight of our shared history and uncertain future almost suffocating. But in that moment, a glimmer of hope sparked within me, a fragile flame that dared to believe in the possibility of redemption and love reclaimed.

"He used us, Shirley," Allen's voice seethed with a mix of rage and disbelief. "He played us like puppets in his twisted game."

I nodded, my voice trembling as I spoke. "I can't believe I fell for his lies, Allen. I thought he cared about us, about our happiness."

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I tried to make sense of it all. I had been so vulnerable, so desperate for stability and love. Jason took advantage of that, using me as a pawn to satisfy his own greed and envy.

"He won't get away with this," Allen's words were filled with a steely determination. "I'll find him, Shirley. I'll make sure he pays for what he's done."

I clung to Allen, seeking solace in his embrace. But deep down, a nagging fear lingered. What if Jason returned? What if he sought revenge against us for uncovering his true nature?

"Allen, what if he comes back?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. "What if he tries to harm us, or the baby?"

I stood beside me, my hand resting protectively over my belly, as if shielding my unborn child from the chaos that surrounded us. My eyes mirrored my own pain, my trust in Allen's family shattered like glass.

I nodded, my eyes filled with a mixture of fear. "But how, Jason? He's vanished without a trace. Why would he run away with such an amount? Where did he go? How do you get him to pay for everything he did?"

"Let's leave Jason for now. Let's talk about us. I'm so sorry. I know you hate me now but I care about you and the baby even if it's Jason's. I want to take you home. Our contract still stands and I promised to take care of you the whole period." Allen said feeling really sorry, full of regrets.

"I'm sorry, Allen. I can't go with you."

I knew I had to hide from Allen or else he'll keep coming to look for me. So I decided to go back to Mr and Mrs Jonathan, hoping their arms are still open to house me as they earlier promised.

"Shirley!", Mrs Jonathan screamed as she gave me a tight hug as I stood at the door.

"Where have you been? How do you feel?", She kept looking at me carefully, then she gasped, "You are pregnant?"

"Let her come in before you ask all those questions ", Mr. Jonathan said from inside as he approached us. He gave me a hug too and ushered me in.

"It's a long story, I'm so sorry that I didn't return that day as I promised.", I said crying, full of regrets.

"It's alright, Shirley. You are here with us now and we are a family. Take your time, whenever you want to tell us the whole story, we'll be ready to listen.", Mrs Jonathan put my head on her legs as I sobbed.

That night, as I laid on my head, I was restless and I felt pains all over. I decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water while I sit at the dining but something got my attention. My father's coat was hanging on Mr. Jonathan's backyard. I sat it through the window and I tiptoe outside.I took the coat and in it I saw was almost made me pass out.

Could Mr. Jonathan be responsible for my father's death?